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Posts posted by crzluv

  1. Uhm...neither of these links suggest the OP did the wrong thing. You have to remove the property to turn it over to law enforcement, and ship security technically is not law enforcement within the state of FL. Nothing worse than an armchair attorney. No one knows what the OP did, and I expect by some of the nonsense in this string, they simply stopped checking in because they did the right thing, found the owner via RC, and is now living a happy life having done the right thing. Rather than slinging unsubstantiated claims and half-baked opinions...








    I’m citing a Florida law because this ship sails out of Florida.


    If you follow the rules you get to keep the property if it isn’t claimed. There was a kid who found $10,000 in a hotel dresser drawer in Kansas City a few years ago, turned it in, and eventually got to keep it because the original owner did not come forward.


    Imagine if he spent the money instead of turning it in, and then the original owner claimed it.

  2. WOW. This string certainly verifies why I don't spend much time here, and why certain types of travelers confirm stereotypes. For the original poster, well done. Particularly if you contacted RC and went the extra mile to find and post on boards. The corporate office is much better equipped to get this returned once a sailing is done (yes, I know this from the inside). And I hope I never meet or have to deal with cruisinfanatic, as the lack of courtesy regardless of agreement represents a faction of cruisers that keeps new people away in my experience. Fanatic is defined as "a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme..." cause and opinion. Extreme and closed minded...guess the name fits...

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