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Posts posted by Abercram

  1. I'm another swim suits for all advocate. I was scared to order online but I did and got two that are super cute! One is a one piece the other is a tankini. The bottoms come up high (belly button high) so it gives you the extra security (I'm weird like that). I'm leaving this Friday to try them out for the first time on my cruise, I will let you know how they hold up if you like! (Also, you might wear a size different on their website, I measured and wore a different size than usual and it seems fine).

  2. Time for another question: I think I'm going to do my nails myself and change colors midweek.


    I'm thinking start with the purple then switch to the pink (since the green dress would look weird with purple I think and it's at the end of the week). Do y'all think this is a good idea? Also sorry for the blurry pictures, I took them with my phone, when you shrink them they look weird.

  3. Another evening outfit



    My second formal night dress



    The necklace im considering... What do you guys think??


    Another formal dress for chops grille... I love this one as it has the cool gold straps. (Unfortunately my sister broke part of it and I'm goin to have to try to tie it together since I can't fix it)


    My last evening outfit, and probably what I'm going to wear on the drive down (12 hours straight, yikes).



    And I bought a clutch this time for evening to put my lanyard in.



  4. What about a light purple, like lavendar? I have a white/blue striped maxi that I like to wear with a pale purple tank, or white t shirt. I wouldn't go with another pattern for the shirt, but that's just me as I usually don't go for patterned things. You could maybe wear a patterned scarf with it, but I'd keep the shirt "plain". If it were me.

  5. Welp tomorrow is going to be my big "packing day"! I'm going to take pictures of outfits for you guys hopefully. I have to work every day except Saturday and the day before we leave (next Thursday) so I'm going to try to get the majority of my packing done tomorrow. It's been unusually cold around here so I haven't worn any of my shorts yet this year so I gotta try those on. I might see about heading to charming Charlie's as the necklace I wanted to wear with one of my outfits is "mysteriously broken" aka my sister took it and broke it without telling me. Plus I haven't bought jewelry in... Probably 5 or 6 years. I'm trying to focus on my appearance more now that I'm out of college and soon to be married! (Our honeymoon is a cruise too, back to back this august!)

  6. Gosh! where was your rocky trip? I know the Hawaii run is very rocky.



    It was my first, to the western carribean. My fiancé was flipping out saying he'd never seen it that bad before (there were some storms nearby apparently) and he was scared it would scare me off from cruising! I loved it, minus the shower when you'd bounce from one side to the next with the ship lol. This time we have a tub (and his grandmother coming with us) so I hope it's not too bumpy for her sake, plus I might topple out of the tub if it is lol!

  7. Definitely bring some that can accommodate any swelling that might happen. My feet/ankles swelled terribly and that's never happened before! Fortunately I had on sandals that can be adjusted. I'd try bringing some flat sandals (that's what I wore) just in case. Our trip was VERY rocky (we could only use the pool one day and they closed the upper decks) so having a flat option is a good idea I believe. And it's true no one will notice/ care if you're wearing the same shoes. (I only had one evening pair)

  8. Good job everyone on the coordinating outfits! I really like the idea of posting pictures *before* the trip because afterwards I will be doing laundry and forget. We leave exactly two weeks from today, so I am going to start packing/trying on/ finalizing soon! I already have my first aid kit packed and ready, and found my passports, so the most important pieces are done. Now, I just have to find the right shade of nail polish. I'm thinking a neutral pink but all the colors I've tried are too bright, or too see-through (ugh) so gotta figure that out. Also debating getting my nails done as I've never done that before in my life, and I am terrible at painting and they always chip in a few days so idk if it's worth it? Does it last longer than "normal" at home nail polish application?

  9. Orajel. I like to use sample size toothpastes. Well last year I tried a different kind for sensitive teeth and didn't test it before the trip and had sores on my gums from it (I assume, haven't had them since and haven't used that brand since) I had EVERYTHING else in my first aid kit, except Orajel. Guess what I just bought to go in my kit this year! (It can also be used for cold sores too)

  10. Patience has gone the same way as manners.


    Because the World is now all about "ME" these things are no longer necessary.



