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Posts posted by Stef_w_an_F

  1. Hi. We just got back from our Getaway vacation (May 17-24). Here are the top 5 things we never leave home without when going on a cruise:


    1) Over-the-door Shoe Organizer - I love how it keeps clutter to a minimum and frees up counter space.



    2) Gift Card/Old Hotel Room Key - We always have a spare for hotels that have the card power saver switch (like they have on the Getaway). It is nice to keep the card in the slot so phones/ipads/computers can still charge, even when you are not in the room. I have read some comments on here that say you need to talk to your room stewart but we did not, and we didn't have any problems.



    3) Folder - I like bringing a folder (I just use a manilla folder but you could get a fancier one) so that I can store all the fun, printed goodies you get on the ship. You can keep all your freestyle guides, maps, and any other souvenirs in there for safe keeping.



    4) Downy Wrinkle Release - you cannot bring an iron on board (and frankly it's vacation, who wants to iron) but unfortunately your clothes may need a little wrinkle help. Downy wrinkle release is magic in a little bottle. Spritz a little onto your clothes the night before and presto, no more wrinkles (and it makes your clothes smell nice too)



    5) Small Air Freshener - no, no...the rooms do not smell. I bring an air freshener to serve as a "smell reminder" when we leave the ship. That way every time we smell that smell, we are reminded of the awesome vacation we had. It is so wonderful to hit that smell at home and be instantly back in vacation land.



    You can also check out our vacation video review of the Getaway here:


    Have a Great Trip!!! :D

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