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Posts posted by Helly99

  1. Tortola is a BRITISH virgin island - you might not need to show the passport but good luck getting on the boat without one. Believe me at some point the cruise line will ask for passport information. They give the passport information to both island and US customs and immigration.

  2. You should not have a problem making the reservation once you are on the ship. They only make about 15% of the reservations pre boarding and save another 15% for the day of. If you do decide to do them before your cruise be aware that you are paying for the reservation in advance even if you have a dining package. The charge will remain on your account until the last day and then credited back to you. It is like your floating the ship the money for that whole time.

  3. Rock of Ages will be on this particular cruise at least 3 years. I think it is time to move on and put another show on this boat. That said, having that show on the cruise isn't going to stop me from taking the cruise. It's one night and I can find other ways to entertain myself.


    queenschick9b don't bother planning out your shows and specialty dinners until you get on the ship. Show dates/times move around and mess up all the reservations. NCL only pre-books about 15% of the resturant reservations before the cruise so there is plenty of time to book. They even hold back reservations for the day of. Also, you are paying for the reservation now and not on the cruise (even if you have the package). Don't sweat it! Just enjoy yourself.

  4. My husband and I were on the Chirstmas week cruise last year and the year before. We are thinking about it again but are a little bummed that the muscial on board is still "Rock of Ages". We were under the impression it was being replaced with "Legally Blond". Why was it never changed? Anybody know if it will be by the fall/winter. Thanks all!

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