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Nasty Chair Hogs Exist!


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Its a shame that this rude habit has infected cruise ships. It seems to be something that is very common in hotels around Europe as a European myself I'm sorry to report. It causes no end of ill feeling and hostility. Some guests even place the towels on the sunbeds the night before!!

There are now some hotels that have adopted a system of allocating a particular sunbed to each guest on check-in so that there is no arguing. I just find it selfish and childish. I heard of someone who got so fed up with it at the hotel they were staying, that they got up early and threw all the towels that were on the sunbeds, into the pool:eek:

Yes it is disappointing if you can't get a sunbed and particularly if you have young children who you have to keep an eye on in the pool-they have my full support, but why anyone else should HAVE to be right near it is beyond me.

I don't look for stress on holiday and having a sunbed right in the thick of things is not top of my list. I would much rather choose one further away and have bit of peace and quiet, but my kids are old enough now to take care of themselves :).

I'm glad to see staff on board ship taking action against this rude habit..Good on you.


Thanks for this post. I would suggest they (parents who need to keep an eye on the kids) do like parents did in the "old days". Fold up a towel and sit on the edge of the pool with their feet in the water to keep them cool.

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Disneyqueen - we never use the loungers round the pool. We have more than enough sun here in Malta so lazing in the sun is the last thing we look for while on holiday.

However, you say it's common in European hotels. Doesn't it happen in American hotels ? Just wondering because the vast majority of passengers on NCL ships aren't Europeans so the chair hogs most probably are not Europeans.

Anyway, chair hogging (????) is such a sore problem that I really think all cruise ships should have a couple of pool boys just going round checking out these infamous hoggers (????) and removing their towels. And if needs be making them pay the deposit of those towels too.

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I'm not a lounge chair hog - don't see the point in sunbathing all day long when there is so much else to do on a cruise ship, but I must confess to being a "bar stool" hog, oh and a "table hog" near the bar on deck! :D Sorry! But I would share my table if you asked!:)

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I'm not a lounge chair hog - don't see the point in sunbathing all day long when there is so much else to do on a cruise ship, but I must confess to being a "bar stool" hog, oh and a "table hog" near the bar on deck! :D Sorry! But I would share my table if you asked!:)


I'm with you. Not much for lying out in the sun. Love, love, love the tables in the shade around the pool though. They're great for watching all the action around the pool, eating lunch while not having to balance your plate, and quick dips in the pool. Like you, I will share my table if someone needs a spot.



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We're early risers - up, fed and sitting out at the pool by 8:30 AM. DH can't take much sun and by 11 AM at the latest we're out of there. Like Zone once we decide to leave I start looking for "roamers" (pax wandering around searching for a lounger) and then casually go over, let them know we're leaving and ask them to follow me for the chair hand-off:).

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I'm with you. Not much for lying out in the sun. Love, love, love the tables in the shade around the pool though. They're great for watching all the action around the pool, eating lunch while not having to balance your plate, and quick dips in the pool. Like you, I will share my table if someone needs a spot.




Yeah, I've seen some great funny moments from those tables in the shade!:) The too big men in too small speedos, the too big women in too small bikinis (don't they have mirrors?), the "lounge chair hog fights" as my husband and I call them, lots of funny stuff happening by the pool! :)

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It was a sea day and the weather was beautiful. In a matter of 10 minutes we ran into a huge storm. Needless to say the chair hogs came back to soaking wet towels. Too funny.... I too will sit on a chair with a towel and if someone returns (which has never happened) I would just move on as I don't really need a confrontation on vacation and I've probably been there long enough anyway.

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Let me see if I ahve this correctly. If a person throws some towels on several chairs, and then doesn't occuppy them for a while, that is a chair hog, but if a family who has been using some chairs all morning, gets up and goes to a restaurant for lunch, just leaving towels on the chairs, they aren't chair hogs??? why doesn't this sound right to me??


I agree that if a chair isn't occuppied for a certain period of time, say 1/2 hour, then they should be fair game. You want to maintain those chairs, then leave a few people there to protect them.


I agree that it's a bit of a misnomer, since usually when we think of someone 'hogging' something, we picture them using it for longer than 'their turn' and not sharing. 'Chair hogs', however are NOT using the chairs - but still doing everything in their power to prevent others from using them - because they do intend to use them 'at some point' - or not, but just in case they want to, they believe they're entitled to the option.


We all know that there are a limited number of chairs by the pool, and I think we're all okay with the 'first come first served' idea. The chairs are for sitting/lying on, and nobody cares how long someone is using one, as long as it's actually being used; it's this selfish 'you can't have it even when I'm not using it' attitude that angers people.


