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shire cruiser

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Posts posted by shire cruiser

  1. In my opinion, whilst on the Northern Explorer 22 June, Broome port was a major problem for Captain Kent and Sea Princess concerning the wharf. Passengers were up in arms with the major queue going around the ship waiting for the necessary shuttle tickets to get off the ship which took hours because no one can just get off the ship and walk to the end of the wharf. Even taxis/any vehicle has to have a special permit to drive across the wharf to the ship and back into town. Broome wharf restrictions. Gas pipes I think and security. Even if you had family/friends on the other side of the wharf to meet you, you had to go by shuttle to the other side and you needed tickets.

    Many people gave up and didn't get off the ship as it didn't arrive until 2pm on day 1 anyway and the shops closed at 5pm! Lots of people/elderly people missed out. Next day the ship left at 1pm so if you weren't early birds like us and got off the ship at 5am to go do amazing things in the Kimberleys, you missed out. I just think Captain Kent is fed up with passenger complaints !!

  2. Hi, just reporting on our Northern Explorer 22 June 2014 cruise Brisbane to Fremantle. Alotau PNG instead of Bali. Yorky's Knob instead of Port Douglas. Loved the reef and Whitehaven Beach. Loved the rainforest skyrail and Kuranda. Amazed at the way of life in the villages of Alotau. The iteniary change did not affect us much although Broome port was a disaster for a lot of passengers. After arriving Broome on the first day at 2pm there was a massive queue to collect shuttle tickets to get into town. Can't walk across the wharf due to port restrictions so must be in a vehicle which has been granted a permit. Some did not get off the ship at all. My husband had the forsight to go early for the shuttle tickets and we did get a look at town, enjoyed some shopping & experience the townfolk. Second day my husband and I had an early morning half day excursion booked and managed to get off the ship at 5am, get through the red tape of the Broome wharf and fulfill our dream of the adventure of a lifetime to fly by seaplane over the Buccaneer Archaepelego, Cape Leveque, land on Talbot Bay and ride the Horizontal falls in a jetboat, in awe of the magnificent rock formations of the Kimberley. Swam in shark cage with the lemon sharks. A day never to be forgotten. Australia you're amazing!!! Made it back to the ship 45 minutes before 1pm departure! Weather was so warm and sunny during the whole trip untill we came to nearing Geraldton and Capt. Kent gave Geraldton the flick as it was not possible to tender due to the bad weather. Funny thing we seemed to be speeding at knots during the night to arrive Fremantle earlier than expected! Extra day in Fremantle so went to the old gaol tour - interesting. Great cruise.

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