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Has your cabin smelled like smoke when boarding?


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Insult smokers? Me? No. Sorry you took it that way. I was a smoker. Its just sad that everyone knows that smoking kills and being around smoke kills. Yet some smokers think its a right (which it isn't, by the way, it's a privilege) to subject others to those dangers. Rules say it's ok? Yeah, well, just because the rules allow it doesn't mean its right. Rules also allow bartenders to serve liquor to pregnant folks. Rules allow 8 year olds to stay at home alone. Doens't mean it's right. The fact remins that both smokers and non smokers can enjoy the same places when noone is smoking there. That cannot be said when someone is smoking.


And you can only speak for yourself and not all non-smokers. Feel free to keep that in mind.

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That's pretty unfortunate that you can't enjoy an evening out because you just gotta have those cigarettes inside the building. :rolleyes: I just hope that your health remains and you don't end up with the unfortunate health effects that hit the smokers later in life (COPD, Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis). If that does occur, however, atleast you'll see what all those taxes were collected for (911, ER visits, hospital use). Hopefully, none of your employees end up with any of those health issues either. Oh well, if they don't like it they can just get another job. Right?


And keep in mind that smoking is just legal drug addiction.


And addicts will say and do about anything to justify their addiction.


Which may be why we will sometimes enter a cabin reeking of smoke.

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And keep in mind that smoking is just legal drug addiction.


And addicts will say and do about anything to justify their addiction.


Actually, they don't have to justify because it's not illegal. Whether or not it's immoral is subject to one's own morality. Please feel free not to apply your morals to me. I won't apply mine to you.

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I'm an ex smoker and I probably would enjoy a cabin that smelled like cigarettes. However, I think Carnival does an excellent job in that area.


I'm curious and not trying to be funny.. For asthmatics do other strong odors cause attacks? Perfume? Grass (the kind you mow) Cooking Odors? I can understand breathing in smoke can cause a problem but if it is just a smell wouldn't all smells have the same result? Do you think maybe it a reaction to the odor itself causing your mind to think it should have an attack?


Yes, perfumes, grasses, peanuts, cooking odors are all asthma triggers if you are the unfortunate one who has these allergies. I am a respiratory therapist and have to treat these people/children who are affected. Sometimes it can be life threatening.

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Insult smokers? Me? No. Sorry you took it that way. I was a smoker. Its just sad that everyone knows that smoking kills and being around smoke kills. Yet some smokers think its a right (which it isn't, by the way, it's a privilege) to subject others to those dangers. Rules say it's ok? Yeah, well, just because the rules allow it doesn't mean its right. Rules also allow bartenders to serve liquor to pregnant folks. Rules allow 8 year olds to stay at home alone. Doens't mean it's right. The fact remins that both smokers and non smokers can enjoy the same places when noone is smoking there. That cannot be said when someone is smoking.

See, there you go again. Insulting me by thinking I'm too stupid to see you going off on a tangent again.


Smoking is allowed, in cabins, on the balconies, and in certain areas inside and out of the ship. This is NOT up for debate, it's a fact. If you don't like it, sail one of those lines that has no smoking areas. But save the lectures for people who want to hear a reformed smoker talk about how great she thinks she is now.

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See, there you go again. Insulting me by thinking I'm too stupid to see you going off on a tangent again.


Smoking is allowed, in cabins, on the balconies, and in certain areas inside and out of the ship. This is NOT up for debate, it's a fact. If you don't like it, sail one of those lines that has no smoking areas. But save the lectures for people who want to hear a reformed smoker talk about how great she thinks she is now.


Hear, hear!


And while she at it, she can invest in the multitude of air freshening products available these days. Apparently there's an epidemic of smelly houses in the US. Perhaps that's a more worthy subject for a tangent.

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See, there you go again. Insulting me by thinking I'm too stupid to see you going off on a tangent again.


Smoking is allowed, in cabins, on the balconies, and in certain areas inside and out of the ship. This is NOT up for debate, it's a fact. If you don't like it, sail one of those lines that has no smoking areas. But save the lectures for people who want to hear a reformed smoker talk about how great she thinks she is now.


Bravo! And YES, you hit the bottom line. Period!

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Im not a smoker. also never smelled smoke in any of my cabins. I also think Carnival does a great job "stripping " them down and keeping them clean.


