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Posts posted by mrluckycharms

  1. Groannnnnn!!!! Another "proper formal night attire" thread. We haven't had enough of these. I adhere to the dress code and certainly wish everyone would but I would never let someone who didn't ruin my dinner.


    What I WISH HAL would do is quit nickel and diming passengers to death! Bring back lobster on the PG menu! Bring back the flambe items without the "fire safety" excuse. And don't put items at a surcharge on the PG menu. Just too tacky! And either offer expresso and capuccino on the menu in the MDR included with dinner and not an extra charge. And stop with the stupid explorer 4 program. Who the hell ( except for the nursing home crowd) wants to eat dinner in the PG at 5:30??? Instead just give the value of Explorer 4 as OBC. To offer a beverage card for up to $50 per day in beverages is ridiculous!!! Just such a waste! HAL has changed over the years and not for the better.


    Stay tuned BTW. A new "smoking thread" coming soon to a CC board near you!:D

  2. Anyone know the approximate distance from the pier in Amsterdam to Schiphol International Airport? Are taxis plentiful at the pier as at most U.S. ports? Prefer to take a taxi once disembarking the ship instead of a pre-arranged shuttle and need to know how long it is (driving distance) to airport before making independent flight plans. Merci.

  3. Alternatively, wear jeans for dinner, dine in the Lido, with no change required after dinner! ;)


    Why should I do that? The food in the MDR, especially on formal nights, is pretty good. Why should I miss out on that? I wear a jacket and tie for the MDR on formal nights then change afterwards for the shows, casino, etc. Not a problem. People who miss out on formal nights in the MDR miss out on some pretty good food. So your solution is not a solution at all. Nice try.

  4. Here's the scoop. I know where you are coming from. I always had to wear a suit and tie for work but now as I own my own business I only dress up only for weddings and funerals. Most men will wear at least a sports jacket and tie for formal nights. Some a suit. Some a tuxedo. So a collared polo style shirt...Yes..he may feel out of place. Not sure if the DR Manager will make an issue out of it. Probably not. The shorts might be a problem on formal nights.


    As soon as dinner is over, I change back into jeans for the rest of the night. So does your husband have at least one sports jacket and a tie or two? I would go with that.

  5. My wife and I are booked on the 12 day BAltic Adventure next month. No word yet of HAL cancelling the stop and overnight in St. Petersburg and they better not!!!:mad::mad::mad: My wife is Russian and still has family in St. Ptersburg who we are looking forward to spending time with. CAn't wait!!!:D:D:D

  6. It's hard to find two more different ships in the HAL fleet than the Statendam and Zuiderdam.


    If you didn't care for the smaller size of the Statendam, you may like the much larger Zuiderdam; it seems people prefer one or the other.

    The types of daytime activities on this itinerary should be quite different than you found on the Statendam. There may have been enrichment lectures on the South Pacific cruise (educated guess), but don't expect the same amount of enrichment on the Zuiderdam itinerary. However, there may be some lectures about the Canal.


    Everything on the Zuiderdam is larger than the comparable room on the Statendam (except the cabins ;)), but that's to accommodate the greater number of passengers. The ship feels a little more crowded.

    But you will find the same quality of food, level of service, and attention to detail. You may like the difference.


    Thank you for the comparison Ruth!

  7. You're right about the chaos; that it was. I never understood why people kept their things with them, when there was a secure storage area while we waited for our cabins to be ready.


    Thankfully, that is all over with most of the time now. We can go to our cabins whenever we want. That means people do drop off their things before heading to the Lido. It also means people aren't hanging around the Lido, taking up space, waiting for their cabin. There is real turnover in the traffic flow there now, and it isn't nearly as chaotic as it used to be.



    Yes Ruth it is much easier now than before.

  8. For an upcoming Alaska cruise out of Seattle. If you use a car service suck as "Already There" or one of the others and your flight is late what happens? Are you charged the extra time for waiting? I notice that on the 3rd floor of the parking garage at the Seattle airport, they have taxis and limos on "standby." Wouldn't these be a better option ( A limo or sedan) if your flight is late?

