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What shocked you the most

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I was in the Mariner hot tub last year, quitely minding my own business, when this lady turned up with a huge bucket of fries and onion rings and placed them by the side of the tub.


We were so shocked at the lack of couth in bringing greasy food near the hot tub! So to avoid a scene, I decided the best thing would be to eat em up. I offered her my drink in fair exchange. Smiles all round!:)





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On our Voyager trip we watched a Bridal party board after their wedding in Ocho Rios and they chose to eat in the Windjammer (the mother-of-the-bride decked out in her finery was not amused :eek:).


A few hours later we were sat on the Promenade and the bride raced past us in tears followed by the bridesmaid trying desperately to consol her.


A couple of hours after that whilst in the casino we walked past the groom and that very same bridesmaid and their embrace left nothing to the imagination :eek::D

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Gosh some of these are really funny but some are quite scary



Also, I broke my leg very badly last year and it hasn't healed well, leaving me still really struggling with stairs. On our cruise in April, I was 'told off' by an elderly lady for only using the lift for one floor. She turned to her husband, when I had just pressed the button and said 'isn't it amazing how lazy some people are that they can't even walk down one flight of stairs' and then proceeded to glare straight at me. Now, I know I don't look like I have a physical problem, apart from a small limp, but this just shows that you shouldn't judge people unless you know the full story.


It take all kinds !!



In a case like that, you should have pushed all the buttons to stop at all the floors just before exiting the lift. Next, turn to them and say, Have a nice day!:rolleyes:

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Hopefully it wasn't the first day boarding :eek:


I think it was the 2nd stop. We were in Cozumel and supposed to leave at a certain time in the evening. However we were alittle late leaving. Alot of people were late to board to get back on the ship. Including the drunk lady.


That would be a rough start to do that on the first day boarding. :eek:

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We also had the lady with her "dummy" on Enchantment (Majesty?). She brought it everywhere, including formal dinner--he was wearing a tux! I know other people on here have seen her. I thought she might be part of the entertainment crew, but she wasn't!

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Was this followed by shouts of "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry" :)


Actually, security was there in short order. They were removed from the dining room kicking, punching, pulling hair, and screaming the whole way.


We were met by ship officers apologizing for the incident. We got galley tours, bridge tours, free drinks at dinner, etc.


It was probably the best we were treated on any of our cruises.


The last night, the women were back at the dining room table together.


The waiter passed out the menus, started to take orders, the bell rang and round two started.

I could almost hear Howard Cosell yelling " Down goes Frasier, Down goes Fraiser, Down goes Frasier".:rolleyes:

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I'd have had that guy arrested for assault. Seriously - harming a child for a bus seat!?!


I can name w episodes that were rude that we dealt with that still lingers in my mind.


Both were on Disney. Go figure, right? lol


The first one was actually after the cruise but it was all Disney guests attempting to get in line for the bus back to the hotel, Radisson at the Port. After waiting more than 30 minutes we (4 of us) would be some of the last on the next bus. This man came up and threw my 10 yo son on the ground in order to pass us and get his family in front of us. I mean he threw him. I am not saying accidently pushed him. I am saying I was so pissed off if my son would not have been hurt I think I would have decked him and I am only 5'4" and weight 110lb. He had just came from the ship as we had been waiting there for more than 30 minutes and he just came up and made the comment he refuses to wait in line and then threw my son with his hands to the ground. My son had both knees bloodied and the A$$ hole never said one word nor did his family. Everyone in the crows got really quiet and were in shock. Needless to say when the bus came his family was taken and we did not get on. They could only take 2 more and we had 4. I still get upset thinking of this. My husband refused to say anything to him because the man had children and he refused to allow me to say anything. I am glad now that I did not because there were many children present and what would have come out of my mouth would not have been ladylike.


