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Posts posted by bill_posters_is_innocent

  1. Could you also ask regarding this?

    During the day, feel free to relax and dress as you please in all areas of the ship.



    It would appear swimwear without covering is now allowed everywhere.


    If this is the case, the dress code HAS fundamentally changed, not just the wording. We have then been lied to, trust and respect is broken, and every cruise booked then goes.


    Hey, whats wrong with dressing as you like?? I have relatives in West Virginia and they consider Dungarees are FORMAL wear and to be used only for weddings, funerals, and Sunday church meetings ( shoes are optional ).

    I am looking forward to the "dress as you like " option for daytime wear and can picture myself in my Mankini ( its like a bikini for guys ) queuing in the lido at lunchtime or partaking of a drink in the Golden Lion.:evilsmile:

    I will of course comply with the evening dress codes presuming someone will have worked out by July exactly what they consist of.:confused:.


    ( for the benefit of Americans I must explain that the above is "tongue in cheek"

    and not meant to be taken seriously ).


    If I wanted to dress like that, or mix with people dressed like thatI would book a cheap package holiday, all drinks included, for about £200 a week and not spend a few thousand on a cruise.

  2. And no doubt not a single Cunard staff member or Officer did a thing about it.


    They would probably get told off if they say something.


    Maybe it would be fun, although difficult to organise, if the passengers who comply with the dress code took action themselves.

    For example, if someone in unsuitable attire entered the theatre, and was not told to leave by the staff, everyone else in the theatre stand up and walk out.

    The same action could be applied to the other formal venues.


    I can imagine the panic this would create with the managers and officers and I don't think they would want this action to be repeated. therefore they might just start enforcing the dress code again.


    Think what an impact only a few people sitting in the theatre, or even just a few sitting in the restaurant would have while all the properly dressed passengers ordered room service meals or went to the lido.


    Maybe one days inconvenience would be worth it to show Cunard people are serious about maintaining the ethos of Cunard.

    There are far to many examples in the world today of a small minority dictating to the large majority but unless the majority make a stand it will only get worse.

  3. While I share your outrage at the poisonings etc. if we boycott all the ports and countries in the world that offends at least some of the passengers consist, we shall be left with a rather thin slice. There are those who would have all lines not stop in the US for certain reasons. Vietnam comes to mind as does Germany, Japan. all of the middle east and now S. Africa with their taking of all white farms. And the beat goes on. There was an old folk song that ends up with No one likes anyone very much or something to that tune.

    I agree to the above but would just like to try and put things in context.

    At the moment it has NOT been proved that the Russian state was complicit in the UK poisonings.

    Also as sad it is, the attack only effected 3 people that we know about.

    However we do know that the west including the UK were complicit in attacking and destroying a nation on the false premise of them having weapons of mass destruction..

    Also the west, including the UK are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, including women and children in the middle east.

    The western governments seem a tad hypocritical to me, or maybe they just need a demon Russia to justify their very lucrative armament industries.

  4. Given the recent events in Salisbury, and many other places around the world, is it time for cruise ships/passengers to stop calling at Russian ports?


    Only if there is PROOF of Russian State blame. It is easy to point the finger and yell "It was Russia", but until an investigation has been carried out in a calm and mature manner, I will keep an open mind.

    I just wish our politicians would do the same instead of appearing to react like hysterical children with just supposition and without waiting for proof. For once in my life I find myself agreeing with Corbyns calm and reasonable take on the matter.


    If proof is found it would be apt for all cruise lines to avoid Russia, as long as it is proof and not media hysteria.

  5. Remember if there's a collision on the floor, it's the fault of both couples. There is a tendency to completely blame the more experienced dancer who seemed to zoom into a space that wasn't there. What has often happened in this case is that the experienced dancer has been assessing the line of dance of everyone around and has calculated where the spaces will be - but then the inexperienced dancer suddenly changes direction for no good reason and moves into that space. Hence, collision. The inexperienced dancer then is full of indignation, not realising that they have deviated from the line of dance. Mild collisions are inevitable and experienced dancers generally laugh them off and become friends with each other through them. Don't stress over them and don't hold grudges.


