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Posts posted by Kashagi

  1. Hi All,

    I am looking to book my first cruise this week for next June. 

    It is on Anthem of the Seas 'RCC'.

    For years I wanted to go to the Norway Fjords.  I really wanted to see Geirianger and Alesand etc. 


    However due to dates and availability for my schedule I can only go on certain times. 

    It will be me and my best friend. I am 42 and he is 31. So RCC could be a good line for us?


    Could someone please tell me what they honestly think of this itinerary. 

     Southampton / Bergen / Olden / Maloy / Kristiansand, Norway / Southampton

    Will I see beautiful Fjords and lovely parts of Norway? Or is this itinerary not very good to see the Norway Fjords?

    It does seem to miss out a lot of the big named places.


    Thanks so much for any help. 

  2. Hi all,

    So after many years I am now going to be booking my first cruise for next year. 


    I am looking to do Norway Fjords. 

    Royal Caribbean only seem to be using Anthem of the seas for that area next year. 


    As someone going on a cruise for there first time, would you recommend Anthem of the seas? The reason I ask, it is such a bigger and more modern ship than a lot of the others and I wonder if it would set the standard a bit too high for other cruises?

    If I start with Anthem would it make other cruise ships feel dated and not as good? 

    Hoping I am getting my point across well but I am very sleepy this morning :) 


    I did look at doing the 14 day cruise to the Fjords and Iceland  with Norwegian Cruise line but that is quite a bit more expensive.  


    I am a 40 year old guy and I will be going on my own. 


    So yea just wondered if anyone had any reservations about a first time cruise going on one of the bigger newer ships.


    Thanks a lot

  3. I am still waiting for this to be released to the the general public.

    Atlantis emailed me mid Feb and said it would be on sale within a month.


    Does anyone know if the Atlantis Mexican cruises usually sell out pretty fast?

    I think it is on the westerdam which is maybe a bit smaller, so less capacity I guess.


    Really want to book asap :)

  4. Hi guys,

    Anyone know any details if there is going to be a Halloween cruise this year from California.

    Nothing posted on there site as yet.

    Wondering if anyone knew of any details yet. I know they used a different ship last year, so would be interesting to see what they may have planned.


    Hoping it will go on sale to general public soon if there is one.



  5. Hi all,

    I am new to cruising and looking to book my cruise for next Feb.


    I have been studying the deck plans and trying to get a feel for it all. Looking at pictures for the ship I am just wondering if a LOT of the balconies do not actually look down onto water?


    From what I can tell from the picture it looks like only balconies at the front of ship and some near the center, actually look down onto water. The rest look as if they are set back.

    Does this take away some of the thrill of having a balcony? Of course you can still see water straight ahead but to me does not feel the same.


    Just wondering for anyone that has been in the balconies that look as if they are set back, does it really matter? Are you just looking down onto life boats etc? Does it still feel very nice?

    I know I may sound picky but just trying to get a feel for what it would be like.


    One other question that is un related.

    I understand that smoking is a hot topic and do not wish to ruffle any feathers.

    Just wondering is there certain decks that would be near a smoking area's? Have NO idea how far it is to walk to places once on a ship. Would like my cabin to be relatively close to a smoking area if poss. Just wondering if it mattered which deck I was on for this?


    Thanks for any help.

  6. Just off the Silhouette two weeks ago and had a wonderful time, it's now my favorite ship after 20 some cruises. To me that cruise was all about the ship, we had 4 ports and I only got off her on one of them. Didn't ruin me for other ships though, I have one booked on the Celebrity Summit next January and for that one it will be "all about the ports".


    FYI, Atlantis had chartered the Silhouette the week after we got off the ship and the crew told us about the one the year before. Atlantis must charter it every year and it sounds like it's a blast. My friend had actually booked that same week as a back to back (2 cruises in a row), but got an email from Celebrity a month or so later that she'd been cancelled that 2nd week because it had just been chartered, so it does happen.