They air out all the rooms after every cruise and pretty much remove all the linens, towels which are cleaned and replaced. I could understand if possibly the odor was lingering in the drapes or carpet, but I cant imagine it being that much of a difference, but then again I am not sensitive to the smell. I always pack a can of lysol in my bag and first thing I do it spray all the knobs, counter tops, and primary things I am touching in the cabin. Ok I might be a little compulsive, but it is mostly to kill any past cold, flu, or who knows what from the last guests.


Chances are (and I am not trying to be rude here) you were smelling that smoke before you even made it to the port. perhaps subconciously since it is something you look for because of health reasons with a family member.


try packing the disenfective spray. It couldnt hurt and could be assisting with other allergies that could be causing reactions, while you are thinking it could be the smoke. Also I would give a good SPRAY right up into the vents as im sure the stewarts dont clean them out on a regular basis.


Good Luck. I hope you have a fresh stateroom on your next cruise so it doesnt hinder your vacation at all.

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Well, to adress the OP's original question, yes, we encountered a strong smoke scent in our cabin on our Spirit cruise last year. We had propped open the balcony door and the steward asked what was wrong. He actually told us that they had replaced the carpet in the room just before we boarded-he told us the previous couple were heavy smokers and they had to replace the carpet and drapes. He ended up washing the ceiling and bringing in one of those ozone machines. It did help, but not 100%.


I figure it's just a matter of time before Carnival and most cruise lines ban smoking in the cabins (like most hotels these days). I can't wait.

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I've never had a problem on any cruise about smoke smell in my cabin. But I think I would have a problem with it and here is why,


I had a meeting in Vegas a could weeks ago. I flew a couple day early and stayed at another hotel for some fun. Even tho I requested a non-spoking room, they only had smoking available. But they gave me a drink coupon and said if I went and had a drink they would make sure room did not smell and respray.


After my drink I went to the room. I could still smell smoke. I call, they came up with a machine and did something else. I could still smell it, but not near as bad. And even tho I'm not a smoker, I've been around smokers all my life and so the smoke didn't really bother me and for 2 night no big deal. So I unpacked all my stuff and had fun for two day.


I then went over to the hotel where my meeting was had a non-smoking room so I thought I was good and unpacked again and put everything in the closet. Including all my meeting clothing and business suit. This was about 5:00pm and meetings started at 8:00 next day. As soon as I filled up the closet I could smell an intense smoke smell. And I thought WTH, I didn't smell smoke when I came in the room. And I realized then it wasn't the room but all my clothing!!! OMG it stunk! Call down stairs and they told me they didn't have enough time to dry clean my stuff. I asked the manager to come up so that I could explain that I hadn't smoked in the room and that the smell was in my clothing. The next day I had a couple of peers asked me if I had taken up smoking! I was not happy.


I realize that it is "ok" to smoke in the rooms. And I hope that they clean well enough to not effect my clothing. Hopefully that is not an issue.

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I was not going to post anything on these boards for a while. That said I don't smoke in my house or cars because my teens hate the smell. I don't smoke in the cabin. I smoke on my balcony and I have asked the people on either side if it bothered them. They all said I'll let u know if it does. Thank you. We try to book aft cabins w/ta. I try to not get smoke in anyones space and only smoke in areas that allow smoking.

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See, there you go again. Insulting me by thinking I'm too stupid to see you going off on a tangent again.


Smoking is allowed, in cabins, on the balconies, and in certain areas inside and out of the ship. This is NOT up for debate, it's a fact. If you don't like it, sail one of those lines that has no smoking areas. But save the lectures for people who want to hear a reformed smoker talk about how great she thinks she is now.


HahA! You're funny! I only related the fact that I used to smoke so I didn't appear to be a non-smoker who doens't know what it's like. It's cool. My comments were directed towards the unfortunate problems associated with areas that limit the enjoyment of everyone by limiting said area to one or two types of folks. If your personality is such that things have to be about YOU, and you feel the need to take it personal, well, there isn't too much I can do about that.

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HahA! You're funny! I only related the fact that I used to smoke so I didn't appear to be a non-smoker who doens't know what it's like. It's cool. My comments were directed towards the unfortunate problems associated with areas that limit the enjoyment of everyone by limiting said area to one or two types of folks. If your personality is such that things have to be about YOU, and you feel the need to take it personal, well, there isn't too much I can do about that.

You're a riot. It's not about me, it's about what the rules are. If YOU don't like the rules, sail a line that doesn't allow smoking in those areas that you feel people shouldn't be allowed to smoke. Right now they are ALLOWED to smoke there, deal with it.

