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Posts posted by Cruz52

  1. Hello,


    For quite a while I have been reading a lot of very negative reviews regarding MSC Cruise Line. I am a travel consultant and I would like to shed some light on why there are numerous complaints and how to avoid them. BTW I will never reveal my real name or who I work for. I'm not hear to sell you anything.


    The first point I would like to make is that you should never book your cruise on your own. Big mistake. Some people think they know everything that a travel consultant knows but in all honestly you don't. A good travel consultant will advise you honestly. This is called Qualifying the Client. That is when a consultant will find out what you like and don't like. What other cruise lines you have been on that you liked or didn't like. Then assist you and recommend suitable cruise lines to fit your budget. And yes you need a budget. Also a travel consultant will get you the best deal possible at the time of booking. And remember by booking early you generally will get a lower rate than someone who is booking close to sailing. Booking close to sailing is really only benefits those who live close to the ports and don't need airfare. And booking air at the last minute is high...so you end up paying more for your entire trip. If you travel agent does not ask you a lot of questions then you need to run fast and find a good one.


    Next: Do not ever purchase a cruise solely based on price. And this where a lot of people get into trouble. For example MSC does have lower prices generally. BUT...is MSC the right cruise line for you? For example if you really like Royal Caribbean and always have a good time then MSC wouldn't be a good choice for you. So don't book on price alone unless you just want a cheap getaway and not concerned about anything else but price. Many people will book based on price and as the old saying goes. You pay for what you get. And that holds true with cruises. Remember its a product.


    Now for MSC Cruise Line: MSC is a European line...Italian. The service will not be the same as most Americans are used to. We are used to having service people in our face. Europeans are just the opposite. For example while at dinner, if you need something then YOU must ask the waiter. They will not be constantly asking to fill your water or wine glass etc. Its non intrusive. Simply and kindly ask the waiter for whatever you need. Personally I cannot stand service people in my face constantly...its annoying.


    Length of Dinner: In Europe, dining is an experience and its the same on MSC. So your dinners will be longer than you would get at McDonalds. You need to just relax and enjoy your dinner. Remember its an Italian Line and HELLO...Italian dinners in Italy are an experience. Slow down and enjoy.


    On MSC, do not expect an experience like you would get on Carnival or Royal Caribbean...it will not happen. And I hope they keep that European flair. I admit they should really up the customer service at the front desks if they are going to service the US market. Agreed?


    MSC Ships: MSC ships are among the most beautiful and clean ships out there. For example the Divina is a stunning ship. Out of all the standard cruise lines, the Divina is a stunner. Its classy and elegant and not your normal boring run of the mill cookie cutter ship which we are over run with. I can honestly say that of the standard cruise lines...MSC does have the cleanest ships!!! And you probably will not find rust anywhere on the ship. I can't say that for some of the other cruise lines out there. Some ought to be ashamed of the way their ships look. There is nothing worse than a ship that looks like a rust bucket. Especially in port.


    So if you booked an MSC ship based solely on price and you did not do your home work then the responsibility really falls on you the passenger. The next time, please consider using a travel consultant with an excellent reputation and takes the time to qualify you to make sure you are on the right cruise line. If the consultant is PUSHING towards a certain cruise line..cut it short and go elsewhere. A good consultant will not do that. A professional wants you to be on the right cruise line so you have a wonderful experience and come back a happy customer. Whether its a budget line or an ultra luxury line...I want my clients to come back happy. And they do!


    BTW...sometimes you need to take all these negative reviews with a grain of salt. Some people just complain about every little thing. Can you imagine sitting next to them at dinner? lol




    I hope this helps and happy sailing.

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