I agree with you completely about leaving actual humans on your chairs if you want to maintain them. If you're going to be gone more than half an hour, though, I still expect there to be one chair per person being used/maintained. The half hour isn't just a 'reasonable time', it's the rule set forth by the cruise line and posted visibly around the area. If it weren't posted, I don't think anyone would be able to get away with removing towels or other personal items.


I LOVED reading the first post!! I would love to meet those girls and buy them a drink - one they could consume rather than wear. :)

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My cruise is to Alaska, so I'm assuming I won't have to deal with this issue. But I was just thinking that if I saw a chair with a clean ship towel sitting there, I'd just sit right down and act like it's mine. How can they prove it's theirs?

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If someone deliberately threw water on me, I would consider it to be an assault and I would certainly notify someone in authority. Am I the only one? I'm sure a witty remark is the more diplomatic way to go, but I'm not sure I could manage that.


I'm afraid I'd call a bar attendant over and ask them to call security and have the water throwers arrested for assault! Those girls deserve a medal!!


I don't sun bathe or use the lounge chairs but I like the window tables to enjoy my DOD or 3 and people watch and I always invite others to join me.

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how much? I would be willing to bet she offer a couple a bucks. Saving that many chairs all day is just wrong. How often were ALL those people even there.


I am amazed at the people that think the most important part of a cruise is laying out by the pool all day. I am thinking the local Hampton Inn would be a lot cheaper! LOL!!!


Me, too. It's noisy and too hot. I've been in the pool once in all my cruises. I will gladly pay for a balcony cabin. That said, DH likes to sit out and bake by the pool.



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My cruise is to Alaska, so I'm assuming I won't have to deal with this issue. But I was just thinking that if I saw a chair with a clean ship towel sitting there, I'd just sit right down and act like it's mine. How can they prove it's theirs?


You will have the problem in Alaska when going through scenic areas. We had it in Norway when going through the fjords and I don't think the pool was even open on our ship.



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If someone deliberately threw water on me, I would consider it to be an assault and I would certainly notify someone in authority. Am I the only one? I'm sure a witty remark is the more diplomatic way to go, but I'm not sure I could manage that.


God love those girls because had it been me that had the water had been thrown on I would have insisted security do something about that as it is assualt. Thats what I hope I would do at least. My gut feeling is I probably would have ended up in the brig from picking up their coveted chair and beating her/him/them with it as hard as I could until someone pulled me off of him/her/them.


Its a shame that this rude habit has infected cruise ships. It seems to be something that is very common in hotels around Europe as a European myself I'm sorry to report. It causes no end of ill feeling and hostility. Some guests even place the towels on the sunbeds the night before!!

There are now some hotels that have adopted a system of allocating a particular sunbed to each guest on check-in so that there is no arguing. I just find it selfish and childish. I heard of someone who got so fed up with it at the hotel they were staying, that they got up early and threw all the towels that were on the sunbeds, into the pool:eek:

Yes it is disappointing if you can't get a sunbed and particularly if you have young children who you have to keep an eye on in the pool-they have my full support, but why anyone else should HAVE to be right near it is beyond me.

I don't look for stress on holiday and having a sunbed right in the thick of things is not top of my list. I would much rather choose one further away and have bit of peace and quiet, but my kids are old enough now to take care of themselves :).

I'm glad to see staff on board ship taking action against this rude habit..Good on you.


It's sad that no matter where it happens it happens because those people have no consideration for anyone but themselves. They feel they are better than anyone else and the only thing that matters is them.

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My cruise is to Alaska, so I'm assuming I won't have to deal with this issue. But I was just thinking that if I saw a chair with a clean ship towel sitting there, I'd just sit right down and act like it's mine. How can they prove it's theirs?


Don't be too sure. Those same people just move location and put their books on all the the best window seats. Try and get a seat in the buffet at lunch with all the window tables saved with one person sitting there :mad:

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I think the whole issue of "chair hogs" points out a side of people that is funny, if not disturbing.


Even in the most crowded situation, there are more available chairs on deck than there are people who occupy them.


You'll often see stacks of unused chairs. So why is there a problem? Because everyone wants to be close to the pool, or within sight of the "action". That is silly!


There is an entire ship to enjoy and the distance to the pool is not that great no matter where you are.


As for the "action" - if you like seeing the antics that they put on, and the cheesy live music, I really don't know why. It really gets old.

