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going diamond

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Posts posted by going diamond

  1. Celebrity says on it's Australian site that final payments for holiday cruises are due 90 days before the cruise. I can't find on the site whether a cruise we are going on, which leaves Singapore on 10th December is classified as a holiday cruise or not. Does anyone here know the cut off date for that cruise? It doesn't tell me the due date on my online captains club reservation information, and we've recently moved, with the reservation paperwork in a box we haven't unpacked yet. Thanks for any help :)

  2. Yep, I understand the children who've been adopted saga, lol! Took us 10 years to get a passport for our daughter, and in that time she could not leave the country. In a nutshell, she was adopted overseas. Because OS had no idea who her parents were, they would not give her a BC. Because the adoption was finalised OS Australia wouldn't give her one (even though the adoption was approved in Oz and we went through the correct channels, including immigration). A couple of kids were caught in this limbo, and after lobbying, the gov't changed the clause, but didn't backdate it far enough, so she missed out. More lobbying, and she was able to get a passport. Six months ago she finally got a BC!! So in the future passports will be routine :) Persistence will get you there!

  3. I see that you are somewhere in Melbourne. We had difficulty with our daughter's passport (no birth certificate) and the 5 post offices within a reasonable drive all said we couldn't do it. Ended up phoning the Melbourne passport office and explaining our situation. They made an appointment for us to go in and lodge it there. Might be worth a try. Good luck, and keep persevering - you'll get there!

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