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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Hi Ladies!


Wow... I don't even know where to start! SOOO much positive going on here! I love this energy!


Misty~ Girl, you know you don't have to stay away when things are tough, but I think we all understand that feeling. Getting back on track is the important part. And you know you have lots of support here! Altering my schedule played hell with me, too. I think that was the hardest thing for me. Congrats on the great DD Monday! That must mean today's a DD, too.... hope it's going well! Thanks for asking about my daughter's therapy. Things haven't gone great as far as her interacting with the new therapist, BUT that's kind of good. The biggest problem we've had in the past is she turns on the little angel switch for the counselors and they just don't really "get" what goes on. Olivia's showing her ugly side to this new therapist. I'm so thankful for that because it's the only way we'll get help. Our therapist also teaches a parenting class (Love and Logic) that I'm taking on Monday nights. I'm only 2 weeks in, but it's really helping me sort things out in my mind and relinquish the control I've tried to have over things I can't control. If that makes any sense.... So... long answer to your question, things are still very bad, but I have a bit of hope with the new therapist. The sauce I mentioned is in the aisle with the Asian foods, right with the teriyaki and soy sauce. I checked the label for you true JUDDD gals and it only has 30 cals per Tbl! I take chicken thighs (you could use breasts if you like them better) and cut them up into bite sized pieces. Once the chicken is almost cooked, I drizzle that sauce on it (a Tbl would be plenty for one piece of chicken) then cover it and let it really cook onto the chicken. Then cook it on there just a little bit past done and the sugars in the sauce will carmelize and that's what makes it really really yummy! You don't have to put any oil or spray or anything in the pan.


Nora~ GREAT job on the weigh-in! You've got to be doing a little happy dance for that! Love that ugly line, too! haha


Tammy~ I'm with the others... the people that say that stuff are just RUDE! And I definitely understand where you're coming from. I used to be (don't laugh, ladies) a program director at Jenny Craig. At first I wondered why these "thin" ladies wanted to lose weight. But I learned quickly that weight and size is so different for different people, whether it's body image or just how comfortable we are walking around. So I say, good for you for doing this!!!! Sounds like a good UD... love the dinner/cookies! LMAO!!! Sounds like my kind of UD! I peek at the scales sometimes mid-week, too. Sometimes I regret it, of course. haha Great job so far... off to a great start!


Jennie~ I love Chinese Food, too. I'd probably already be at my ideal weight without it!


Susan~ You could always add a protein bar or cereal bar or something to your UD to get to the minimum. It'll keep you full, but you'll still know you made a good food choice, which will help the psychological part.


Krystal~ Whoohooooo! Great job!


Sorry if I've left anything out... my lunch break is over, so back to work. I'm doing some more training for this new job assignment this afternoon. Looking forward to learning more new stuff! Everyone have a great day!


And if I haven't said it in a while... I'm so thankful for this group. :)

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Hi Gals-

Krystal- Congrats on the weigh in!


I have new food find. I bought Jello pudding mousse. It is only 60 calories and boy is it good. I tried the caramel flavor very decadent. So keep that in mind for DDs.


Elizabeth- You still with us? Love to hear from you.


Looks like everyone is doing well.


Tammy- I agree I am very happy to have this group to chat with.


I will write more tomorrow.


Have a good night!


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Well, today was an UP day and I ate a more "normal" diet today. I had OJ, oatmeal, and plain yogurt (which I LOVE!) for breakfast, egg salad sandwich on whole grain bread for lunch, and Progresso Hearty Tomato soup with saltines for dinner. I don't know the calorie count (didn't bother to try adding it up) but I'm sure it's higher than I was doing my last up day and yet I don't feel guilty! Tomorrow is down, so it's back to the Advantage drinks. I originally planned to do my downs on Mon, Wed, and Fri, but then decided to do a strict alternation for the first two weeks til my Advantage drinks are all gone, then switch to getting my 500 calories from "real" food.


I really appreciate all the tips, hints and kind words of support from everyone here. And many congratulations to all those are are continuing to lose!

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well guys today was my down day and I didnt do to well :(

I ate 485 worth of calories but my sugar level got so low, I was shaking then blacked out then got a bad migraine, wound up in bed for 5 hours...lil one made me bite her cupcake and eat a piece of her bacon..lol..she is such a good mommy ;)

It was a scary day so..I am gonna have to stop doing this diet..I will go back on weight watchers on Monday and just eat the minimum I can and let myself free on the weekends

Hubby doesnt want me to diet but supports me until I get sick then he says enough :o

Krystal congrats on the weight loss! Keep up the great work guys :)

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Tammylyne - I'm so sorry you are having such a bad time! Yep, passing out is not good. I think this diet is probably not a good idea for anyone who has blood sugar issues. I wish you much success with weight watchers! It's a good eating plan.


