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Posts posted by 1timecruiser

  1. I'm sort of like everyone else here when I say, this has to be hands down the BEST cruise review EVER!! I've seen those by some of the CC Hosts and other lengthy reviews, but I must say when family is involved it's just a little bit more personal than traveling with other cruisers you've sailed with.


    Over the course of the month that you guys cruised, you can vividly see how Mitchel came out of his shell, Arielle, is soooo pretty and if Lindsay Lohan wasn't such a wreck, I'd say she does favor her.


    Without a doubt, Peter & Rosemary are just as loving together as you and Tracy, which speaks volumes for your family as a whole. I'm so glad that I was a part of re-living your cruise experience, which has many of us envious!! I'll say that's envy in a good way. Like you, I'm amazed at how many of us have attached ourselves to your family through pictures, and being able to see how valuable being with family and enjoying each other is, giving many of us ideas that we will probably use going forth.


    Seeing the love that you all possess for one another has made following this thread all the more worth it!! This has truly taken cruise reviews to another level and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  2. I've followed this review from the very beginning because of the Destiny ship, that I'll be on in November. Now that i've read this thread and suffice it to say, i'm in love with this family....I have to agree...this is the BEST review ever. You don't have to have a broad or extensive commentary to every day, as your pics have really told the story.


    I have been married for 15 years and my DH and I are now (36,37) respectfully. I hope that we can continue to have the strong bond that I see you have with your wife and that as we age, we never take each other for granted. It would be wonderful to do a back-to-back or more like you, but i'm not sure my hubby would go for that!!


    Thank you so much for your wonderful review and I'm amped and ready for the next installment too. I'm sure once it has come to a close, I'll be back in my bored state, as I follow reviews when they're lengthy, well written, and full of surprises. I've noticed that out of 4 back-to-backs, not ONE single complaint, which I'm sure I wrote a similar comment earlier in your review. Absolutely amazing!!!

  3. Your family is absolutely gorgeous!! You included...despite those that are throwing compliments solely to your beautiful wife! I can see where your daughter was loving the cruise, she dominated and captivated attention as she is striking. I'm sure they all enjoyed the cruise and from the looks of things, you all really had a wonderful time.


    This review is showing others what cruising can really be like if you open your mind, take yourself out of the box and just enjoy it for all that there is to do. Not one complaint as of yet from your review, just the fun and good times. It would be great if more reviews could be this fulfilling and to think you have several ships and reviews to present besides this one.. I'm honored and ecstatic for this journey I can't stop from enjoying. lol

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