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Posts posted by honeyacid

  1. We went to this event on the Oasis in 2015. Didn't care for it much, to be honest. The band was pretty good and the drinks were very nice (to my unsophisticated taste - I am not a connoisseur when it comes to alcoholic beverages). However, the hostess of the evening (a South American young lady, can't remember her name) made the evening pretty unbearable. Her shtick just wasn't in line with the Prohibition theme; instead, she was loud and just obnoxiously hyperactive.


    In addition to the music there were some playful competitions - a "best dressed" party for the ladies and some sort of a hat swap game for the gents. (We didn't participate in either, and as two ridiculously introverted Scandinavians we certainly didn't appreciate the hostess' "everybody must participate in the party games, no buts, stand up, come on, do it, let's have fun, hey you two in the corner"-spiel.)

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