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50+ Club

50+ Club (4/20)

  1. We were just talking about this in The One Pool yesterday. Someone was annoyed that there was no place to put your drink on the edge of the pool when you’re in the pool proper (because of the water edge that goes around the pool) and I commented that I was surprised drinks were allowed in the pool. I haven’t seen anyone be told they couldn’t have their drink in the pool this week. Not sure if they are actually allowed or not.
  2. I asked the concierge this morning and didn’t get a great answer. He said between the 12 head butlers, 12 assistants, and the concierge staff, there are about 30. But of course that didn’t include Top Sail, The One Pool, or dining/kitchen staff. I wonder if a safe assumption would be to quadruple that number to cover those other 3 areas? I can also try to ask again later in the cruise and see if I can get a better answer. 🙂 He also said there are about 300 people in YC this cruise.
  3. It is magnetic, but won’t hold much. For instance, I can put a thumbtack magnet (I have magnets that look like thumbtacks, they just have magnets instead of… tacks) on it and it will hold up fine. But if I put a clip magnet with the daily program on it, it will slide down/off. The inside of the door (facing the room) seems to have a stronger hold than the hallway facing side. But I think that if you’re doing one of those large flat magnets, that would be totally fine, or just be sure to bring several magnets to hold up your decorations.
  4. Not working for us! We have tried multiple times of day, different days, and both of our cards. We’ll keep trying.
  5. Thank you so much for your comments! Feel free to say hello if you see us around the YC. 😀 We also asked Ram about the wrist bands on embarkation day and he said the same thing about a technical issue. I personally don’t mind it because I don’t like wearing wrist bands for some reason, but I can see why it would be convenient. I feel bad for the poor bar staff, they have a printed list of pictures of everyone under 21 in YC so they know not to serve them alcohol! That must be hard and a little nerve-racking to keep track of. Interesting about the snacks! I’ve checked for the snacks 2 or 3 times because I knew they were supposed to be there, but I just assumed I must have been looking at the wrong times. I had forgotten about the 20 hours a day thing. We have received, as you mention, sandwiches around tea time (3:30ish?), nuts and chips at multiple times a day, and chocolates after dinner. I LOVE chips, and they’ve had 2 of my favorite kinds - salt & pepper Kettle chips and cheddar & sour cream Ruffles. Are these people reading my mind? So I’m probably a happier campier with the chips than the other snack offerings they would have, but I imagine I’m in the minority there! Oh, we also had some mid-afternoon cookies that I forgot about until I went to add pictures. 🙂 One of these photos is obviously a saved Snapchat but the real photo isn’t wanting to load.
  6. I know that awatt has already answered at least some of these questions, but I’ll add my two cents as well. As far as I know, the loungers & umbrellas for YC guests on Ocean Cay are free (on the Ocean House / YC beach). I believe there is a fee for umbrellas on other parts of the island. There are towels available at the YC area (there is a tent staffed by butlers with towels and cold water). We did in fact leave all of our belongings on our loungers (really just cruise cards and phones) while we snorkeled and ate lunch, and had no issues whatsoever. You have to show your YC card to get into that area - not that all YC-ers are necessarily upstanding citizens, but it does significantly reduce the number of people in that area.
  7. We asked Ram about this this morning - he indeed has those cabins (he has through 43) and will be here until June! He said he has some guests returning that will be on deck 16, and he’s going to be their butler as well. I told him that’s a lot of work, and he said it’s only 2 floors!
  8. The second I bit into this thing I knew it had been a mistake to order two steaks. Thankfully, we were able to take steak and sides to go and are assured the YC concierge can reheat them for us. This tart was the star of the evening for me. I paired it with a merlot the sommelier recommended - I never would have picked a merlot to go with this but it worked well. The first onion ring was piping hot, crispy, and delicious. By the time I got to the second one, it tasted like something from the state fair. I only ended up eating about 1.5. My recommendation here is that if you order these, eat them first. The sauces were good, I tried each of them but a didn’t go back for more on any. I’m not a big sauce-with-steak kind of person, myself. Geoff really enjoyed the mushroom one (second from left) and peppercorn (third from left). The lava cake was EXCELLENT. Piping hot and fudgy, paired with that vanilla ice cream (gelato?) Geoff has been raving about. I paired it with a glass of port.