    Sadly I think this is the root of it all. I had a lady yell at me at my work today because our candy was "too bloody expensive." Last time I checked you didn't go to a pharmacy to get cheap candy, and that candy isn't a necessity... And yelling at the employees won't change the prices.

    Unfortunately all people care about is themselves for the most part. The more I work in the public the more negative I feel about it. However I try to keep the positive, polite people in mind as they are that much more encouraging, though few and far between. Ultimately the only thing we can do is try our best to be patient and polite and try to show others that maybe that is the better way to be. It might take, it might not.

  11. I'm not exactly sure what type/size dress you're wanting for sailaway' date=' but I found this inexpensive one for my upcoming trip. I found it to be true to size; it washes well; and comes in multiple sizes/colors.




    Cool! I hadn't thought to look at Walmart! I found a cute skirt at target, it's a blue and white v stripe, very flattering! (Even fiancé liked it and he isn't a fan of patterns). I find it with a shirt help camouflage my stomach better than a dress. I am anxiously awaiting my bathing suit order.. I should get it tomorrow or Wednesday!!! Only 32 days left, gotta start planning outfits soon!

  12. Yes, it is a money making proposition (though I would argue the casino is the single highest revenue producer) but they should not serve alcohol to anyone who appears intoxicated.



    We aren't allowed to sell to a visibly intoxicated person at my work, I don't see why that rule wouldn't apply to other places... That could get ugly though.

  13. Also, I've been wondering if workout shorts/compression leggings are hot or comfortable in the carribean... Trying to avoid rough seams since they trigger my eczema. I prefer shorts/capris to dresses/skirts as my legs also rub together, which will also trigger my eczema lol and we'll be doing walking tours and the like.

  14. Glad your trip went well sdg!

    I'm going tomorrow to pick up a maxi skirt for part of my "sail away outfit" as I can't find a dress that I like... Plus with its cute pattern I'm sure I'll be able to wear it at home too. Unfortunately, unlike last year old navy doesn't seem to have ANY nautical themed shirts this year :( I have been waiting and looking. I'm on the hunt for the elusive NON- SEE THROUGH white tank/shirt. As much as I love layering as the next person it can get too hot wearing two layers just so my bra won't be on full display. I would have been ok if I didn't wash a Chapstick with my only white shirt... It has the oil marks on it. I'm also going to look for some swim suits, I'd like to get two more since our 8 day cruise is NEXT MONTH!!! :D

  15. Wen is based on the Co-washing method (conditioner only washing method). You can get the same results by using a basic silicone-free conditioner. You need silicone free because they (silicones) can cause buildup on the hair (making it look gunky and tangly eventually) depending on which kind it is. There are some water-soluble silicones, which can be removed by conditioner only washing, but most aren't. Personally I use Suave Naturals, super cheap, and silicone free. When you CO-wash you wash differently than shampoo since the surfectants in conditioners are much much milder than the detergents in shampoo. You have to put a LOT of conditioner in, (I have super thin hair and I use two palmfuls of conditioner) and you need to actually scrub your scalp and hair thoroughly, instead of just sloshing shampoo around. I usually scrub twice, and rinse in between. I've done this method for a whole year before, hair was clean, but it does feel slightly different since it isn't stripped completely (aka more moisturized, and shinier). While you can do this method for a long time, you might need to use a sulfate shampoo occasionally to clarify, in case you use styling products. The one downfall of this method is that the conditioner doesn't have strong enough surfectants to remove these extra styling products, I don't use them on a normal basis, so I didn't have that problem. The only reason I quit this method was because I got lazy and liked the convenience of shampoos saving a few minutes in the shower. TBH, don't waste your money on an expensive "cleansing" conditioner, regular conditioner is the exact same thing.

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