  9. I find the hair dryer sucks. On my last cruise the dryer was hard wired into the drawer. That is the first time I've seen such a thing. I had to hold the button on while I dried my hair. Ridiculous for a Neptune suite. I try really hard to keep the weigh down in my suitcase but I think I'm going to have to bring mine next time.


    THis is a safety feature so that passengers will not leave a hair dryer on and start a fire. Not so ridiculous....even for a NEptune Suite. Seems like most people could figure that out!

  10. This.


    Tattoos and other body modifications have been around for thousands of years, in a vast array of methods. Do you, your wife/husband, daughter/son, cousin, neighbor have their ears pierced? Guess what, that's body modification. Would you think they are uneducated and crying for attention because they pierced their lobes?


    Or what about tattoos when used as a cover-up for scarring/disfigurement from an accident? Is it not okay for someone to choose how to decorate their body and for what reason they choose to do so? I know a few folks that have served chimed in that they never got any inkwork done. I'm sure they can all agree they still know of plenty of fellow service members that did choose to. Whether it was an individual decision, or something they and their entire unit did as a 'bonding' type of thing, I sure as hell don't think that those men/women are uneducated and moronic. (My father only did a six-year stint in the Navy and has nothing. My Grandfather however was a 28-year career Marine including three tours in Vietnam and also serving as a DI, eventually retiring as a MGySgt, and he had three tattoos. Two of those while in the service dedicated to his 'military family' and country, and one when he was out that was in reference to his 'personal family'. I have never once thought of him as a moron or unable to do his duties).


    There is a lot of judgement going around in this thread. I wish I could say it is surprising, but given some recent threads, meh. As long as someone doesn't have a 'Charles Manson forehead tat', then I know better than to let something so minor to me, (but likely meaningful to them), effect my judgement of them.


    Insert whatever saying you would like here -- "Don't judge a book by it's cover", "Shall not judge", etc, etc.



    YEs. You are correct. There is a lot of judgement in this thread. And some of it is warranted. To protect people from themselves. In the early 1990's I served in the US NAvy on board the missile frigate USS McClusky. We had orders while on liberty in Bangkok Thailand to NOt UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES get a tattoo (among other things). Why? Cuz you have a ship with many 18 and 19 year old kids who have 2 brain cells between them and do not THINK! Many tatoo shops/parlors in a foreign port do NOT sterilize needles, etc. So some 19 year old goes home to Momma with a new tatoo he got at a foreign port and Voila! He develops HIV , Hepatitis etc. Momma will then of course blame the NAvy.


    So sometimes it is necessary , especially in the armed forces, to protect the young ones from their own stupidity.

  11. I'd guess that something small and inoffensive like the anchor could be accepted/overlooked, but if the tattoo on the officer included something sexual or vulgar, that would require being covered.


    When I see a small, single tat on someone, I figure they just had a brain fart and learned after the fact not to make it any worse. When I see someone with a lot of ink, I just think that they're either an idiot, a drunk, or a pain addict, and I tend to dismiss them pretty quickly. If I have to deal with them, it will take a lot of personal energy--on THEIR part--for me to overcome those biases.


    Judgmental? You bet. There isn't a soul in the world that in some way, shape, or form doesn't "judge a book by it's cover". We are a very visual society. If someone has the need to deliberately "show" me what they "like", then I have the right to respond how I like.[/quote



    I am sure I speak for a lot of people with tattoos ......YOU are not worth the energy , keep your bias



    Well.....maybe. If someone has a small concealed tattoo, I and most people could care less. The problem is when they are over the top.


    Case in point. I interveiwed a recent college graduate for a sales position with our firm. BAse salary is $65,000 with annual bonus potential of $30,000 plus full benefits. Not bad for a 22 year old right?

    Well this younfg fellow was qualified, articulate etc. Problem is he enters my office for the interview and he has the word R_E B_E_L in block letters tattoed on his neck!!!!:confused::confused::confused:


    After the interview ( which I hurried) the kid says " If the tattoo is an issue I can cover it up. Other companies I interviewed with said it might be a "problem." Ya think?? Needless to say he didn't get the job and he realized what a fool he was for having something so gross on his body.

