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Adult Drink Package is Back


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It's a great idea but I can't see us getting ahead on the "at sea" days. I can drink w/the best of them, but $50 during just the evening? Ah, not so sure about that.


Ideally, I'd like to buy a drink card for the 3 "at sea" days @ $50/day pp. THAT would be worth it! My guess is we'd have to buy the card for the entire 7 days, right? Hmmmm.... then again...... $700 for all the booze we can drink during the cruise? I'd certainly like the option.



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Our -total- bill at the end of a 5 day cruise, with onboard ship purchases, shore excursions, etc etc. was $500. That was with having one drink each at night, and buying the soda card. Yeah - this is -not- for us. :)

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So a couple traveling on a 7-day cruise would spend $700 for this package? I don't think so! Goodness, my liver hurts justing thinking about it!


Here's what I wish they'd bring back: The buy-a-card-and-get-ten-punches type thing. You know what I mean: The card was worth ten drinks, and you could use them at any time throughout the cruise. THAT would encourage a " just one with dinner" drinker like me (and I don't think I'm unusual) to have a drink by the pool in the afternoon or to have a second drink with dinner. It would probably cause me to buy a few extra drinks, and I would feel good about "saving" with the card -- even though my final bill would be higher.

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So a couple traveling on a 7-day cruise would spend $700 for this package? I don't think so! Goodness, my liver hurts justing thinking about it!


Here's what I wish they'd bring back: The buy-a-card-and-get-ten-punches type thing. You know what I mean: The card was worth ten drinks, and you could use them at any time throughout the cruise. THAT would encourage a " just one with dinner" drinker like me (and I don't think I'm unusual) to have a drink by the pool in the afternoon or to have a second drink with dinner. It would probably cause me to buy a few extra drinks, and I would feel good about "saving" with the card -- even though my final bill would be higher.

I would do that too!!:p

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This card would be a great deal for my mother and I on our group cruise.. As a frequent rum-and-coke and latte drinker, I can easily blow through the cash (6-7 r-n-c's a day, 2-3 lattes a day, not to mention all the reg. coke). If the card also includes bottled water it would be PERFECT!

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This card would be a great deal for my mother and I on our group cruise.. As a frequent rum-and-coke and latte drinker, I can easily blow through the cash (6-7 r-n-c's a day, 2-3 lattes a day, not to mention all the reg. coke). If the card also includes bottled water it would be PERFECT!
I second that if they include bottled water. I love drinking water but I can't stand the taste of cruise tap water. So I always am sensitive to the pricey bottled water and never drink enough (one can only deal with so much lemonade and iced tea).


Anyway, I love water...and can't get enough of it. It kills me how expensive bottled water is on-board. $4.00 for a liter bottle? I'd go through that in a few minutes on a regular water-drinking day.


If anyone knows whether water is included, I'd love to know. Because I could easily drink that much in combined water, wine and cocktails over the course of a cruise.




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Ok, Let's take care of the negative first.


StillFrantic is, apparently, very frantic with worry. Don't be so frantic you aren't the one drinking it.


>>>>$50 a day?? That IS a lot of alcohol.<<


>>But that would be PER DAY, not per cruise. On a 7 night trip, you'd have to have 101 $3.50 drinks to save a little. That is A LOT of drinking for one person....this is RCI, not Carnival<<


Apparently, you're not only frantic with worry, you're so excited you've forgotten how to actually read the WHOLE post (with all those pesky details you seem to enjoy overlooking in your haste to ..ah, well, get yourself frantic.) and check for any subsequent posts from the OP, plus it appears that your math skills need a bit of a brushing up, too. :0 Strangely enough, you seem NOT to have lost the ability to insult? Oh well, I don't happen to agree with your point of view concerning Carnival Cruise Lines, not because I've ever actually cruised CCL, we haven't... we are platinum Crown & Anchor members on RCL, have taken 2 Costa Cruises, 1 HAL and 1 Celebrity, no, I disagree with you simply because I don't ever make sport out of looking my nose down on others, let alone a whole cruiselines worth. But, thank you anyway for the warm sentiment, Frantic.


Now, that out of the way...in no particular order....cei3 and Pumbaamd... no problems at Labadee.. was a fun day... and we heard no rumors, whatsoever, that we would encounter any.