Susan - what you ate on your UD looks good. No reason to feel guilty about eating on an UD - that's what this plan is all about.


Nora - I love the Jello Pudding Mousse, although I haven't tried the caramel flavor yet.


Tammy - I'm so glad to hear that you have some hope about your daughter's treatment. I love the Love and Logic approach. I'm still looking for the mandarin sauce around here. What store did you buy it at?


Well, I'm just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Nothing much to report from me. Hope everyone has a good week.



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Hi all!

Just checking in for the second week....even though I don't have much to report, stayed the same weight (had an extra UD). Think I will change my weigh in day to Saturday. Not really how I had hoped, but at least I'm holding. Have a little over 6 weeks left til my cruise so maybe I can get to my goal of losing 15# by then. (EVEN though I need to lose much more, we all have to have short term goals.)


Nora - I want to try that mousse. I am going to look for it at the store.


Misty - The K2O water I use is Strawberry Kiwi. I mix it in water. Good girl for hanging in here.


Well, this has been an extremely LONG week for a 4 day work week. Last night we were under severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings. No damage here, but nearby towns were hard hit. Today's an UD for me and I am going to do better for my DD tomorrow. Have a good day!


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Good morning, ladies. Successful DD#2 under my belt, yay! I think I may finally be getting back in the swing of things.


Susan ~ Sounds like your UD meals are very reasonable and healthy! I haven't been able to master that concept yet. For example, I just had 3 chocolate chip waffles for breakfast. :o But in my defense, I probably won't eat lunch now. So you're doing only the shakes on DDs? How's that working? Keeping you satisfied?


Tammy ~ I'd like to echo your sentiments about being thankful for this group (evergrowing that it is!)! I find myself talking about you gals to my hubby, and when I do, I'll refer to you as "one of my JUDDD buddies." lol ~~ I remembered you saying that your daughter acted out in front of this therapist at the very first meeting. I'm glad to hear that this therapist is getting the whole picture and therefore should be able to help you guys more. Remind me, how old is Olivia?~~I'm definitely looking for the sauce as soon as I can get out and go to the grocery store. I can't stand grocery shopping on DDs, but now that today is an UD, it's all rainy and yucky out, and I hate trying to juggle groceries and Lexi in the rain. I noticed you mentioned that you checked out the calorie count for "us true JUDDD gals"... Are you not JUDDDing anymore?


Nora ~ Sounds like South Beach is treating you well! Way to go! And thanks for the tip on the Jello mousse. I'll be scoping it out at the grocery store as well.


Jennie ~ This is probably going to come out all wrong, but I was so relieved to read your post about taking time off for the holidays that lasted until August... It somehow makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one who's stumbled. Thank you for sharing that!!! Good for you for not doing that this year!


Tammylyne ~ I'm sorry this diet isn't going to work for you. I agree that it can't be good for anyone with blood sugar issues. I wish you success with whatever you choose.


Sue ~ Are you always weighing after a DD? I'll have to give the strawberry kiwi a try. The pink lemonade is getting kinda old.


Sorry if I missed anyone...


Speaking of missing someone, Elizabeth, we miss you!



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Misty, the shakes are fine for me. As I said, I'm not a big eater at meals, but my downfalls are snacking and bread. My favorite snack is two pieces of toast with peanut butter....not exactly low-cal or low-carb! I also like things that are crunchy and salty, like pretzels and crackers...though I'm not at all fond of potato chips, thankfully. So a shake for a meal is no problem. In fact, so far today (11:10 a.m.) all I've had is a glass of V-8 juice and I'm fine.


I'd like to try the K2O waters...I'll look for them today when I go look for the new Jello mousses! I saw them advertised on TV and they look yummy!

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Do y'all have room for a lurker??? My name is Michelle and I have been reading the posts since Misty first posted on Aug. 6th. I have to say, this is a great group! I am in desperate need of losing weight and am having a terrible time getting started. I am starting WW but using JUDDDD. Please tell me this makes since!!?? I agree with the concept of alternating days with calories but find it easier to use points, since I have been on WW in the past and I know the plan works, I just didn't work the plan. This concept, of course, is not on the WW site, but there is a website that explains how to use alternating points. It makes sense to me to keep your body guessing so there is no plateau.

A little about me. I am 43, married, 2 daughters ages 22 and 25, am a grandmother to a 20 month old beautiful little boy(the center of my universe!!) and have a daughter getting married in Oct. I don't know if I can give my profession as I am in the Travel industry and I don't want them to delete my post!! I've never had a weight problem until I reached my mid 30's. Now, OMG!!! what happened! I am 5'4 and weigh over 200lbs. Unbelievable!! I have a friend that I walk with 5 days a week,(just started) for 45 min a day.

