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Posts posted by chers2031

  1. I was in the Yacht Club in cabin 12004 from the 15th-22nd of March and I came down with something starting on the 19th when we were in San Juan. That Wednesday evening I started running a fever and felt like crap through my departure on Saturday. I had a hell of a cough that kept me up all night that Thursday and Friday. I coughed so much my chest and stomach hurt like hell. When I did self assist debarkation Saturday morning it felt like my lungs were on fire and I thought I was going to die...I've never felt so bad. When I got home to North Carolina that night I was running a fever of 100.6 and it stayed clear through the following Tuesday. To this day I still have a cough but it is not nearly as bad as it was on the ship. I don't know if this was the flu or not. I was spitting up bloody phelm so I thught it was a sinus infection but now it seems like bronchitis. My mother came down with it a few days after we got back and still has the cough today as well. I don't know of anyone else who was sick on my cruise...but at least you all know now it was on the ship as of the 19th of March...am wondering if I am the first...sorry if I am the responsible party! I hope everyone who got sick, including myself feels better soon!


    YIKES. I hope its still not floating around on the ship but I swear that is the same symptoms as all of us. We literally number in the hundreds who got this however most everyone came down with it on disembark day or the day after. One girl was in the hospital for 7 days and after tons of testing and being pumped full of antibiotics, they still couldn't get a solid diagnosis. They finally sent off her blood work to another facility and it was determined that she had Human Metapneumovirus. Apparently testing for this particular virus is not widely available. It is a close relation to the bird flu and mild symptoms can appear as a bad cold with head and chest congestion, fever, sore throat ranging all the way to severe symptoms which mimic severe pneumonia. :-/ I still have cough and chest congestion. :( Wish it would go away!!!



  2. I think we're talking about 2 different things here!

    The CDC requires a report from Cruise line if there is a Gastrointestinal Illness outbreak (noro, etc.)higher then 2% of the total passengers!


    What seems to be explained by cruisers here is people coming down with this years flu outbreak, which the CDC has labeled 'wide spread'(high) in New England, and local (mid range) in central and southern US!

    So we know who to blame, all those 'Damn Yankees'!:eek:

    (just kidding):D


    Hope everyone feels better, but a word to the wise, if you cruise in flu season(highest activity Nov-March), get a flu shot! Never cruise if you're over 65 without a flu shot, it could be life threatening!


    Got ya RB. Yeah this is flu or flu like virus. Bigger bitch of this is... Most of us that got this crap had flu shots... as well as I loaded up on Ester-C for 2 weeks prior, took a b12 shot before left, took my allergy pills daily, washed my hands tons, used the sanitizer every time I passed it.... nothing was enough. :(

  3. The pools are drained each night as I understand as they are salt water pools!

    I would be interested in hearing from past cruisers if they saw the pools emptied!

    As far as how many were sick, if it reached the numbers the poster mentioned it would have been reported to the CDC, as this is mandatory for all US home ported ships which the Divina is!


    As far as I know there haven't been any reports to MSC about number that got the crud. No one went to the on-board clinic for it that I've heard. It seemed to hit the majority with voice loss first either the last day of the cruise or the day we returned and just progressed from there. Our cruise was only a 4 night trip. On the FB group page for MOR there are several multiple page long threads of people all reporting the same symptoms.

  4. They usually clean it twice as normal after Monsters of the rock cruise:cool: WE been on one after Monsters..... they had to drain the pool and sanitize it:cool: no mantion smell in hallways ....



    :D That would NOT surprise me.... our drunk ass rowdy bunch leaves the ship in a MESS. They did drain the indoor pool one night while we were on board.

  5. I know you think this is a joke but yes, you should. I tell my staff to work remotely when they feel ill, and I definitely restrict my time out of home (to the pharmacy, etc) when I'm not feeling well. It's really just common courtesy.




    Exactly Okmyx! Its rude to be out and around people when you are carrying something highly contagious!



    Being in a closed environment, people are bound to get sick. Same with airplanes. AND if this was just a handful of people that got this exact same illness, I wouldn't really have thought anything about it. However, this is a very large percentage of the people that were on the ship all with the exact same symptoms and a few have ended up turning into pneumonia. It would be a good thing for the staff to do a little extra disinfecting of surfaces on the ship being that so many of us got sick. I'm not sure how long these germs will survive on surfaces but they are some nasty little buggers.


    I washed my hands multiple times a day, use a paper towel to open door on way out, used the Purrell every time I passed a dispenser... but I still managed to pick it up. :-/

  6. We had a great time aboard Divina for the Monsters of Rock cruise last week... however it appears about 1/2 the ship's passengers came back with some kind of illness. It starts with a loss of voice but feeling ok for a day, then head and chest congestion, sore throat, coughing, aches and fever set in. I've been fighting this off for 6 days now and still not over it after a steroid shot, decongestant shot and antibiotics. Some people have tested positive for flu while others, myself included, did not even though we all have the exact same symptoms. I was told my test could be false negative cause it was taken well past the 48 hour mark of symptom onset.?.


    We definitely passed something around that boat.... and some still on there who are doing all 3 in a row are reporting more passengers experiencing same thing. (Today marks the 3 sailing of 3 in row music based chartered cruises...)


    Now my thoughts on the ship: She is a lovely ship. Something didn't seem quiet right with the humidity inside though particularly in the lounges on 6 & 7 and theatre. It would be cool (although not as cool as I would've liked) inside but the air so wet feeling, you would instantly feel sticky. I know you are on the water and some humidity to be expected but this felt more than what should be normal. It was less humid outside than inside. I've been on several different cruise lines and ships and never experienced air so wet feeling indoors. The air conditioning just didn't seem to be cutting it. Even our cabin on 8 was humid and warmer than I would prefer with the thermostat as low as it would go.


    The buffet food was decent but not great... I was surprised at how bland the pastas were being an Italian ship. Better than what we had on Poesia the last couple years. I never made it to any of the main dining rooms. I also noticed on the last night, I got water out of the ice machine and it had a brown tint to it. I hadn't noticed it when using the frosted plastic cups but that last night they put out white Styrofoam ones and you could see it was off.


    The staff I think got fed up with our crazy bunch as the first couple days everyone was very nice but as time went on, some got pretty cranky... particularly pool bar staff. Some down right rude at the end. I'm sure that group is a bit overwhelming to them but their job is customer service so they should never be so nasty.

  7. MSC Cruises - Could you tell me how much a shot of Patron Silver Tequila is? I'm trying to figure out pricing for our upcoming cruise in March and whether or not to buy a drink package.... that is the only thing I've yet to find as I don't see it listed on any of the bar menus. :(



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