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Posts posted by Elephant999

  1. My point was, a class system is society based as I don’t consider a particular class of cabin on a cruise ship As in any way, shape or form, an indicator of class in the traditional sense unlike others. I’ve stayed in 5 star hotels and also stayed on campsites. On here, a fair few posters start with, oh I’m Barnacle class or whatever. In my opinion, that is announcing to everyone that you are a certain “status” in life.


    Nobody who cruises are subject to crushing poverty, wondering where their next meal is coming from or they would not be using their hard earned cash on a luxury item.

  2. And so it should be too given what suite passengers pay. Somebody I work with always takes his holidays on a cruise and likes to tell me when he’s been upgraded to a suite and how many cruises he’s now taken and in what class of cabin, yawn!

  3. EU citizens don't need a passport to travel within the EU. It is no different than going from state to state in the US.


    At most, their national ID card will be enough.


    But I do find that Europeans (my SO is European) more likely to travel outside the EU that Americans outside the US.


    My SO's daughter and BF are going to Thailand for 2 weeks, as otherwise, they would have to pay for a full month for their flat (apartment) in Dublin for those 2 weeks, as his job is taking them to the Netherlands for the next 2 years.



    Not entirely true. We don’t have national ID cards in the UK. Shengen exists across Europe so you tend to travel cross border with no passport controls but try flying in and out of the UK without a passport, you would be in a world of pain!. Quite rightly too.

  4. We had a rccl grand suite last few cruises. did meet a couple pinnacle that flaunted there status, but most were extremely nice.



    Can’t believe how many threads are related to classes and status, which means a bit fat zero in the real world and I would laugh my socks off if somebody introduced themselves and then told me what status they were. Sorry but my stupid humour!


    Unfortunately as much as it pains dear husband, I never want to become such a regular cruiser that I could have a high status to “flaunt”. My opinion, but I like different types of holidays, each to their own obviously.

  5. Problem with society is by large, A lot of people “put up” with this type of behaviour. We need to start having zero tolerance for this rubbish.


    And I’m heartily sick of people with mobiles filming everything. Put it down, and do something productive like enlist assistance to stop this. Car accident - let’s film it, fight - let’s film it, aircraft suffering decompression - let’s take a selfie in an oxygen mask etc etc. There are plenty more idiots lining up to cause trouble in all areas of life, and blacklisting them isn’t going to stop them until they have caused mayhem.


    I’ve seen people tutting in disgrace before now at things as “they don’t want to get involved” but whinge and whine after the event, which allow bad behaviour to go unchecked.

  6. So you are innocently passing time and someone verbally abuses you, attacks you and you defend yourself and it ends as a brawl, you would be happy to be banned from ever travelling again?


    Surely you only want guilty people to be banned.... or next time it could be you who is innocent and a victim..... and unable to ever cruise again if your policies are adopted.


    There were people who left the ship who weren’t involved. Should we ban their parents and other children too? After all, guilty by association isn’t a bad thing is it?


    Quite. Totally agree and hard to argue with.


    Don’t forget, they couldn’t fly anywhere either if on the no-fly list!

  7. Really? So the ban (including every cruise line and airline according to you) should extend to the rest of the family who may be entirely innocent? Do you know the full story of exactly who, what, why, how?


    I hate thugs and people who are feral in public but I won’t be emailing my favourite cruise line today, I can imagine it will go straight into the spam inbox.

  8. Having been on a cruise with a Noro outbreak, I totally understand how quickly things like this spread.


    Seeing parents allowing their little darlings to get their own buffet when they have never been taught or are too young to understand about not touching food and then putting it back, makes my stomach turn.


    It’s bread and bread rolls that get me. It’s not a clothes shop you moron, you don’t have to touch every roll to find one you like.


    Prefer the MDR every time to watching some people act like pigs in the buffet with no understanding of hygiene and thought for others.

  9. Interesting read this thread. Goes to my theory that too many people have been raised by wolves and are currently raising their offspring the same way. More concern for the over reaction of security than the large number of drunk and boorish people who do not have sufficient self control to behave in public and we wonder why we have school shootings. Time for everyone to take a long look in the mirror and determine if we want this to be our society going forward.



    Totally agree with you. The problem is that a lot of the time people are too scared to tell somebody off when their behaviour is unacceptable for fear of repercussions, hence society seems to be on a downward spiral of self entitlement, anger and bad behaviour.


    I have zero tolerance for drunk idiots who cause trouble and want to fight. They are pathetic morons who run feral and know most of the time they will be unchallenged.


    We need to stand up as a society and say “no more”.

  10. I do agree with the previous comments about the company being quick to label it as Norovirus as my Dad was poorly on Oceana whilst we were in Valencia. He was convinced it was just a bit of food poisoning, although with the highly contagious nature of NV it wouldn't take much but he's quite pragmatic about it!


    Immediately the staff knew that there were cases of gastro intestinal illness, the following protocols were put into place:


    No self service in the buffet restaurant for anything,

    Wrapped butter portions in the MDR etc,

    Hand rails constantly being washed,

    Cabins of those affected were sanitised,

    Some people were quarantined.


    I would go back on Oceana again in a flash, as the staff were brilliant and the Captain kept everyone updated.


    Unfortunately in today's society, a label has to be put on everything and mild hysteria seems to be stirred up.... We apparently had a death onboard, and a member of the crew had a police escort to hospital as the Captain put down the hammer to get to Valencia 2 hours earlier, hey, that's life....

  11. Hi, we've just come off the Oceana, and were unaffected by NV.


    I believe it was a small number of cases, the staff were extremely vigilant and quick in limiting the outbreaks.


    It's not P And O's fault, it's the passengers, of which a small amount have poor hygiene. I heard a couple of people waiting for the restaurants who were arguing that they didn't want to use the hand gel as they had already washed their hands!


    The ship is, IMHO, up to scratch, we had a great time.


    Have a wonderful cruise those who are disembarking today.

  12. Hi,

    Just packing my dresses for next weeks adventure. In my case I have packed a short(ish) red sparkly dress which is lovely and I would like to wear it on a formal night, but would it be frowned upon on the Oceana?


    I also have long dresses as well to substitute, but I would like to wear the red one if possible, but don't want to stick out like a sore thumb or offend anybody.




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