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Posts posted by skirack

  1. I have purchased over 50 GoPro cameras for my business since they came out years ago. I started with several GoPro I's, upgraded to the GoPro II's and now have added some of the latest GoPro III's. I manage a staff of 26 photographers and everyone has at least one GoPro.


    I noticed the plastic material of the stock Gopro III+ housing is different than previous models. It seems to be thinner and the workmanship is of a lesser quality in my opinion.


    When I was diving in Nassau using my brand new GoPro III+ on my cruise I noticed a small drop of water in my housing on my second dive. My first dive was to about 66 feet. I aborted the second dive to dry off the camera and hope for the best. The drop was small and I tried to keep the drop out of the camera openings. I dried the camera off when on the boat and it worked when I put it away.


    The next day the camera was completely dead - salt water had entered the camera and corrupted the electronics.


    On our next stop, now diving with a GoPro II, I noticed another diver about to make his first dive with his brand new GoPro III+. I shared my recent experience with him and shared my warning. On the second dive he surfaced with the same problem, a small amount of water had entered his stock GoPro III+ housing.


    I plan to clean the edges and dive the GoPro III+ housing with the damaged camera to see if I can repeat the same conditions to see if it floods again.


    I share this warning in hopes of saving someone else's camera.

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