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Posts posted by ilovemysoldier628

  1. On our very first cruise we had to travel from Hawaii were we lived to LA. We had to leave our house early afternoon and then fly the 4 or so hour flight and arrived really really early in the morning. Our shuttle wasn't ready yet since it was about 5 in the morning so we waiting the USO for a while rested. When we finally got in the ship we explored and had some fun. Dinner time came around and our son was just 2.5 at the time and was extremely exhausted. He couldn't help himself anymore and fell asleep at the table. My husband caught his head right before it hit the table and his plate. We thought dinner for us was done too at this point since he was completely asleep but no, the wait staff was unbelievably amazing! They brought 2 empty chairs with arms out and lots of table clothes and made a bed for our son right there in the dining room beside us. He slept and we ate and enjoyed our first meal. The next day we made it to dinner and our son was wide awake and good to go, we checked in and his food was being put on the table right as we walked up, no waiting for his food at all! This was a Disney cruise about 5 years ago.

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