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Posts posted by Fieryme

  1. Thats awesome that NCL have offered free trips to the GBR. That may well be the highlight of their cruise which goes a long way to making one happy :):)



    Quoting on the earlier statement to this...I must have missed that announcement but we weren't offered free trips to the GBR. We were offered a free shuttle service into Cairns since we tendered a but away from it...



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  2. Sip has just popped back on the marine traffic site around 200nm off Darwin.




    She making 13.7Knts and looks overdue going on the arrival time stated on that site.




    The past track shows she has been up to 16knts but the speed seems all over the place.



    Our ship's log shows we're 95 nm away and traveling at 16 knots.



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  3. Any talk about a dry dock.




    I heard the meeting is at 9.00 am.



    There may be several meetings due to people on excursions and we are to be told when they will be.


    A staff member who told me they knew days earlier of the problem when it was leaked by a bridge officer (which was confirmed today - Passengers told on 1/26 but discovered on 1/24) said there's a 110% chance they won't dry dock. Doesn't mean it's true, but they were right about the malfunction date that no one off the bridge/engineering really knew so I'm inclined to believe they won't dry dock until this ship is back in Europe.



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  4. I just watched the protest video in the roll call ... wow. The Aussies ain't putting up with the changes and good for them. I'd like to see the folks that post on CC about "read the contract" try to explain it to the crowd.



    I filmed it. I can tell you it was a lot more than just the Aussies. I don't want to give away too much because I wasn't involved with the organizing of it, but I think it was led by an Aussie and an American.



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  5. This looks pretty doable on one pod, the only close ones are the Burnie to Milford Sound (as to how much time in the sound), and the Napier to Tauranga leg.



    On that leg's CC board, people indicated (as well as our Hotel Director to my neighbor) that NCL contacted them to change the itinerary but they have not released it yet.



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  6. That's unusual. Even when operating alone, a pod does not really get "overworked" (though I know how non-technical cruise ship staff can mangle technical information). Operation on one pod can cause some more vibration in the one working pod, but typically this is during low speed maneuvering, not from the high load, full sea speed operation. Again, without more info, I'm scratching my head about what has happened.



    We had been traveling around 7-8 knots from HK to Singapore. I assume that's higher than the lower speed maneuvering you were mentioning. Right now we are traveling at 16.5 knots. Obviously anything else we find we'll be sure to share. Now, there is a rumor floating around, quietly, that this problem was discovered in Singapore or the day we after, but the majority of staff were only told yesterday.



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  7. Sorry, that ain't happening. Much as I'd look forward to going back to Oz, I just got home, and am getting to the point where the dog recognizes me again, and doesn't bite. :D




    I just picked the thread up again this morning, shocked to hear that there is another pod issue. Without more info, I don't know whether this is a different failure of the same pod, or a failure of the other pod. I will say, for those who worry that the second pod could have failed during the cruises on one pod, this is an extremely rare event, I haven't heard of this kind of progression of failures before.



    From what I have heard from staff friends, it's the their azipod now, as if it was overworked from doing it on its own. The Captain and Chief Engineer are still holed up and haven't explained anything to us in detail.



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  8. Wow could spell trouble for the crews tips!!! (I am Australian so can say that[emoji851]) which would be a shame and wrong.


    Say hi to Tash and TIara on the activities team from JAmes and fleur!


    Also say hi to Brian and RObin from Canada if you do trivia. They are onboard all the way to Venice and must be annoyed



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    Tiara is still on board and my gal pal so I'll send your regards. Also to Brian and Robin (they're a few doors down from us) - and yes, they are very annoyed.



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  9. Does anyone have news on the Star Azipod fix and have the Repairs have been completed




    We were told repairs were done shortly before Singapore but were doing tests. Things seem to be fixed as we've been traveling 17.7 knots on average since we left Singapore 2 days ago.



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  10. I called at 9am and got through after 45 seconds on hold. Talked with a nice guy and got me switched from Epic Med to the Australia/NZ/Asia route that I had always wanted. He said that it was one of the few repositioned sailings that was able to be booked now. I feel very lucky in that I got the cruise I wanted but feel for everyone that got royally screwed by all of this. I hope the media gets involved with this massive f-up on NCL's part

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