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Poolside adventurer

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Posts posted by Poolside adventurer

  1. Love 2 Travel68


    Thank you so much for the wonderful and enlightening account of your voyage, I was enthralled. I too am a novice at posting on C/C so at the outset I apologise for any errors.


    Your diary of events on the PG in FP has restored my faith and intent to take this voyage! For many years I had a romantic notion that we would take this trip to celebrate our 30 years of marriage (not until 2016). With so much negativity expressed in recent member reviews regarding the PG cruise I was becoming quite disillusioned; you have convinced me ….. your wonderful photos and travel log has made me all the more determined to turn this dream into a reality. As we live in the cold and grey northern hemisphere travel to FP is a major undertaking not to mention at great expense.


    I was most impressed by your account of the support and camaraderie of the other PG guests and crew, you may be on the best cruise in the world but the experience can be easily ruined by the conduct of fellow passengers and the service received, unfortunately we encountered this for the first time very recently whilst cruising this summer.


    A couple of questions: you mentioned (and many others have also) the ‘Marc’ tour, is this a private tour or one arranged by PG?? On the Motu (where you purchased your lovely necklace) did you take Euros, local currency or $ …..or can you purchase with other currency e.g I would trade my husband for a few days if needs be!!! Only joking………. shopping is important at times for us girls is it not?


    I am relieved that DH is fully recovered; I can empathise with your plight I too found myself in a hospital in Monaco recently whilst cruising in the Med, no English spoken and I was in too much pain to use my basic French. We did however manage to secure the services of a fantastic Port Agent for a few hours to translate; and like you it was touch and go whether I could re-board the vessel to sail later that evening. We also received all letters and diagnostics in French (and the bills just kept coming after we returned home) and similarly we had some difficulty with the insurance company, never claimed before and the whole episode was extremely stressful for us both. Luckily I avoided repatriation, so as you say the moral of the tale is to have good insurance cover, and I will also ensure I carry my French dictionary with me when voyaging in French Territories again!


    I hope you make it back to FP some day….if you go in 2016 who knows we may meet up as I would like to share one of those delicious cocktails with you!


    Thanks again.

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