    Have a wonderful cruise, you will love the ship!


    I am really glad you had a nice time.. I swear I may start dreaming of deck plans soon as I keep looking at them :)


    Yea Atlantis does several cruises a year using several providers like Hal and Celeb and RCC. From what I have heard a lot of crew ask to work on Atlantis week as they say its so laid back and fun, and they enjoy it a lot.


    Seems a bit bad that your friend had his b2b cancelled due to a charter. Not very fair on him if Celeb had already had his cruise for sale.


    Thanks everyone else also for your kind comments they have all been very helpful!!

  7. Thanks all I appreciate the comments. Also I am glad it was not such a stupid question after all :)


    I have a lot to learn about going and a cruise and cannot wait to start the planning!!


    The dates Atlantis are chartering it is Feb 1st - 8th 2015.

    There was no danger you had booked yourself on a charter as it could only be booked via Atlantis and there agents I think :)

    I hope you have a great cruise on the 8th.


    Still deciding between balcony and OV . I won't be in my room a lot but balcony does sound lovely..

  8. Thanks for the input. Well at least I am glad my first ship is going to be a great one :)

    It really does look big and beautiful. When you have never been on a cruise and only seen vids and pics, I think its hard to know what really to expect.

    So many say its like a floating resort and how big it feels.

    Will be a lot of fun finding out.


    The Ship will be charted by Atlantis so wil be a mix of celeb staff and there's. Can't wait now lol.


    I originally was going to go for an inside but may end up going for a balcony not far away from all the action if at all poss. Sales to general public will be released in 4 weeks so will book then. Even though its a year away its still exciting.

  9. Thank you Ok Rancher. I have spent a lot of time looking over the deck plans and getting a feel for cabins etc.


    I hear good things about RSVP cruises as well. I opted for Atlantis for my first as I know some that really enjoyed it.


    Question to anyone. Sometimes when you see 2 seperate catagories for a balcony and price difference is maybe $50-100. Does the slightly more expensive balcony catagory mean the location is better?


    I have a feeling the insides will sell out before prices released to general public, so I will look at either window or a balcony :)

  10. Hi all,


    I have a question that may seem a bit strange.


    I have never cruised before and in a few weeks I will be hopefully booking the Silhouette as part of a charter cruise for Feb next year.


    After doing a lot of research in past on cruises I know there is differences between ships. I originally thought I would be going with RCC.

    Silhouette looks like a massive really nice ship.


    I am just wondering if after going on this ship if my expectations will be set very high, and other ships will feel not as big or as cool?

    This seems a newer ship and as said looks very nice but would be a shame if after my first cruise other ships would feel not so great?


    As said I know may seem a stupid question but I have wanted to cruise for years and I am sure this will be my first of many.


    Only thing I wish this ship had was something like a promannade like I think RCC ships have.


    Anyway as said really excited about getting this booked soon :)

  11. Kashagi,

    I am sure you will have a great time on your cruise. I have just had a look at the Atlantis site and I could almost wish I was gay, male, and 30 it looks so much fun.;)

    Don't worry about the room being stuffy, the cabins have great A/C, I have never woken with the stuffed up feeling I can get from hotel rooms.

    If you are looking for a reasonable rate for a cabin close to some party life I would try deck 3 by the Passport Bar ocean view 3146, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70, 74 or inside 3144, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72. these are great rooms as you are close to the bar the Grand Foyer and the stair and elevator bank; they are quiet too.

    If you have never been to the Caribbean you will find your ports a good introduction. St Maarten is my favorite. It is a lovely town for strolling around and there is a beach right where you dock with plenty of bars etc. Take the little water taxi off the dock to the town, and be sure to get a return ticket as it is the best value.

    Have a great time.

    Cheers, h



    Hehe yes I have to agree a gay cruise does look SO much. As said it would not be for everyone. I have known str8 cruisers who have been on it with there gay friends. They said they actually preffered the charter to there normal cruise lol. Also I hear the cruise staff really look forward to the gay week and actually request to work as its so much fun.


