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Mrs. Dfolks

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Posts posted by Mrs. Dfolks

  1. ;) LOL...don't get too excited, guys! My books aren't on the shelves presently. This due to having to pull from one publisher and move to another...very old story for any struggling writer.


    After retiring from labor/delivery nursing, and getting the kids out on their own, I picked up an old 'want to' from my youth. With Larry's help, we wrapped a story around a nightmare I had one evening. Larry's deeply involved in the plotting of each book, especially all the technicals and equipment the characters use.


    Being a gal of the 60/70's, my lead character's an intelligent, feisty, strong-willed female with complicated issues she struggles with while battling the bad guy. There is a romantic interest, but she keeps him at arm's length almost to the end. That relationship isn't so much a romance as it's a study in human emotions and conflicts.


    Jeez, I've run on way too much. I'll be banished before I get to know everyone on this terrific board. :eek:

  2. Hello everyone,

    Larry and I are 55+'rs too. He's 57 and I'm 59. We're in the countdown to his retirement at age 62. Luckily he's been working the 401K to give us the opportunity to do some nice things when he kisses work goodbye. Me...I have the best of both worlds, I'm a domestic engineer (remember that term?;) ) and a published author, which means I'll sort of work till I can't type anymore:rolleyes: . We're taking early retire because he's been a Type I diabetic for 30 years and it's time for him to leave the stress behind. We're taking our son and DIL on a cruise this November on the Princess Grand, our first on this line. It's our 3rd cruise and we're definitely cruise-fanatics.:cool: We're planning the Alaska cruise/land excursion in 2011, shortly after he's non-working seasoned senior. We love the idea of this group and look forward to getting to know everyone and all your life experiences.

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