My $.02 cents.. yes....if you are a couple and only one of you purchased the card, they would in fact take it and swipe it for 1 drink.


babs275... no... I don't know if this is being offered on all ships.. and, in fact, even during the sales pitch for the usual services that I explained about that are always present on the 1st day of the cruise, we never heard any actual anouncement at the time, we did hear the anouncement for the wine package...and we never saw this program mentioned in the daily compass, either.


FinelyCruising... LOL! We know EXACTLY what you mean... we keep our barbills/folio summary as souveniers! If it's any consolation, the actual charge does not show up on your folio either at the pursers desk or on RCTV for at least 3 or 4 days! And, believe it or not, that can be a fun thing in and of itself! Ya know, fingers crossed.... maybe they will Finally make a mistake in our favor! ;)


DonnaLuv2cruise... yes... it does include frozen drinks as long as the ingredients don't include top shelf, excluded liquor.... but, the same drink can be made using less than top shelf grade, you'll still get the same taste and flavor and it will taste identical... sorta like a generic version of a name brand drug... tastes the same, but cost less (again, another analogy)


PTanbay.... I will answer your question later... sorry to say that I started this post 3 hours ago and then had unexpected company and can not remember your question... and if I were to go back and find it in the thread I'd lose what I have so far written. If, by chance, your post/question was/had a negative tone, see above to StillFrantic. ;0





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"Plus, the guy who noticed the sign had a calculator with him, he quickly did some math.. all you needed to drink was 16 drinks at 3.50 each"


But that would be PER DAY, not per cruise. On a 7 night trip, you'd have to have 101 $3.50 drinks to save a little. That is A LOT of drinking for one person....this is RCI, not Carnival!:eek:



I must assume that either you are baiting us or you haven't read some of the posts regarding the amount of alcohol consumed by RCI cruisers. Believe me, Carnival does not have the market cornered on this by any means. Also, $3.50 is not the average price per drink on RCI (as far as I recall at least); $5 to $7 (plus tip) was normal.



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plus it appears that your math skills need a bit of a brushing up, too.
Nope, really, they don't. You said the guy with the calculator figured, what, 16 drinks at $3.50 to break even? I said on a 7 night cruise you'd need 101 drinks to save any money....check YOUR math....$50 a day X 7 days =$350. Figuring the amount you mentioned, $3.50 per drink, that is exactly 100 drinks to be even, thus 101 drinks to save a little. No, my math doesn't need brushing up. 50 x 7 =350 350 divided by 3.5 = 100 100+1 =101.:)


....and yes, I know, cruise drinks don't cost $3.50 each. I even did more math in a follow-up post.:)

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Actually at $6-9 a drink, I don't think it's a bad deal. On a cruise (not in real life), I'd have a "pretty drink" in the afternoon. I'd bring a martini to the room and sip it on the balcony before changing for late dining, join DH for a pre-dinner cocktail at one of the piano lounges. Enjoy 1-2 glasses of wine with dinner. Have an after dinner liqueur in the casino, or at the show. Go to a disco and enjoy 1-2 drinks there as well. Yikes, that's 8 drinks a day. It sounds like a lot, but over the course of the day, it happens! Do the math, the card is cheaper! I'll look forward to purchasing on our next cruise - are they offered on AOS 7-nighter?

At $6 a drink, you just paid RCI $2 more/day than you had to. Your plan is neat, but I think if the average person drank that much for 7 days straight, they'd be pretty sick. Not too mention that you are suggesting that you would have 7 drinks from the time you started getting ready for dinner until you where finished for the night. You are going to be feeling pretty good by the end of the night.


RCI should have an open bar policy. The money they would spend on the free drinks they would save 10 fold on the number of meals people missed because they were in their cabin bowing to the porcelain gods.


Oh well, each to their own.

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I agree with EMc and think this is great.


We (2 adults) DRINK on our cruises and have a good time. A typical day is 15 beers, 4 glasses of wine, 3 drinks and 4 after dinner drinks. At that at an average of $4.00 per drink, we are at $104.00. Looks like I am saving money. And no, I do not get sick.


My math does suck, so someone needs to check me.


EMc, this is a revilation for us and hope it is available on or upcoming cruise!!!!

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<<<If anyone knows whether water is included, I'd love to know. Because I could easily drink that much in combined water, wine and cocktails over the course of a cruise.>>>


Yes, it is, Esther! I completely forgot about the bottled water! Except from the mini-bar/fridge in your cabin....have your stateroom attendant remove the contents and fill with bottled water you get from anywhere else on the ship.