If I don't need to be on this post please tell me. I mainly just like to read(lurk) and get tips and information from others that know what they are doing!!

Anyway, sorry this is so long. It feels to good to vent, which is why we are here, right?? I feel like I know each and every one of you!


Have a great day and take care,



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Nora ~ CONGRATULATIONS! THAT'S SO AWESOME! I'm tickled to death for you! Woo-hoo! Go, Nora! Go, Nora! :)


Michelle ~ You absolutely should post here! I don't think a single one of us does JUDDD without some sort of tweak. I think there may even be a couple here who have moved on to another whole diet plan but still post on this thread, and that's perfectly fine, too! We're all just here for support and encouragement, regardless. I can totally see where WW and JUDDD could work together. I wish you much success! Welcome to our awesome little group! :)

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YAY Nora!! We knew you'd pass. Now you can really celebrate on your cruise (as if you needed a reason to celebrate on a cruise!).:)


By the way, I just bought some of those jello mousses...I bought the dark chocolate and ate one already! It was REALLY good! Thanks for the tip!

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Hi, my name is Ellen and I have been reading this thread for the past two days. My cruise is March 19 on the Equinox 10 day Caribbean. I was looking for some desperately needed motivation and found it here.

I have tried Atkins in the past, but the last time I suffered with the diet I was on it for three weeks in November I did not lose 1 pound. My husband lost 10 or more!


I have started my first DD today after Misty's advice to check the website instead of the book. (Thanks) I do want to ask you a couple of questions about success on the plan.


1. The website said during the first 2 weeks or induction, you are only to drink shakes on DD. Not to equal over 500 calories. How many of you started like this? Suggestions?


2. According to the calculations on the site, I should eat 1959 calories on UD and 397 on DD to lose at 20% or the highest weight loss mode.

How realistic is this? Calories on UD seem too high and can I really do the 397 on DD?


Any help or advice would be appreciated, you have become such a great support to one another and I wouldlove to join your group

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Welcome, Ellen! Didn't we used to have an Ellen a while back? Wonder what ever happened to her? Hmmm... I digress. To answer your questions:


1. I did the shakes only thing on DDs for about 2 of them. I found that I could not get or stay satisfied with shakes alone. Dr. J explains that the reason he suggests this is that most people grossly underestimate their calorie intake. So what I did was to eat only foods with calories listed on a label and MEASURE EVERYTHING! For those first couple of weeks, I would have a shake around noon, then a fake chicken patty (Morningstar Farms) for supper (140 cal. each). I felt SO much better when I ate something.


2. Those UD calories are worthless. That number doesn't mean a thing, as Dr. J explains. I don't know why he even puts them on there. You do not have to consume that number. On the flipside, though, some people can consume well over that number and still lose. As for your DD number, if it was me, I would shoot for 397 calories/day. Plan your meals/snacks to equal 397. HOWEVER, give yourself that extra 100 on particularly hard DDs. For me, half the battle is psychological; knowing that extra 100 calories is there if you need it may help tremendously. You may find that more often than not, you need 500 calories on DDs, though. I usually bump that 500 calorie limit myself.


Hope this helps!



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Misty - How do I find out more information? I have been doing calorie king for the last few weeks and finding it very difficult. Those voices in my head are telling me to eat!!!!!!


I kinda like the idea of the up and down days, but sounds really difficult. How can I find out more about this diet?

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Way to go, Nora!! I know it feels good to not have to worry about that test anymore.


Welcome, Michelle and Ellen, and Bethwana too!


Michelle - I think most of us are tweaking the plan to make it work for us. Different diets work for different people. I'm interested in seeing how the blend between WW an JUDDD works out. Hopefully it works out really well for you! You and I are about the same age, and I'm looking forward to being a grandmother one of these days (although my kids are younger than yours - 20 and 17 - so not anytime soon).


Ellen - sounds like you are off to a good start. Where's the website where you got all the information. I have found a little bit of info on the internet, but have mostly been winging it. I'm interested in seeing how many calories it tells me to eat on up days. My down days are usually around 500 calories. I wonder if it would help if I kept it under 400.


Have a good weekend everybody!

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Thanks Misty for your advice.

I did take you ladies up on your previous advice and did not drink my first shake until after 12:30. That one was 140 calories, I am trying to not eat after 7:00pm any day (something I decided to do before I chose which diet) so I had my second shake, a muscle milk light (horrid consistency, ugh) which was 100 calories at 6:45. Took me 15 minutes to get it down. That leaves me at 240 for my first DD. I will probably take the other advice of going to bed early to avoid hunger pangs.


