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Posts posted by charnycharn

  1. Hi all,


    We are looking at crossing from UK to NY on the QM2, staying for a week or so, and then returning on the QM2 again from NY to UK.


    Having a look at the price of the 'roundtrip' crossing (with out the weeks in the US) it is much cheaper than booking 2 different crossings, as we would need to do to make our trip work.


    As we will not need the flights that come with the price of the crossings, would it be possible to get a cheaper fare from Cunard? Or is this something that they wouldn't do? It seems silly to pay for 2 lots of transatlantic flights that we won't even use.


    We are thinking of doing this in 2016, so long way off yet, just wanted to get a rough idea of prices, etc. Can I assume that the 2016 crossings will be roughly the same dates as the 2015 ones?


    Any advice would be great!

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