Look how easy it would be to go through 57.50 per day.....
1 bottle of wine at dinner....24.00 (not a wine drinker so don't know how much it cost per glass, I'm guessing at least 5.00?)
2 bottles of water at 4.00 each.... 8.00
1 cup of cofee at Lattitudes...2.25
2 martini's...at 7.00 each...14.00
1 frozen drink by the pool..5.50
1 bloody mary (drink of the day)... 3.50
24.00 + 8.00 = 32.00
32.00 + 2.25 = 34.25
34.25 + 14.00 = 48.25
48.25 + 5.50 = 53.75
53.75 + 3.50 = 57.25
so, say you had 2 glasses of wine at dinner....instead of the bottle, that would leave 14.00... add another cup of coffee (at 2.25 that's just plain old regular coffee, not a specialty coffee), now you've got 11.75...throw in 2 more bottles of water and you have 3.75 left...have 1 beer, (domestic, not imported beer) and I don't think you'd have any change coming! :0

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OMG!!! That is a LOT of drinking!!! As a HUGE drinker myself, I am humbly bowing to you!!!

I'm not a beer drinker at all, so my first thought was "how can they have that much time to drink, cuz I'd be in the ladies room about 40 times after 7 .5 beers!!"

Our bar bill the last 7 day WITHOUT the kids was $1900. Guess I shouldn't really brag about that... ha-ha...
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>>>I agree with EMc and think this is great.

EMc, this is a revilation for us and hope it is available on or upcoming cruise!!!!<<<

My $.02, I hope it is, too. Remember, now... even though it was for sale in the Schooner Bar (not sure what ship you are going on, but head to the place, whereever that may be on your ship, that has all the 1st day sales pitches with the tables set up) and the cruise staff had michrophones announcing the various things/packages for sale, they never announced this....like I said, if it hadn't been for our friend I wouldn't have known about it, either. We like to drink, too. We're on a cruise, for cripes sake! We go once a year and have an absolute blast, every time! Hope your upcoming cruise is fantastic for you and your hubby.

LoriLinay....LOL! See, you spent 1,900.00 and that was a 7 dayer! Last year our barbill was 1,700.....for 11 days on the Brilliance... so, we saved 425.00 with this card!

Kitty1... yes, you do have to purchase the whole package... 7 day cruise, 7 day package...

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Si if it's $50 a day on a bak to back that would work out at.......$700 which would be about....on average £415 for 2 weeks drinking......that would be a great deal.

But then again me and my friend would only be 18, IF it does happen would they let us have it (with mums permission) as we both drink wine and beer and lots of water!! lol

If not I know mum would love the drinks card anyway lol!

Hope they do bring it out!!!!

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[quote name='EMc']
Yes, it is, Esther! I completely forgot about the bottled water! Except from the mini-bar/fridge in your cabin....have your stateroom attendant remove the contents and fill with bottled water you get from anywhere else on the ship.
[/QUOTE]OK, I'm sold. I could easily go through four of those bottles every day...especially in warmer weather. So $16 of those every day. Plus I love those frou-frou cocktails, wine at dinner and of course a couple of shots. Great info, thanks for sharing!

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>>>Oh, I must add that our bar tab when the kids were with us, was $200. Those kids are really putting a damper on my fun, aren't they?<<

LMAO! LoriLinay! Too friggin' funny! Have a great next cruise, hope we cross cruiseship paths, sometime. I'd buy you a drink... heck, a couple a drinks! :0

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If one person buys the card, is it a big problem for both people to drink? My wife drinks a good deal but I hardly drink, i'm not going to spend the money for both of us but it seems like it would be a good deal for one of us to get it and just go up to the bar twice or something like that. Is that a possibility? I understand that at dinner it would be obvious, but I can do without drinking at dinner. what about at the disco or something, if my wife went up once and got a drink, can she go up 2 minutes later and get another one? Also, what if she were to get a coke and a drink at dinner? Does that cause a problem?
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Buying one card and using for more than one person...that's called cheating. So the "problem" lies in are you a cheater? I am absolutely sure that any number of folks can and will make arguments as to why this would be okay. So ultimately it comes down to "am I willing to cheat?" Just because you can do something, get away with it doesn't mean you should.
Just my thoughts...
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This sounds like a good deal. A couple of Margaritas, a bottle of wine with dinner, a bottle of wine with dinner, some expressos, and some drinks in the disco. It could be worth it.
We usually get the wine package with dinner. RCCL would be losing my wine package business. I would still get the soda cards for the kids though but it doesn't seem cost effective for RCCL. Hope it's true though...
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