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Posts posted by Oasis9389

  1. You never caught on did you that some of us have genuine health problems that are getting solved by eating what we have found is the right diet for us.

    We are not fad dieters we are people trying to save our lives.


    i see that now, obviously eating carbs and bread can be bad for your health if you have issues. we are 2 totally differnt levels now.


    cruise on.

  2. ..... A slice of whole wheat bread will raise your blood sugar and trigger an insulin response faster than a snickers bar\[\QUOTE]



    Yep. Snickers bar is significantly lower on the GI scale than a slice of WHOLE WHEAT bread. (Hint: It has to do with the peanuts.) Just like peanut M&Ms are a better choice than plain.


    And no, I'm not suggesting we should all give up wheat bread for candy. Just making a point. :).


    I'm out.



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


    wow you guys are brainwashed and misinformed. "hint it has to do it with the peanuts" lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz LORD.. this is the twilight zone

  3. Yes. The two doctors I referenced wrote amazing books, with tons of research. The OP labels them as diet books, but they aren't. People with autoimmune diseases such as MS, RA, and Lupus have reported a complete cessation of symptoms once eliminating wheat and grains from their diets. It's amazing, really.


    try this


    stop reading diet books


    eat less


    increase your activity


    just saved you years of reading fad diets.

  4. Nope. Just from a family of diabetics who is very educated about GI ratings.



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


    Diabetics is a totally different thing, obviously a piece of wheat bread will raise your insulin too high if you are a diabetic. If you are diabetics then i don't know waht to day

  5. I think we must be twins separated at birth or sisters with another mother. That is exactly how I think and how I eat. I used to eat what is widely believed to be a healthy diet and came within minutes of death.


    But there is encouraging news in the world of food these days. The tide is turning against High Fructose Corn Syrup, sugar and foods processed to remove any value from it. Unfortunately it is too late to save the current generations but there may be hope for the future.


    the whole plan i typed was to eliminate processed foods, only eat the whole foods. i don't eat a processed piece of food.... ever, noting. anything they cook will be soaked in fat. you won't be able to eat any lean protein other than an egg white. so how do you combat that? don't voluntary eat fat sources.

  6. About the root veggies... I have a friend who is a weight watchers coach. She secretly laughs when some one says they don't eat carrots cause their fattening. "No one attends weight watchers cause they ate too many carrots" is her thought.




    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Forums mobile app


    Exactly... All these fad diets, like the one this user referenced, are ruining society.


    Why does a low carb diet work? Well first off, you aren't eating carbs, so your body is holding less water. You will lose pounds a day at first in water weight.


    My new diet... DONT DRINK WATER... LOSE 5 POUNDS A DAY.. thats about just as silly as don't eat carbs.


    Second, people are eliminating a whole food group. So what are they doing in return? EATING LESS CALORIES.. They aren't substiting enough fats and protein for the lack of carbs..


    Thats all it is, eat less calories.


    One other thing, weight watchers, is about the only organization doing it right, but...They've actually tricked the entire world. they've created a point system to follow. Its really funny, the point system already exists its called a CALORIE. but props to them for remaining the calorie to a point and selling it.

  7. I've replaced whole wheat bread (which really isn't very healthy but somewhat better then white bread) with Ezekiel 3:9 Sesame bread. Keep it in the freezer it gets yucky in the pantry . It's a sprouted bread which I think I read is really a vegetable?


    I like foodbabe's blog. It's a little over the top for me but good and I hope valid info.




    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Forums mobile app


    I actually eat the same bread. It's healthier than wheat. It's not going to make you less fat, I eat it because it's a better nutritional choice. Same reason I have olive oil over vegetable oil. Neither is affecting my fat gain.

  8. Ha diet books on eliminating wheat. Lord the media has you people brainwashed. Don't eat carbs carbs, don't eat this, eat that, eating this will lose belly fat.


