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    Western WA, USA
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    Old car restoration and cruising.
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    Holland America, Princess
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  1. A thought about lightning and thunder. If you see lightning strike and a few seconds later hear the thunder, you should know that sound travels at about 5 seconds per mile. So if it took about ten seconds after the lightning flash to hear the thunder, it struck about two miles from you. Ray
  2. I find it interesting how many are offering platitudes to the IWW. I remember the strikes they used to organize at the industrial ports on the West Coast. The union was organized in 1905 as a group of socialists, anarchists and Marxists with the goal of overturning the employing class. Not an organization that I would celebrate. Ray
  3. The quote for the day reminded me that I had a book in my library that I had not read in more than 20 years written by a friend. It is "A Long Walk" by Claus Hackenberger. In the preface it states "This is not a work of fiction. It is an autobiography presented in novel form. All events happened at places and locales cited in the story." He grew up in Germany in the 1930s and ended up as a soldier in 1944 at the age of 16. Was captured the next year and spent a few years doing slave labor in a French POW camp, escaping in 1947 and making it back to Germany. We knew him as he eventually married a young lady from Taiwan and settled near us. Think I last read it in 2003 as it had a bookmark of an airline boarding pass dated at that time. So I am enjoying reading it again. Ray
  4. We have been to Alaska and seen many unusual things there, but didn't know they had a plant to process rodents. Ray
  5. We generally choose fixed dining with a table for four or six and have always enjoyed interacting with the other guests. However, once on a 49 day cruise around South America we were seated with two German speaking couples and one of the couples spoke very little English. Looked like we wouldn't get to know them. It was surprising that after a week or so we all began conversing with each other and by the end of the cruise we were invited to visit the other couples at their homes in Germany if we happened to cruise in the area. Ray
  6. We have been to Mumbai and have no desire to return. First, because it is not a clean city. Second because of the hassle the Indian Government provided just to get a visa to visit. I remember an Australian telling me "The English invented red tape, but the Indians perfected it." I will try to post a couple of pictures of my father. One was taken in 1937 with one of his race horses and the other in 1914 while attending a military school.
  7. We eat a lot of Chinese food in our house but I don't think I have ever eaten something called Chop Suey. Have never seen it listed on a menu at a Chinese restaurant either. Put my flag up this morning for Flag Day. Think I may have to replace it soon. I bought it in 1976 at a Bicentennial sale, so it is 48 years old. Still have the box it came in - the price was $1.76 at the Navy Exchange at Subic Bay, Philippines. A good thing about it is that it was made in the USA. Ray
  8. Concerning the gangster Al Capone: My history recollection is that he was sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion, proving that you could be taxed even on illegal monetary gains. I also remember that if you just wanted a regular cup of coffee on a ship, you asked for an Americano so you wouldn't get something fancy that you had to pay extra for. Ray
  9. A couple of thoughts on Loving vs Virginia. Sara and I were married in 1963, four years prior to the Supreme Court decision. Being stationed on Taiwan, we had to get approval from the Navy Legal Officer. He mentioned that our marriage would be illegal in certain states that had Navy bases, such as Virginia. He said that the Navy would handle that by not sending us to one of those states and we were sent to California from Taiwan. We also had to be counseled by the Chaplain, a Southern Baptist. His statement was "You know, these kind of marriages don't last very long..." Sixty one years later... Ray
  10. It is a comfortable day here in the PNW; blue skies, light wind and about 65F. Saw an optometrist yesterday morning and got my prescription for new glasses. Really unsure of where to go for the glasses. The VA medical center South of Tacoma will provide them, but it is 80 miles round trip and not sure if one trip would do it. Checking online they are cheap, but lack the personal touch. I think my insurance will cover them also, just need to ask at some local places. Filled my car with gas yesterday; the first time since last December. I am very happy with the PHEV we bought in 2017, a Prius Prime. Plan to cut some blackberries and Scotch bloom in the back yard today and then take Sara to her PT appointment this afternoon. Interesting local happening yesterday. A Harley rider collided with a bear on Hwy 101 yesterday. They airlifted the bike rider to a hospital, but didn't report on the condition of the bear. I hit a deer on that same road a few years ago. Been to the Kodiak library. Picked up a couple books from their used book sale. At the time we walked up the hill to it. Not sure if we could still do that. Ray
  11. Beautiful day here, blue skies and in the mid 70s. Feels like Summer is here. I did a little yard work this morning and Sara said she wanted to go to a couple of Asian markets just South of Seattle to buy some fish that was on sale and some Asian vegetables. Was a nice drive and we got 7 golden pompanos and some other things that are not available around here like pickled bamboo shoots. Might have to add some gas to the car as it has been about four months since we did that. I agree about hydration for kidney stones. My last three years in the Navy I was stationed at Wahiawa, on Oahu. I decided that it would be a good idea to quit drinking beer. In about three weeks I came down with kidney stones. So hydration doesn't necessarily mean water. Ray
  12. We have a VCR/DVD combination that unfortunately will not copy a VCR to DVD. It is about 20 years old and will connect to the small TV we have in our computer room, but not to our large TV. Last week I sorted thru two boxes of tapes that were above a book shelf to see if they were worth keeping. Found one of me teaching a class or giving a lecture on how we automated the publishing of Navy technical manuals about 30 years ago and had just saved the Navy 2.6 million dollars. Didn't know I had that and suspect my kids might enjoy seeing it some day. Ended up with a box of movies I haven't seen and a box of how to tapes, like tiling a bathroom or building a new house which I will keep. Ray
  13. Thanks for the explanation. My father was more fortunate. He was in the Army in WW1. Got on a ship for transport to France and on the way the war ended. The ship turned around and came back before they got to Europe. Both my brother and I joined the Navy. I only got two weeks of Boot Camp as I joined the Reserves while in high school. When I was promoted to Warrant Officer I was supposed to go to what we called "Knife and Fork School" for officers. They changed the orders and said I was needed in Vietnam so didn't get that either. Ray
  14. That is an awful looking souvenir your father brought back from France. I know that the government acts slowly, but why did they wait until 1971 to award him his certificate for the Purple Heart Medal? Ray
  15. Seeing the weather in Texas I can't help thinking about my neighbor across the street. When we returned from our last cruise I noticed his house was for sale. Sad to see it as he was really a great neighbor. I asked him why he was leaving his beautiful house that he had done so much to improve and he said that he couldn't stand the weather here in Washington and he and his wife wanted to move back to Texas. He was originally from Dallas and only lived here for five years. Sold his house after two days on the market and bought a new one in Dallas. Luckily, Dallas hasn't had the worst of the recent Texas weather, but I worry about him. Ray
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