    Its a lot like driving a car around Paris in the rush hour with the added danger of flailing arms and stiletto heels.

    You will experience being overtaken, cut up, traffic coming at you from all directions, minor bumps, traffic island suddenly appearing out of nowhere as people stop in the traffic lane for no apparent reason, and even traffic coming the wrong way.

    ( the above is meant to be tongue in cheek )

    However if you avoid the rush hours between 8-30 and 10-30 pm you will find that most of these hazards decrease and then vanish. I normally attend the pre late sitting sequence dance sessions and then return to the dance floor at around 10-30. This works fine for me as just a medium level social dancer.

  6. No Silly- Royal Car. does not regularly sail transatlantic- Simply changing ships does nothing to improve the situation on Q M 2. My hubby and I are not silly hormone-driven teens- I was only trying to add levity! We're in our 60's and can no longer negotiate the dance floor as smoothly as we used to but we still like to do a simple foxtrot or cha-cha in a smaller more romantic setting! Your response is not too helpful- there you are- thanks anyway. BostonSusie


    I have found on all 3 Cunard queens that there are always those "show off" dancers who flounce around the floor with no regard to anyone else. The HOST dancers are some of the worse offenders.

    I have also encountered those who ignore the direction of dance or shuffle around in the outer dance lane. Just for information the direction of dance is counter clockwise and the place to shuffle around or even just stop and sway is in the centre of the floor.

    I also find it annoying that nearly every dance played is a slow foxtrot and its very rare to have a nice waltz or much Latin.

    However we now tend to just attend the sequence dances held before second sitting or visit the queens room after around 10pm when the floor appears to empty. Don't let the show offs put you off, just stick to the centre track, and any decent dancers will be good enough to work around you if you happen to stray into their path.

  7. Hi I am looking at booking a single room on QV in 2020 and have noticed that the rooms are next to the Casino does anyone know if much noise comes from it? Thanx


    Only the subdued sobbing of a casino patron who realises they have lost far too much money.:cool:.


    Or, on rare occasions, the shouts of joy from someone who has actually won. :o

  8. Hi,


    My final payment is due next month and I want to know if Cunard can still add 2% if one is living

    in the UK and pays by credit card.

    I believe the UK government have banned this practice, but as Cunard is registered abroad the charge can still be applied.

    I think this could be rather unclear from a legal point of view.


    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  9. Totally agree. When we are offered a table for two, I ask for a table for 6. I'm cruising with my wife, and not my girlfriend. DW just rolls her eyes at this.

    WOW Im surprised your wife will still allow you to cruise with her.:halo:.

    After 40 years I'm sure my DW enjoys talking to new people, as do I, that's why we prefer a table for 6. However she always restricts the subjects I can discuss by warning me to avoid Politics & religion even if with friends.;)

  10. the way I see it is this. If a want or need a VISA for the USA I have to apply to the embassy In London and go down for a face to face interview.

    If I don't need a visa I log on to the esta web site and fill in the VISA WAIVER form at a cost of $14 (approx. £11 ).

    I do not believe that there is an office somewhere with people sifting through the esta forms, it must all be processed by a computer in some homeland security building.

    At the end of the day it matters not if one has a full visa from the embassy or the visa waiver form.

    It is up to the guy at the immigration desk at the first checkpoint when entering the USA if he lets you in or not.

    After completing my latest Esta application form and pressing send, I received a message asking if I was prepared to give feedback on my experience at US immigration. I answered that I would and they then said I would receive a feedback questionair the day after I returned to the UK. All this process was fully automated and not once did I have to mail anything or speak to a real person. This is my own experience so I cant speak for anyone else.

  11. Glad to offer you some puerile amusement, you must be a doddle to entertain. Your amateur psychoanalysis falls way short of the mark.

