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Posts posted by princesscay

  1. I was on a ship - can’t think of the name, a few years back and I was waiting by the stairs for my husband to come out of the restroom. The door opened and a guy came out that I immediately thought was Drew Carey. He walked down the stairs and I thought that if I heard his voice I’d know for sure. He then called to a woman and I was like “yup, that’s him”. Anyone would know that voice. 😊


    On the Regal Princess after it first sailed we cruised and we were walking and beside us was a tall man that I swore was Ted Danson. He was holding a woman's hand but I don’t remember what she looked like because I was so focused on him. Later in the cruise we were sitting somewhere and I heard a passenger mention Ted Danson so I imagine that they saw him earlier too. 


    I asked my husband if he saw him and he said no. That’s too bad because Cheers was his favorite show!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️



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