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Posts posted by ladysnooty

  1. I am entering an age old argument here, for the heck of it.... but has no one made the connection between underpaying workers in the first place and crappy service? Isn't it MSC's job to pay their employees enough to survive? Isn't it my job to tip generously for good service? Can't you have a tip pool so that the unseen workers share in the tips? Why is it my responsibility that they "survive"? This is how it works at every restaurant or service oriented place I've ever worked... this motivates everyone to give good service because it makes a difference to their end take home, but everyone makes a decent wage... my two cents worth is that MSC should charge enough for the cruise in the first place to pay everyone appropriately and then tips should be an individual decision. Sure, there's room for dishonesty (employees pocketing tips instead of sharing) but that becomes sooo obvious with time, when some people turn in low amount of tips - oh, wait a moment, that's how you spot the people giving crappy service and address it if they're not lying about their tips. All the complaints about MSC recently are related to service... I think this system might have something to do with it.

    Oh, and by the way... how about when MSC changes your cruise dates and refuses to reimburse you for cancelled and changed travel plans? That's what led me to consider this issue - should I punish innocent onboard employees because the cruise line was so awful at this? No.... Did I consider it briefly... oh yes.... their service before sail has been atrocious... perhaps this is why we ask these questions about considering it!!!

  2. MSC -


    when you say "connect to wifi" to download app.... how are you supposed to connect to wifi if you haven't PAID for a wifi package on board? If you CAN connect to wifi for FREE (ie. just to download and use this app) then you need to clarify that.... otherwise the traveller app won't be free at all!!!

    ps, I completley understand how to turn my phone off and only use wifi... but your ship advertises that connecting to wifi costs money!!! Is there some system where wifi for this app is free but not other wifi? I think probably so, but this is what people are asking you

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