    Personally when we only require one course and a pot of tea sitting with 6 others whilst they eat their way through the menu is not how we want to start our day :)


    sorry to have offended your sensibilities although I cant understand all those long words you have used. I never have a problem saying to the other 6," please excuse me, I have to go now".

    I admit that I do find other peoples quirks rather amusing at times and would be surprised if others didn't find some of mine amusing. Each to their own, and never stress over the little things is my motto.

  12. When I say "at home" at don't mean as in "in your house, when you are not on holiday".


    So when you go on holiday that is not a cruise, do you expect to eat with strangers by sitting at the same table as them then?


    I do if I attend a banquet and also in many stately home bed and breakfast establishments. I have enjoyed many happy evenings in such places and have found that with most fellow guests they soon stop being strangers and become friends. I guess it just depends on peoples preferences. We often share a table in the lido, mostly at lunch time when it gets crowded. If my wife and I are at a table for 4 I would not dream of turning away anyone who asked if the other places were vacant. However I was highly amused on one occasion when a table for 8 in the lido was occupied by 2 ladies and I asked if the other 6 seats were vacant, they just glared at me, picked up their plates and scuttled off into the distance. ( I must check my aftershave, lol )

  13. Here's something I've been pondering about;


    If you go into a restaurant on land, you would never be expected, nor would you expect, to sit with anyone else other than the people you are with. Even in McDonlads or a pub, this would only happen if there wad no other tables available.


    Imagine ringing up a restaurant and booking a table for 2 say, then arriving and sitting with another couple ? It would never happen - it would be totally unacceptable.


    So why is this arrangement perfectly acceptable on a cruise ? And also, because I don't know, does this happen on other cruise lines ? Or is it just specific to Cunard ?


    Just my opinion but I don't see much difference between a table for 2 that is separated from the next table by about 2 inches and sharing a table. Also we have met some very interesting people while sharing and prefer as first choice a table for 6 but don't mind 8. We have only encountered one couple (in 8 cruises) who disappeared, I presume after asking to be moved. It was no great loss to the other 6 on the table as the ones who disappeared were so far up themselves I don't think they had seen daylight for years.

    It always amuses my wife and I to see the people in the MDR who stand around waiting for a table for 2 to become available at breakfast time. They mostly look rather miserable and forlorn. I guess its just a case of each to their own preferences.

  14. We just cruised on another line and did not see nearly half of the cleaning we see on Cunard. We can not wait to get back to “the Queens” and will triple think about cruising on another line again.

    Let me ask you truthfully... would YOU stay strictly on your cabin if you had a cough?



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    I would not stay in my cabin with just a cough as I find the aircon sometimes dries out my airways and results in a persistent need to cough. However I seem to be one of a very small minority of people who can afford to buy TISSUES which I carry all the time and not just when I have, cold etc .

    I always do my utmost to cough or sneeze into a tissue even if just walking around in a public place as I believe its only good manners to NOT cough or sneeze all over other people.

    I am sometimes tempted to put some extra ones in my pockets to hand out to those irritating people who think its ok to cough and sneeze all over other people and I find it disgusting that people can use napkins or even the table cloth in restaurants to wipe or blow their noses.

    Tissues cost very little and if disposed of correctly can ensure germs are not being spread everywhere.

    There used to be notices on public transport when I was a child that said "coughs and sneezes spread diseases" so I do MY best not to spread mine.:halo:.

  15. I have an Eastbound TA booked for July 2018 and my Cunard flight will be on 21 June from Heathrow with BA (BA117).

    I am thinking of upgrading to Economy Plus as I need extra legroom.

    Will Cunard Air be able to do this for me? and if so, how long before the flight will they be able to do this?.

    Thanks in advance for any help .:confused:

  16. Has anyone noticed that grill accomodations on qm2 in 2019 are easily 25-30% higher than in 2017-18?. Can anyone comment on whether these fares are likely to be discounted or the increase is here to stay?


    Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app


    Prices in all grades of "Steerage" have also increased by the same percentage for 2018 and I assume they will only decrease if the mysterious price algorithm shows a marked decrease in bookings.