  9. Let me save the day here…. After Geoff reminds me how to post pictures on CC 🙂. For dessert on Ocean Cay, he had the mango cheesecake, I had the chocolate cake. Both were good, neither were amazing.
  10. If you are opting for only one appetizer, my vote would definitely go to the dumplings on night 1!
  11. This may be a hot take, but I have to put it out there - this soup tasted to me exactly like Spaghetti-Os without the Os. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t at all what I expected. I’d been looking forward to it from all of the reviews, and I was so surprised when I first tasted it!
  12. Wow! We are having better weather in the Caribbean, indeed! Looking forward to seeing your cabin pictures.
  13. Happy to answer questions 🙂. Geoff and I are both switching between iPhone and iPad as well, no issues at all. If we were only downloading content (pictures, etc.) we probably wouldn’t have upgraded internet, but to be able to upload photos or send Snapchats, we needed to upgrade. Our work has VPN installed on our phones and we had to disconnect that to get the internet to work (the VPN is new for us so I’m not sure if that’s common on other lines as well). We also had to reconnect to the (free for everyone, I think) internet on Ocean Cay, which took a minute for my phone to find but then worked well. It was seamless to reconnect once back on the ship (if anything, you have to go to a certain website and then press go or start to reconnect). We looked and to add Browse and Stream (the upgraded internet) for a third device is $125.94 for the week (well, I guess the remaining 6 days at this point, so it’s probably a little more for the week)). It may be less to just add Browse (basic internet) but we don’t see that option available on our phone since we’ve upgraded, though the concierge desk may be able to do it for you.
  14. Back from Ocean Cay! It was a beautiful private island - green flag conditions today and it was about 80 and partly cloudy. Can’t get much better weather-wise. We slept in this morning and went to breakfast at The One Pool breakfast buffet. Afterwards we made our way out to Ocean Cay. There were quite a few people waiting for a golf cart to take them to Ocean House, so we opted to walk. It’s about a 15-20 minute stroll. Ram (our butler) was on the island today and greeted us with waters and towels. The water was absolutely perfect - a little chilly for a minute or two, then very refreshing. It was rocky as expected, Geoff and I were both happy to have water shoes. I could have probably spent all day out there snorkeling. Not a ton to see, but there were some fish and I just love the water. We went to lunch at the Ocean House restaurant around 12:30. They were telling couples it would be about a 5-10 minute wait, but they asked us if we wanted to sit with another couple, which was fine by us. We made some new friends from upstate New York. The food was alright, I don’t think either of us were blown away by anything. We tried the lobster roll, carne asada, and burger, and I think Geoff and I both liked the burger the best. After lunch, we went back to our chairs on the beach for a few minutes and then decided to head in about ten to 2. There was a serious backup for golf carts to head back to the ship, but we had a shady seat so we let folks go in front of us. 2 golf carts went (with 6 guests each in them) and we finally got on a third golf cart about 2:35, so about a 40 minute wait. Even for that, we had to be fairly assertive in letting other passengers know that we had been waiting that long (there’s no clear queue). In hindsight, I would recommend that if your mobility allows, to walk back to the ship. A few more observations: I mentioned the magnetic walls yesterday, but today I realized that the wall inside the closet is magnetic. I hung my beach tote bag there. This ship is incredibly stable. I don’t know if it’s the size or just the water we’re sailing in, but I found the Apex in January far more rocky. I do really enjoy all of the different languages and cultures on the ship. All of the YC linens are great - the bedding is nice, the towels are very thick and soft (both in our bathroom and out on Ocean Cay). I saw on YouTube that the pump shampoo and body wash in the shower was pretty watered down, and I did find that to be the case. Easily solved by using more than typical.
  15. Yup! Two per person are included with the basic, and then it’s $35/device/week to upgrade to the streaming package
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