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I've never had a problem on any cruise about smoke smell in my cabin. But I think I would have a problem with it and here is why,


I had a meeting in Vegas a could weeks ago. I flew a couple day early and stayed at another hotel for some fun. Even tho I requested a non-spoking room, they only had smoking available. But they gave me a drink coupon and said if I went and had a drink they would make sure room did not smell and respray.


After my drink I went to the room. I could still smell smoke. I call, they came up with a machine and did something else. I could still smell it, but not near as bad. And even tho I'm not a smoker, I've been around smokers all my life and so the smoke didn't really bother me and for 2 night no big deal. So I unpacked all my stuff and had fun for two day.


I then went over to the hotel where my meeting was had a non-smoking room so I thought I was good and unpacked again and put everything in the closet. Including all my meeting clothing and business suit. This was about 5:00pm and meetings started at 8:00 next day. As soon as I filled up the closet I could smell an intense smoke smell. And I thought WTH, I didn't smell smoke when I came in the room. And I realized then it wasn't the room but all my clothing!!! OMG it stunk! Call down stairs and they told me they didn't have enough time to dry clean my stuff. I asked the manager to come up so that I could explain that I hadn't smoked in the room and that the smell was in my clothing. The next day I had a couple of peers asked me if I had taken up smoking! I was not happy.


PUHLEEEEEEEZE ! ! :rolleyes:

A room that had NO SMOKE IN IT, but a smoke odor managed to get into your clothing to the point that your "peers" asked if you had taken up smoking?

Do they interrogate you about your toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, bath soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, cologne ? :eek:

(are you penalized for wrong answers?) :)

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Not only that ... there's this product called Febreeze ... it comes in travel sizes ... I take that with me. Not just for cigarette smoke, but you never know if you're going to get *that room* that has *the funk*. (Every hotel has *that room* that has *the funk*.)

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Quit smoking end March .. went on a cruise in May

Never had a problem.. no smells or odors.. but I will say this

I purchased that Ozium at Walmart.. give me the smell of smoke anyday

That crap stinks aweful!

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PUHLEEEEEEEZE ! ! :rolleyes:

A room that had NO SMOKE IN IT, but a smoke odor managed to get into your clothing to the point that your "peers" asked if you had taken up smoking?

Do they interrogate you about your toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, bath soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, cologne ? :eek:

(are you penalized for wrong answers?) :)



Maybe you didn't read my entire post. I was in a smoking room at the first hotel for two nights. It smelled. It smelled badly. They sprayed or whatever they do and it still smelled. But for 2 night I could deal with it and didn't think about it. I didn't want my meeting clothing to get wrinkled so I unpacked them and hung them up in the closet.


I then moved another hotel that was a non-smoking room and did not smell at all when I walked in the door. But when I unpacked my stuff I could smell smoke. The smoke OBVIOUSLY came from the first hotel room that smelled and was in all my clean clothing that I had hung in the closet. It was so intense I was worried this 2nd hotel would accuse me of smoking in a non-smoking room. So I asked the manager to come up. And indeed he could smell the smoke in my stuff, but not in the room, bedding, drapes, etc. He felt bad for me that they did not have enough time to at least dry clean my suit.


So the next day my peers who know I have been working out and lost a lot of weight wanted to know if I took up smoking because of the smell.


I have been around smokers including my dad all my life. Smoke itself doesn't bother me. And if CCL has the policy to allow smoking in the cabins, fine with me. But I do hope they clean well enough to not make clothing smell. I can deal with it on my dirty stuff after going to a club or something, but would hate if all my clean stuff smell that way from the beginning.


And if you would like me to copy/paste my letter to NYNY on the strip about my disappointment with them on what happened (and them offering a discount on a future room) I can probably dig that out for you.

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Not only that ... there's this product called Febreeze ... it comes in travel sizes ... I take that with me. Not just for cigarette smoke, but you never know if you're going to get *that room* that has *the funk*. (Every hotel has *that room* that has *the funk*.)


Excellent idea. I'm going add a bottle to my travel stuff (I travel a ton for work)

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Take cover . . . INCOMING ! ! :eek:


Can't understand, however, how "the smell of the stale cigarette odor" is a health issue ? ? ? :confused:


They call it 3rd hand smoke and apparently it is toxic to babies and children at least. Although I personally have never had a cabin that smelled of smoke at all. My sense of smell is so acute that DH says I should work at the border...from home.lol

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