The other was on a short 3 day Disney cruise that DH and I took without the kids. DH took me for my birthday so I could have Palo Chocolate Souffle on my birthday. It is really to die for. Anyways, as soon as we boarded we noticed, as did many others, a woman and her 2 preteens on board. She was something. Not in a good way either. You know how at times you just see someone and can tell they think they are much better than anyone else on the planet? Well this is the type person she was. It is really funny because at the goofy pool on embarkment date we got in a conversation with 2 other couples about this lady. She just was rude. Everything about her was rude. I am not talking just the way she presented herself. She walked rudely. As in cutting line and people off and not once thinking she should apologize. She talked to several of the crew in front of us and the other 2 couples very rudely as if she thought she was much better than them and they were below her. Well that night at dinner guess who was at our table? Yeah, the woman and her 2 preteens. Actually upon entering the diningroom and heading to our table we saw her yelling at a server, not the head server or even Matre D. Just a server. We thought it was funny because she was yelling because her table was for a 8 and she refused to sit with anyone else. I have to say as we approached our table and saw the kids and put 2 and 2 together we were relieved she was moving. The children would not even look at us as we sat down. They were already sitting at the table. DH tried to talk with them and they turned their eyes to the table. I believe that is taking "no talking to strangers" to a new level.


Many of us saw this lady and the kids thru out the 3 day cruise and you could over hear everyone talking about her. Not in a good way either. It is pretty said because she was a very pretty lady with a nice figure. I guess some things just go to ones head.

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Ahhh, Port Liberty. We were in a cab coming back from dropping rentals at the airport, there was a limo that had been trying to line jump for miles. The friend in the cab with me, an native New Yorker, and the limo driver got in a full blown in-your-face screaming match and then the limo driver almost ran him down. Thought we were going to miss the ship while I bailed him out of jail.



Well I have two things:

First when disembarking in Bayonne, the "friendly" port traffic man told us to double park and quickly load our things. As we jumped into our car, some other car almost rear ended us, so we blew our horn. That must have triggered something in "friendly" port traffic man, because he started yelling at us, telling us to get the F*** out of here! (even though he was the one who told us to park there)


Second thing was on the EOS and I was waiting to go to the restroom outside studio B. A woman was on her cell phone yelling at whomever it was in vulgar, vulgar language, and just wouldnt stop. I just listened, fortunately my kids werent around. Someone finally told her to tone it down, and she politely returned "Mind your own F**** business"


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If you were on Explorer of the Seas in 2006 then you will know the whole story.

My memorable experience was one of the male members of the groups sunning himself by the pool in his 'tighty-whitey' briefs. and then he got up and went to the poolside shower.....ok, you know what white briefs look like when they are wet!

of the lady that let her 3 year old son pee into the pool...just drop your drawers and show mama how you can pee!

of the Russian ladies who filled up their purses and shopping bags with fruit from the Windjammer....did they think that we were going to run out of fruit?

and here are the ladies!



jeff :p

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in regards to that jerk who manhandled that little boy..... His parents were right not to take action. you can never tell what may happen. Personally, i would have been on my cell phone calling 911 and making sure that jerko got a nice long vacation, compliments of the state of Texas. its called injury to a child and it is a felony.


I agree with you -the police should have been called. He clearly deserves some "manners classes" compliments of cell block 3.


The MOST shocking thing that happened is watching my parents (married 50 years) on the Love and Marriage show. I learned far more than I ever wanted to know!!!! :eek: Years of therapy might help :cool:


On my last cruise there was a bleach blonde female who was probably 40. She was completely wasted the whole cruise and thought she was sexy. She literally had a crowd gathered around her in the Prominade watching her dance. (Kind of like watching a train wreck) She had no idea they were all laughing at her. In the night club she would go up to people and "grind." I saw security send her to her cabin at least 3 times!

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On I think Brilliance or Radiance, my DH, sister and husband and my dad and I were seated at a table for 8. Another couple joined us. They were from Texas and my sister and husband lived there at the time. The husband was in his early 60's and a really nice man. The wife was in her 50's, but thought she was in her 30's.