    Thank you very much for the tips on the cabin room numbers that is appreciated!! Can't wait to get it booked soon..

  12. Thanks again for the replies I do appreciate it.


    Yes seems I was looking at wrong ship plans! First mistake hehe

    It seems they sell the rooms at a discount to people still on the cruise, which is how someone posted the dates etc. So once the rooms get officially sold I will see what is still avail.

    If need be I will go for a bit more expensive room depending on what is left.

    I agree it will be subjective what people like. For me being close to main attractions will be better for me. Where as on other types of holidays I like being slightly away from it.


    Thanks again for the help will keep researching.

  13. My brother and his husband just finished up this year's edition of the cruise - they had a wonderful time. Atlantis tends to charter the entire ship, and the activities and atmosphere will be quite lively.


    I am really pleased they had such a great time. I know the charter cruise is not for everyone, but it sounds awesome to me.. Atmosphere and just feeling part of it is important for me. I will be going on my own as my mates don't feel like coming. I am sure I will make friends along the way.

  14. I have just been looking at the deck plans. Apart from avoiding being under or above lido and pool etc. As a rule of thumb do people generally want to be on the highest deck poss?

    For example there some inside cabins on deck 2 and some on say deck 6 and 7 for example. So given the choice a cabin in a higher level deck is always be better than being in a lower? Hope I am making sense.


    You can probably tell I have never stepped food on a cruise lol.

  15. Thank you all very much for your help :)

    You have helped put my mind at ease about the cabin. I won't be in the cabin that much like most other than for sleeping.


    Once the prices get released I will try and get a cabin around the middle of the ship if I can. I will post for suggestions on the celebrity board that you suggested.


    I will go back to reading the thread about what you wished you knew before your first cruise. Such a helpful thread. I will make sure I fly into Florida from the UK the day before for sure.


    Yes Atlantis I think do a lot of there own entertainment when they charter the ships. From what I have read the cruise staff as well as the alantis staff are all lovely.


    Thanks again for your help!

  16. sorry messed up title.


    Hi all,

    Well soon I will be booking my first ever cruise and pretty excited.

    Thing is I have no idea what to expect when it comes to a stateroom. I am very used to sleeping with a window open and I worry about a stateroom feeling stuffy and claustrophobic.

    I have looked at balcony rooms but I don't think you can even keep the doors open on these?


    I don't mind booking a a cheap room if they feel well ventilated as I hate waking up and feeling a bit stuffy.


    The ship I will be sailing on is Celebrity Silhouette, BUT it will be an Atlantis charter and the official prices are not out yet. I have seen a rough guide on another site with prices and itinerary for next Feb.


    What I will be looking for is if poss is a pretty central location stateroom. I am not sure how it works and where most of the parties and events will happen on a boat that is chartered. Not sure if I go for a higher or lower deck. Not sure if I will get sea sick 'hoping not'.

    I am guessing some state rooms are a very long walk? Guessing the cheapest statrooms are further away from stuff? Ideally I would like to be fairly close to the main area's. Then again I probably sound silly as its a huge ship. No idea what to expect really lol.


    I have spent hours last night reading the tips for first cruisers and they were fascinating. Still have about 25 pages to go :)


    I am sorry if this is vauge but I am trying to make rough plans for when the prices are officially released.


    One other thing I am not sure how exciting the itinerary is.

    Leaving from Fort Lauderdale and then 1 day at sea. Then Labadee, which i thought was RCC exclusive?' then next day 1am at San Juan.. 1am seems strange to me.

    Then Philipsburg St Martin followed by 2 days at sea.

    I think it will be fun no matter what as it is more for the Atlantis parties and experience, but not sure if the ports are cool?


    Anyway sorry if I am asking too much in one post, just getting excited now :)


    One last thing. Is the ship I am going to be sailing on a good size? Not sure if its more like a standard RCC ship that a lot of my friends have been on.

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