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Posts posted by SpicyGem

  1. I'm working hard on losing 2 dress sizes before my cruise in March. I'm working out 80 minutes per day almost every day and keeping the calorie count around 1200-1300 per day. I plan on completely stopping the diet when my trip begins and enjoying any and all food and drink I want during the trip. Do I need to worry that this extreme adjustment will cause a very noticeable weight gain during the trip such as my clothes not fitting right, or will it take longer than the 9-10 days I am gone so I won't have to worry about it until I get home? It takes SO long to lose the weight - I hope putting it back on is slow too!



    Allow yourself one meal a day to overindulge - if you go crazy during your cruise you will gain it on your cruise - have a light breakfast & normal lunch - if you can have someone fix your plate and bring it to you it will help you avoid the temptation of the buffet - do the same with lunch and commit to working out at least on your cruise days and you should be fine. Good luck.

  2. We went on RCL last year and my daughter still talks to her cruise friends and a few even came to Jersey from Canada to go to Great Adventure. I had a cruise contract with my daughter that she was made to read and sign before we left. I got it on one of the boards here and modified it to fit our circumstances. I insisted on dinner every night and did allow her to eat with friends 2 or 3 times (it was a 9 day cruise), and insisted on excursion days. Other than that I hardly saw her. I would definitely invest in the phone app - RCL did not offer one then - it would make me feel much better.

    My daughter is 15 and still a pretty innocent kid (not delusional just know my kid). I felt the need to warn her about not going into anyones room for any reason unless she checked with me first - not even another girls, not to go with any staff, not to put her drink down, etc. She said it was the best vacation she ever had (she has been around the world and to Disney and Universal many times). i am sure the freedom she experienced was a huge part of it. I think if you go in with a set of rules and what is acceptable and not you are ahead of the game. why most people are pleasant and kind you are traveling with over 2 thousand strangers from all over the world and there is alcohol involved and drunk people. My daughter was not permitted to walk to our room alone at the end of the night and we told her to call the room and we would come and get her - there were many other things but like I said you need to do what you feel is comfortable but do not be naive and think nothing happens on these cruises - it does - more often than the public is privy to.


    You can find the contract here - scroll down a bit until you get to it



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