The husband was kind of quiet but she was the total opposite. She didn't meet a photographer that she didn't love. She primped before each picture by flipping her hair and lowering her top so that the pendant she bought for herself would show as well as some cleavage.


We felt a little awkward in that all the rest of us were family, but still we tried to include them in our conversations and didn't make it seem like they were outsiders. She talked about how she was this and she was that. Her husband never said a word.


The last formal night the photographers came around to take a picture of the people at the table. She primped as usual, hair flying, top pulled down, pendant all straight. The photographer said you have to move over a bit and told some of us to get behind her. Well, you would have thought we asked her to commit murder, lol. The look on her face was a shock. But, not like the shock on our faces when she said "I don't know any of these people well enough to have MY picture taken with them."


I had to hide my face because I was laughing so hard. She was sooooooooooooooo pompous. I am sure she is still cruising as she reminded us many times that she is Diamond Plus, but now so are my husband and I.


Every time the photographer comes 'round, I think of her and get a good laugh.

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On our last cruise, I was in line at the breakfast buffet, waiting my turn patiently, when a young lad about 5 or 6 years of age came up and stood in front of me. He just stood there and stared at me. I smiled at him, and he said, "You look like a stupid idiot!" I thought I had certainly misunderstood him. I said, "What did you say, sweetie?" He repeated, "You look like a stupid idiot."

I just tried to ignore him. His father then came over and took him away. I shared with my husband and friends at breakfast what had happened while I was in line. I told them it really made for a great way to start the morning. Since I am a retired teacher, I felt like I was back in the classroom. We all had a good laugh!:D As we were finishing breakfast, I saw the father and son come into our area of the dining room. He pointed to me and made the son come to my table and apologize. I just figure the lad is some dear teacher's nightmare. SO GLAD I AM LOVING RETIREMENT!

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On our last cruise, I was in line at the breakfast buffet, waiting my turn patiently, when a young lad about 5 or 6 years of age came up and stood in front of me. He just stood there and stared at me. I smiled at him, and he said, "You look like a stupid idiot!"


As we were finishing breakfast, I saw the father and son come into our area of the dining room. He pointed to me and made the son come to my table and apologize.


For a minute I thought you were going to say the father was the one who had sent him up to say that to you in the first place! Maybe there's hope for the kid...

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A year and a half ago DH and I were on the Westerdam in the Southern Caribbean. Our cabin was 6049, one of the ones with the slanted balcony so I could look aft as well as straight out to sea.


One morning I was on the balcony enjoying the view when I looked down a couple of decks and aft just a bit and got another view entirely. There was a man enjoying the morning sun in his altogether. I had to look several times to make sure. I even went inside and told my husband and then of course went back for another look!:eek::D


The guy had no clue I was around.

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These are hilarious!!!!


Sorry I keep posting, but I was also on Brilliance, and as I've posted before, we had originally booked the Smith's cabin, but then changed it once we found out, for fear of gawkers. Sure enough, we ended up down the hall, and this sweet elderly couple ended up in their room. People would knock on their door day and night to ask if they could come in and look in the room and take pictures of the balcony! The couple didn't know what the fuss was about until someone told them, then they put a note on the door on the third night politely asking people not to bother them. I couldn't believe that people made special trips just to see this room!

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We were on one of the inaugural cruises of the Jubilee back in the early 80's. Right off we noticed two older ladies who dressed to the nines every night. I am talking long, designer dresses, dripping in diamonds. I'm sure they had had a lot of "maintenance" work done because they reeked elegance and glamor. Accompanying them were two very handsome young men in their 20's or early 30's who were "partners" and I don't mean dancing. They wore tuxes every night. We surmised that the "ladies from Tulsa" (somehow we found out where they were from--oil money) had met them at Arthur Murray's dance studio because anytime a band was playing for dancing, they were there and expert dancers. They even entered the talent show.