    Loorrrddd. you want to lose weight? EAT LESS CALORIES AND EXCERCISE..


    do yourself a favor and stop reading fad diet books. Hysterical really

  9. I am clearly describing whole wheat bread. Sounds like you hate to be wrong, and wrong you surely are. Try looking up Dr. Robert Perlmutter and Dr. William Davis for a good starting point on your research. Happy learning! :D


    I live nutrition. You are wrong. Stop listening to the media and the no carb hype. All lowering your carbs will do is lose water weight. Carbs are not related to gaining fat. It's calories in vs calories out.

  10. Surely I meant complex carbs when I compared a slice of whole wheat bread to a snickers bar. :rolleyes: A slice of whole wheat bread will raise your blood sugar and trigger an insulin response faster than a snickers bar.



    Clueless :rolleyes:


    PS - welcome to cruise critic.


    Do you realize how wrong you are on that? Idc how many posts you have, you clearly do not know nutrition.


    Complex carbs are good, they include Multigrain bread, veggies, beans, etc. They have a low GI rating. The GI rating is the affect on one's insulin. Your body needs carbs based on your activity level.


    What you are describing is white bread, yes white bread is the same as snickers. It's the same thing, its sugar plain and simple. Those are called simple carbs.


    Take a step back, you are clearly un informed here, you do not everything.

  11. Hey, kjbacon;


    Want to share some popcorn, and get out of the way while the various health food factions sling avocados at each other? Anyone remember her post from about 20 back in regards to chilling?


    Calling complex carbs the same as snickers hardly makes her a health food faction. You should be seeking complex carbs, veggies are complex carbs.


    Surely she met simple carbs are the same as snickers, lines like that I knew she had no clue.

  12. There are very different sources of fat. There is nothing at all wrong with avocados, egg yolks, or nuts. If you are going to limit a fat source, it should be bacon and other garbage.


    Potatoes, rice, and other complex carbs are complete junk. They cause blood sugar spikes and lead to weight gain. Protein is always the best choice.


    Good sources of whole foods are meat, fish, eggs, chicken, and veggies. Root vegetables and starches are almost as bad as eating a candy bar, and whole grain bread ... well, you're better off eating a snickers bar than touching that.


    Trust me... you are getting inot this with the wrong person. I said don't go out of your way to eat fat. Yes that woudl include bacon buddy. The reason for this is your body only requires a certain level of fat a day .5-1 gram of body weight.


    On a normal day i control my fat source, so yes i get all my fat from olive oil, nuts, avacdo..


    Now, when you order your lunch or you order your dinner fish meal, steak meal. you can be rest assured everything they cook is going to be soaked in oil. You will be eating 20-30 grams of fat per dinner meal w/o trying. So again dont go out of your way to eat fat, as your would normally, you get enough.


    Carbs.. SMH.. buddy. i eat 500 grams of carbs a day, i have 8% body fat, i wont even touch your thoughts on that.


    Your whole foods line is correct........... thats what I said to eat, no?


    All you did was spit out what the media wants you do think, its calories vs calories out. Don't eat processed food. All you need to know.

  13. FWIW


    I am very into fitness, very self aware and attempt to eat 'clean' 24/7. I've been on 2 NCL cruises and have a strategy.


    Never go out of your way to eat a fat source.. i.e nuts, guacamole, egg yolk, etc. you will be getting enough fat through the day, limit it where you can/


    Breakfast is your easiest meal to get in some good healthy calories. Whole wheat toast (sure its garbage wheat but best option), Oatmeal, Hard boiled eggs (peel and remove yolk), yogurts, fruit etc. I usually slam a big breakfast, since it really the only meal you can count on each day.


    Lunch, hit the salad bar, carving station and small carb side from the buffet.. rice, potatoes, etc.


    Dinner, i always get the steak or fish option


    Final rule, stop eating after diner. Don't go back to the buffet for cake, don't get any late night food. If you're hungry, wait for the reliable breakfast the next day


    following these methods your pretty much eliminate the processed foods.


    good luck

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