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I like to believe I have mellowed as I have gotten older and I am not the hot head at 46 that I was at 26.


I have gotten pretty good too. I don't let fools like line cutters and chair hogs even faze me anymore. I let a lot roll off my back these days and actually laugh at these fools.


But I think getting water thrown at me could definately summon the old demons pretty quick.

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I think the whole issue of "chair hogs" points out a side of people that is funny, if not disturbing.


Even in the most crowded situation, there are more available chairs on deck than there are people who occupy them.


You'll often see stacks of unused chairs. So why is there a problem? Because everyone wants to be close to the pool, or within sight of the "action". That is silly!


There is an entire ship to enjoy and the distance to the pool is not that great no matter where you are.


As for the "action" - if you like seeing the antics that they put on, and the cheesy live music, I really don't know why. It really gets old.


You are absolutely right!!!!!!!!!!


As long as I have a lounge chair in the sun, I want it as far away as possible from running, screaming ,splashing people

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I like to believe I have mellowed as I have gotten older and I am not the hot head at 46 that I was at 26.


I have gotten pretty good too. I don't let fools like line cutters and chair hogs even faze me anymore. I let a lot roll off my back these days and actually laugh at these fools.


But I think getting water thrown at me could definately summon the old demons pretty quick.


I'm with you. I go a little further, too... I often feel a twinge of pity for them. :p I just can't help but think that they couldn't possibly enjoy life as much as I do.


I wish I could say that I would have thought as quickly as those girls did, but I'm not sure I can... my husband would have, though. He's very quick witted. On the other hand, I may have been lying there thinking of pithy remarks, knowing that there was a confrontation in my future... I doubt I would have anticipated a thrown drink, though! I'll bet it really did feel good, though... :)

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I'm with you. I go a little further, too... I often feel a twinge of pity for them. :p I just can't help but think that they couldn't possibly enjoy life as much as I do.


I wish I could say that I would have thought as quickly as those girls did, but I'm not sure I can... my husband would have, though. He's very quick witted. On the other hand, I may have been lying there thinking of pithy remarks, knowing that there was a confrontation in my future... I doubt I would have anticipated a thrown drink, though! I'll bet it really did feel good, though... :)




*LOL* I have been blessed (or cursed depending how you look at it with a quick wit and a smart mouth. At times it has either helped me make the best of a bad situation or made it worse.

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I am a little confused. If I encounter a situation which clearly broadcasts "chair hog." I hang around for 30 minutes, then clear the towels off the chairs myself. Am I the only one who does not hesitate to do this?


Of course, I get the expected rude comments when and if the hogs show up, but I just shrug my shoulders and keep reading.




You're not the only one...but I wait 45 minutes. I think the cruise lines should rent chairs or cabanas so that those who choose to come late can do so if they would like to pay a premium for premium chairs. I know that we would pay for a cabana...but I can hear the feedback now from the people who paid $500/pp for a week and only eat at the fee-free restaurants about "nickle and diming".

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Disneyqueen - we never use the loungers round the pool. We have more than enough sun here in Malta so lazing in the sun is the last thing we look for while on holiday.

However, you say it's common in European hotels. Doesn't it happen in American hotels ? Just wondering because the vast majority of passengers on NCL ships aren't Europeans so the chair hogs most probably are not Europeans.




We've been to the US several times and strangely enough we've never encountered 'chair hogs' there. We've not encountered Queue jumpers either. We gave up going to Disneyland Paris because we got so fed up with the rude people who seem to go there. Whilst we were waiting for a parade to start in Main Street, we saw an elderly lady nearly pushed to the ground by a 'European' who didn't want to come early to reserve a spot and tried to push this lady out of her spot instead:eek:.

Also the queue jumping at breakfast was beyond a joke too.


We did encounter a similar problem in Disney World Florida, but sadly the lady who was doing the pushing turned out to be British:(

I'm sure that there are these kinds of people everywhere, but I have only encountered this kind of behaviour in Europe so far. I don't mean to tar all Europeans with the same brush,especially being one myself:D


We are visiting Malta on our forthcoming cruise and looking forward to it, never been there before. A work colleague of mine said its the best place he's ever been on holiday.

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yes this is what I do as well...if they aren't back within 30 minutes, tough luck! it doesn't take much longer than that to grab drink or food if needed or possible bathroom break.


i am not very tolerable of the chair hogs...not courteous to other travelers at all.


But, would you object or mind if I was to "hog" a chaise lounge all day? That is, I'd be relaxing in the lounge all day long.

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