On the last night, my boys had nagged at me to take them to the midnight buffet which I had been promising to do but never got around to it. On the way back to the cabin, I decided to swing through a lounge to see if my in-laws were there having a night-cap. It took me a few minutes to adjust my eyes to the darkness. Once adjusted and looking around for my relatives, I saw that the only people there were the ladies from Tulsa and their escorts dancing up a storm with a band that definitely looked like they wanted to go home. After watching them dance for a few minutes, the band struck up "Just a Gigolo" and I guess they got the hint because they left mid-number. It was difficult explaining to an 8 year old why I was laughing so hard.


Tucker in Texas

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The 'Infamous Monarch Cruise' May '07.:rolleyes: Many things happened on that cruise. Just ask Merion Mom, Rubbrick, or Critterchick. LOL


Final night in Bolero's, when they did still have dueling piano players.


One very drunk young woman took a fancy to one of the piano players, and started dancing, cavorting, and was strewn over his piano. We all knew she was wearing a thong, let's put it that way.:eek: Everyone was transfixed, watching this woman.


When the players were done, I noticed said woman at the bar, crying. Now one of my jobs is helping victims of crime and trauma. I see someone crying, I'm there. I try to help. It's going well. She is extremely drunk. All of a sudden she looks at me and says, "You're beautiful. Kiss me on the lips." :eek:


Well, I'm not into THAT, so I say no. She says, "Well F*** You then!" and pushes me. I'm little, and not expecting it, so I go flying.


After that, I didn't much care what happened to her.:rolleyes:

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Probably the young drunk rowdies loudly using the "C" word in the dining room. My friend from NYC promptly went over and asked them to knock it off or he make their voyage very memorable (not quite in those words) . We never saw them again in the dining room.

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We were on one of the inaugural cruises of the Jubilee back in the early 80's. Right off we noticed two older ladies who dressed to the nines every night. I am talking long, designer dresses, dripping in diamonds. I'm sure they had had a lot of "maintenance" work done because they reeked elegance and glamor. Accompanying them were two very handsome young men in their 20's or early 30's who were "partners" and I don't mean dancing. They wore tuxes every night. We surmised that the "ladies from Tulsa" (somehow we found out where they were from--oil money) had met them at Arthur Murray's dance studio because anytime a band was playing for dancing, they were there and expert dancers. They even entered the talent show.


On the last night, my boys had nagged at me to take them to the midnight buffet which I had been promising to do but never got around to it. On the way back to the cabin, I decided to swing through a lounge to see if my in-laws were there having a night-cap. It took me a few minutes to adjust my eyes to the darkness. Once adjusted and looking around for my relatives, I saw that the only people there were the ladies from Tulsa and their escorts dancing up a storm with a band that definitely looked like they wanted to go home. After watching them dance for a few minutes, the band struck up "Just a Gigolo" and I guess they got the hint because they left mid-number. It was difficult explaining to an 8 year old why I was laughing so hard.


Tucker in Texas





That is funny


Reminds me of a story about a White House State Dinner years ago.


Queen Elizabeth was visiting the US and at one point was staying at the White House (Gerald Ford was president) There was a huge black tie dinner in her honor and of course a band for dancing afterwards.


During the course of the evening President Ford got up and asked the Queen to dance. Nice friendly gesture and a great photo op.


Of course the band has a set list of songs they do in a certain order and have no idea when who will be danceing with who.


But as the President escorted her majesty to the floor and began danceing, the band strikes up "Thats Why The Lady is a Tramp"

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SeaUs are you sailing September 19th on Liberty? Are you interested in joining the meet and mingle?


I have sailed on Grandeur, but that was in 2005!


That's an easy one.

It would be the lap dance someone got from his significant other on the Grandeur. She had on a T back and performed on the pool deck in front of the playing steel band and everyone on that deck and on the overlooking deck. Not a person missed it.

They later were picked as contestants on the Love and Marriage Show. All you heard was whispering, "she's the one".

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i know this might be a stupid questions but i have to ask, what is the "smith's room"?


That would be the room where George Allen Smith fell off the balcony to his death on his honeymoon back in 2005. This was a big story at the time as there were allegations that it was actually a murder. No one has ever been charged.

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