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Posts posted by Goodwink13

  1. First time cruising with a child (20 months old) coming up in March. Does anyone know if Royal Caribbean allows strollers on deck? My daughter will nap beautifully in her stroller. I am picturing scenarios like we are all out enjoying the sunshine on deck and she gets tired...throw her in her stroller and we can all stay outside. Or maybe we want to go to a show and it's nap time...stroller to the rescue again. (She's a deep sleeper - has slept through fireworks several times, shows won't be a problem. And before my parenting skills are bashed, if she woke up crying we would IMMEDIATELY remove ourselves from the area during a show or performance!) Thanks for your advice!!!

  2. That was my original thought as well. Vitality cafe maybe? I'm too lazy this morning to go and look up the real name! I've done search, after search and can't find the review that I originally saw it in.


    Oh we'll, only 109 more days and I can find out for myself!


    Ok I found the review/website I saw that listed crepes!!! http://www.oasisoftheseasallureoftheseas.com This states that you can get crepesin the Solarium Bistro, open for breakfast and lunch. Don't know how old or accurate this info is, but at least we can rest easy knowing that we aren't crazy for thinking we could get crepes somewhere! :)

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