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Posts posted by Boingoz

  1. The NCL website has now been changed to Kusadasi, and MyNCL for my Jade cruise in August also states it.


    Some people on the NCL board have reported receiving notification from NCL for both Jade and Spirit cruises, so this is official now.


    I am sailing on the Jade in May/June, I received an email from NCL yesterday stating that sailings from 10th May to 11th October will be going to Kusadasi instead of Izmir. I contacted the tour operator that I had booked a tour to Ephesus from, and he already knew of the change. I am really happy with the port change, a much shorter trip to Ephesus leaving us more time to tour.

  2. I have stayed at Hotel Lleo, it is a 3 star hotel half a block from Plaza Catalunya & around the corner from Las Ramblas. It has a small rooftop pool and a buffet breakfast if that interests you, we didn't eat there so I really cant comment on the food. We were very pleased with the hotel, it was by far the best value I could find in the best spot for sight seeing. You definitely should eat at Cerveceria Catalana as was previously recommended. With your limited time you should buy a 2 day pass on the government run HOHO bus from Plaza Catalunya. There are 3 routes & the commentary is fantastic, we took the red route 1st & stayed on for the whole route. It is difficult to get a seat on top again when you get off. There was a bus stop near Cerveceria Catalana on the blue route, if you don't want a long wait to eat you will need to go early. It is a nice walk back to Hotel Lleo from there. I hope this helps, Barcelona is a beautiful city, I hope to return one day.


  3. Thanks everyone for all the great information. We are sailing on the Jade on 31st May. I wasn't going to worry about taking wine on-board because I thought it was limited to 2 bottles and not worth the hassle. Now that I know the whole process I will definitely take my own wine. For me it is worth it to be able to drink my own choice of wine.


    Happy Cruising:)

  4. I am cruising on the Jade departing Venice on 31st May. I am trying to find out if we cruise the Corinth Canal or go around the Peloponnese Peninsula when we cruise from Dubrovnik to Athens. NCL's website shows the route going around the Peloponnese but also states this is not exact it is only a guide. I would really appreciate feedback from travellers who have sailed this route or anyone who has some information.

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