I really hope this works for my metabolism that is why I am trying it. I turned 50 :( on the 10th of this month and have been having metabolism issues for the past 3 years. The dr cant find anything wrong, says I am healthy, have not entered menopause and said keep up what I am doing, cause I look really healthy and my bloodwork is great! Let there so upset. I have gained 20 pounds in the past year. Could not even change the scale with walking 6 miles a day and working out at curves 3 times a week faithfully for months.


I broke my foot in September and was in a walking boot for 3 months. So no exercise and free eating- now I am paying for it!


I better stop my complaining- I hope this works for me and want to again thank all of you for this thread. So nice to think I already know you from reading your posts this week. Glad to make new friends!


As soon as I figure out how to add the lists of past cruises and countdowns I will post it with my posts.:)

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I’m almost done with my first week on JDDDD and I really like it! Like I said, I’ve tried the alternate day diet with nothing to eat on DDs and I found that I would actually stay awake until midnight so I could eat on my UD ASAP. Being able to eat 500 cals on DDs is like heaven.


I’ve been making up 500 calorie “boxes” the night before so I’m ready for my DD. It seems to work well so far. I did have a problem yesterday because I had to go shopping at Costco. Someone should figure out an average calorie count for a trip through the “Costco Sample Gauntlet”. When I got home, I removed as many calories from my box as I thought I ate in sample so I was okay.


I’m using a calorie counting web site that’s really easy to use. http://www.my-calorie-counter.com It makes me feel in control when I can see the numbers and it makes me accountable.


I was checking back on a weight log I've been keeping and I discovered a pattern. 2-3 months before a cruise, my weight starts dropping. Motivation right? So after the cruise the weight starts climbing back up (with a big push from the midnight chocolate buffet). I really think, in order for us to all stay healthy, we need to go on a cruises every three months! Shouldn’t that be worked into our national health plan? Just a thought. :o

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Bethwana and Jennie ~ The main site that has all the good info and the calorie calculator is http://www.johnsonupdaydowndaydiet.com You'll find most of what you need to know about this diet from that site. You can also buy the book, which goes into a lot of the science behind this diet.


Ellen ~ I hope this diet is what your metabolism needs to get jump-started again. I've always had a compromised metabolism and have had to diet all my life, literally. I put on 85 lbs. in the 7 years my husband and I have been together. I lost 50 of them back in 2006-2007, but then I got pregnant and gained 55. I so envy thin people who can still eat what they want!


Vickie ~ You posted that you would stay up until midnight to start your UD... You may already be aware, but with this particular plan, your DD is technically supposed to last 36 hours, and thus does not start at midnight. So say it's an UD. Whatever time you stop eating on this UD (in the pm) is the time you can begin "eating normally" again on your next UD (in the am.) Geez, that made no sense huh? Okay, UD, you have supper at 7 and don't eat anything else for the rest of that day. Technically, your DD begins when you stop eating (let's say 7:30), lasts all that night, all the next day, all that night, and then stops at 7:30 the morning of your next UD, making it a 36 hour DD. Dr. J explains in his book the purpose of the 36 hour DD. He explains not to go longer than 40 hours (I think it's 40..may be 45) or your body starts going into "starvation mode" which is exactly what this diet tries to avoid. Sorry if you already knew all that. :p Oh, and I'm all for your idea of cruises every 3 months! If only my budget would get on board, lol. :)

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I was comparing JDDDD to the Alternate Day Fast I was practicing before the holidays. It was a 24 hour fast. Water only. So technically, it was okay to eat at the end of 24 hours. I meant that the JDDDD diet was easier.


I'm going to do my first official weigh-in in the morning after this DD (I’ve peaked a couple times and like what I see).


I work at a hospital and have to work the night shift this weekend. You talk about going to bed early on DDs to make it easier. I have to stay up all night!

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Okay, here's my input for today. I'm going to continue with just shakes on DD until they're gone. I'm also going to try to stay at about 1200 calories on UD, which is the amount suggested for a normal weight loss diet.


B: 1 c. V-8 juice, 1 scrambled egg, 1 slice 15 grain whole grain toast, 1 T Smart Balance margarine = 316 calories

L: 1 c. Progresso Hearty Tomato soup, 1 low-carb wrap w/ 1 slice low-fat mozzarella cheese = 250 calories

S: 1 serving cup of those yummy new Jello Mousses = 60 calories

D: I'll be having a frozen meal of white meat turkey, stuffing, corn & green beans = 420 calories


Total calories for the day will be 1046 which is just short of my 1200 limit.


I did sneak onto the scale this morning after my DD yesterday and I haven't lost any more weight but at least I haven't gained either. My actual weekly weigh-in will be Sunday so hopefully I'll see some results then. I'm DETERMINED to lose the weight for my April cruise in 12 weeks.

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