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Posts posted by NMay

  1. My question to NM is whether the Captain telling you that "a lube oil pipe on one of the engines cracked and some hot oil caught fire" would reduce or increase your worry level. How technically inclined are you, and how much detail would you need?


    I'll say that if someone had explained things in the detail and manner you did then yes my mind would of been at ease.


    Originally all we were told is there was a small fire. Then another small fire. And no one would tell me what caused them or if they were related etc, all I wanted was a bit more detail. Now we have that from the captain after several complaints and calls to head office I'm able to once again relax.


    I just wish Princess would have made the effort to provide me with the information when requested rather than telling me I cant speak to anyone further about it.

  2. Personally as someone on the boat and a first time cruiser I found the information originally provided lacking substance.


    After the first one I wasn't pleased but had gotten past it then the second occured again just told it's ok but not any real detail. I was on the verge of getting off in Rome as I spoke to several staff on board none of which were willing to give me any further than 'it's now safe sir dont worry' but I wanted to know what had caused the fires so I could decide my own actions. Calls to head office shortly after and they said they weren't even aware of either instance but would look in to it.


    I do feel much more at ease since being told more information and from my perspective I think they could of given that when asked rather than not letting me talk to anyone in the know.


    Personally I get hpw those of you who have been on multiple cruises would know it's fine but as I said as a first time cruiser I felt very uneasy with the whole situation.

  3. Just to add to what Liz said.


    The captain made an announcement and explained the first fire was a technical fault which caused a very small fire and basically only damaged paint work.


    The second wasn't actually a fire and instead was just smoke caused from oil hitting a hot surface and causing smoke.


    He apologised again and said everything is under control and not to worry.


    No explanation as to what the technical fault was for the fire or why random oil was landing on a hot surface but everyone seems a bit more relaxed as Liz has said.


    The captain ended by saying he sees no reason why anything further should occur.


    These issues never impacted the speed or performance of the ship from what we've been told.

  4. As someone currently on the boat I can tell u that it has happened twice and has got some people myself included a little anxious. However we have been told it is under control.


    We are currently docked in Ajaccio Corsica and not due to leave for a few hours. Who knows maybe they've spent today fixing it or it was already fixed. I've not been able to get more info out of the crew yet but am continuing to try.


    I personally won't remain on the boat if it happens a third time and I'm not given some serious info about what's happening. Fingers crossed it is in fact all sorted now and we can all continue to enjoy our holidays without further incidence.


    I will update this thread with more info when I have it to let those sailing on it soon know the latest.

  5. I am on the same boat at the moment and there has been another fire in the engine room today.


    Needless to say its gotten me shaken up. Twice in one trip on my first cruise.


    Tempted to get off when we reach Italy and cut my holiday short.


    I've asked customer services for more info to put my mind at rest and am still awaiting a call from them to my room with more info. 4 hours after requesting it!!

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