  17. I will be flying from the UK to catch a TA to Southampton and want to spend a couple of weeks in Florida as part of the trip.

    Will Cunard allow me to fly to Jacksonville instead of NY and make my own way to the ship.?

    Also my wife is a nervous flyer and wants to know if we will be able to sit together on the flight.

    Thanks in advance for any information given.

  18. Have booked an East bound TA (M825) 6th July 2018 and will be flying to the states about 3 weeks before to visit relatives in Florida

    I had assumed that QM2 would use Redhook but have seen an internet site that stipulates this voyage is departing from Manhatten.

    As I will be flying from florida to NY on the 2nd of July and wont be eligible for a transfer to the ship I will book an hotel for 3 nights and need to know if I should book in Brooklyn or Manhatten to make the journey to the ship easier.

    Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.

  19. In February 2017 We Booked a 7 night east bound TA for the July 6th 2018 crossing QM 725.

    The cost including flights was £1700 pp for a QZ grade cabin Number 5047 with an obc of £70 pp.

    As I only had to pay 5% deposit I intended to cancel and rebook if the price dropped before

    final payment was due.

    However, on checking the price a few days ago the same cabin would now cost £2250pp with no obc

    and the cheapest inside cabin is now £1680 pp.

    The cheapest inside works out at £240 PP per day which is rather steep for a 7 night TA.

  20. I booked this eastbound crossing, for 6th July 2018, a few months ago and the price for a BZ balcony was approx. £1700 PP with $70 PP OBC.

    I am flying out from the UK a few weeks prior to catching the ship so no transferes or parking are included.

    I thought this price was a tad steep as the same crossing this year is only £1200 but as its a 40th anniversary treat I didn't mind the cost.

    However since then some friends have said they would like to meet us in NY and join us for the crossing but on checking the current price I find it has risen to £2079 PP for a BZ which I feel is very steep.

    Would anyone Know of any reason why the price would have risen so High or is it just corporate greed?

    It cant be the exchange rate as that has been rising for a few months now.

    I would also be interested if any of our American friends would let me know the price over there for the same crossing and cabin grade.

    Thank you for any replies.

  21. NO!! Polo shirts are just jumped-up T-shirts. When Cunard states "shirts" it means a proper shirt with a real collar, capable of maintaining a tie if desired.


    My dear wife bought me a polo shirt many years ago which I only wore once as I did not like the style. However I did find some use for it when polishing the car. It did make a brilliant polisher and lasted me for many years. I also found it very useful for mopping up a small oil spill in my garage.

    ( I had of course cut it into sections ).

    My wife of course was NOT amused.


  22. I also dislike dressing up in my everyday life but I regard a Cunard cruise as a sort of fantasy experience and even dress up more than required.

    Dinner suit (Tux) on formal nights and suit and tie on all other evenings.

    I realise that the vast majority of Cunard cruisers go along with the dress code and also that some might not be that keen. However I also believe that in any situation respect should be shown for the wishes of the Majority.

    I would not take a Disney cruise and wear a tux nor would I take a Cunard cruise and expect to dine in vest tops, shorts, sandals, or jeans.

    I once saw an Australian guy who wore the same shirt shorts and bush hat ever day on a TA. That was his choice and he did comply with the rules and was never seen in the public areas after 6pm.

    I'm not being critical of your choices I just wanted to give another persons point of view


  23. YF vaccination used to be 10 yearly. In July 2016 WHO changed this to life coverage.


    The vaccine is effective 10 days from administration.


    In 1969 I spent 6 months in Zambia visiting some very remote areas, before

    the trip I was required to have the following vaccines.

    1\ Dysentry

    2\Typhoid and para typhoid,

    3\Yellow fever.

    4\ Cholera.

    5\ I also had to produce proof that I had been vaccinated against Smallpox.


    I have no idea how long any of the above are valid for although I seem to

    remember Cholera was just for 6 months.


    If anyone can enlighten me of the period they are valid for I would be interested. If not I will ask my GP although I am reluctant to bother him at this busy time of year.

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