    But hey it's his body and he can do whatever he wants. I'm sure McDonald's won't mind!

  12. You are such a ray of sunshine:). I feel sorry for you. I do not like the lido because it's just too crazy. I don't enjoy the crowds pawing at my food with unwashed hands. Do you ever make a post where you don't insult someone? I haven't seen one yet. How sad your life must be.



    Just quoting what YOU stated. Don't try to turn this around and make it about me. Look in the mirror. If the shoe fits............

  13. I just love reading your posts. You are hilarious. That's the problem. You have a small layer paying top prices and the $399 cruisers that come along for the ride. It cheapens the whole experience.



    Yes....GOD FORBID! If you have to rub shoulders with those "$399 cruisers!"

    I mean you might actually have to sit next to them during a show or heaven's .....sit at the same table with those "$399 cruisers" in the MDR!


    That you can be so condescending of people who pay less than you do for a cruise is amazing! Besides it is not their fault. I guess you need to blame HAL for offering a cruising experience for all economic backgrounds. And then your previous comment about "never having to step foot in the LIDO."


    Maybe you need to lock yourself in the Neptune suite and dine only at the Pinnacle Grill? But ask first if there are any of thos "$399 cruiser" with reservations. Wouldn't want to sit next to them would we? Might as you say "cheapen the experience."

  14. Virtually every organization can be seen as hypocritical in some fashion when examined closely. Government getting tax revenues from cigarettes while requiring health warnings; states selling lottery tickets to people who cannot afford to make such losing bets and then providing welfare support; dentists who give lollipops to child patients; parents who give their children junk food and then shop at Whole Foods; people who go to church and pray and then despise their neighbors -- it's just part of being human, or being run by humans: we happen to be not perfect, but that is what makes us fun.


    And don't forget me! Respiratory therapist who hands out cigarettes and matches to known smokers! Yes I do!! In this day and age with a tough economy....job preservation is very important!


    I also carry brochures with names of various Oxygen Home Care Specialists and the different sizes of oxygen cylinders they carry. Gotta be prepared!

  15. Just a curious question - seems the frequent posters are asking about who is going to be the Captain, HD, CD, piano player, etc. on their upcoming cruises. Why is this important to them? And most important - Would the answer cause them to change an already booked cruise? I know some have favorite Captains, CDs, but if a favorite was not on a planned trip, would it really matter? Please enlighten me as I tend to avoid reading those threads. Am I missing something?



    Because many of us have no life and spend countless hours on cruise critic?:(

  16. Although everyone says that their kids are wonderfully behaved and never annoy other people, we all know that they are parents so they do not know that some kids are obnoxious brats all of the time and all kids are obnoxious brats some of the time. That is what kids do. All of them - even yours.


    Just what we need in the Pinnacle - a bunch of noisy annoying obnoxious brats.


    Just so I do not flamed too badly, I have 2 kids (now adults) and we did not take them to adult restaurants until we knew that they would behave properly.






    I see what you mean. But I think the old people can be just as bad. Once at a meal in the Pinnacle, two elderly sisters dining together could not hear each other. It was over an hour of "WHAT? WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU! IS YOUR HEARING AID ON? WHAT ? WHAT?" One of the sisters sent back an entree 3 times for whatever reason. The other sister complained about the wine, the portion of the appetizer, and the service was slow. And that was just that night!


    Just what we need in the Pinnacle........a bunch of noisy, annoying, obnoxious old farts.

  17. Was on the 14 night RT Seattle Alaska cruise a few years back on the Amsterdam. In Skagway, there were 2 other ships in port. Our ship left first and a passenger (who should have known better) asks another passenger "What time does the ship leave?" Problem was the passenger he asked was on one of the other ships which left 2 hours after the Amsterdam!


    There was no way to "catch up" to the ship since the airports between ports are tiny airports with no regular scheduled service! So this passenger had to negotiate a deal with one of the owners of a float plane. We found out it cost him over $2000!!! Capitalism at its best!:D Plus the guy's wife was freaking out as she was on the ship with no husband.


    So don't believe that if you miss the ship "it's no big deal."

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