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Posts posted by ChiefLnc7

  1. On 12/12/2021 at 8:55 PM, bjkTX said:

    We had issues with the "Mess Dress" many cruises ago.  All of my group is retired and some wanted to wear the "Mess Dress" (AF equivalent of a tux) and a couple did.  But someone asked if they were retired and when they replied they were they were told it wasn't authorized!  Sure enough the AF regulation for retirees says unless you are on the cruise (or whatever event it is) or invited only because of your military service - the "Mess Dress" is not approved.  The Class A (Blues) uniform is - and you can wear your miniature medals from the "Mess Dress" on your suit coat.  Had I been able to fit into my "Mess Dress" I might have worn it..but as someone above said, then it all becomes all about the uniform and that wasn't appealing 🙂


    You mention that "the AF regulation for retirees says unless you are on the cruise (or whatever event it is) or invited only because of your military service - the "Mess Dress" is not approved."  But in a "sense" we are being invited by the cruise line to join them on this or that cruise, correct?  See ads that say "You are invited...." or "Come join us....." or "Come and be part of.....", so as I said, you or we are being invited to join them.  Of course, it is not an open, free invitation, but we pay for the privilege of being invited.  Just saying.

  2. On 6/21/2022 at 4:11 PM, USN59-79 said:

    I think I will leave the collar devices at home and just wear the miniature medals.  Better to be subtle.  Usually someone at our table will ask what they represent and that is enough to start a conversation.

    I would just wear the medals, but then people wonder what they are for or from what service.  So, a collar devise and small SCW device usually gives them some indication that they are not Boy Scout or NSCC awards.  Also, on my jacket at work, we are allowed two "pins"  and it has been a thorn in my side, but I wear a full size SCW device and CPO cap device.  Hey, I only have two pins on my lapel for work.  Talk with other vets so it makes for a good rapport with people coming in.

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  3. About this Viking Venus cruise that starts in Greenwich, is it for the British Isles cruise that ends in Bergen during the month of September 2024?  My wife and I are booked for that cruise and date.  I know there are a number of ports of call that require tendering.  Kind of wondering how many which ones might be cancelled due to inability to either enter the port or high seas?  We had two cancelled on our last cruise (Northern Lights in Norway) Narvik and Amsterdam.


    Has anyone start a group for that British Isles Cruise in September, 2024?  Maybe if there is not, I could do so if someone showes me the way.


  4. On 1/25/2023 at 5:43 PM, neecerz69 said:

    First time cruiser. I've been watching tons of youtube on things to bring, etc. One of the suggestions was to bring magnetic hooks and magnetic clips to use in the room for places to add notes, etc. 

    However, when I've looked at pix and video, I really can't tell if there is actually any place to actually put these magnets. Won't make sense to bring them if I can't hang things up. Anyone know?

    The magnetic hooks can be used almost any place there is an empty spot.  Have done it inside the cabin and outside to put a small banner to let people know about my wife and I and helps start conversations with people who see it.  One suggestion is that if you can get the magnets with the hooks that fold flat, it helps with packing them.

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  5. My mistake, the cruise starts from Tilbury (London), England and ends in Bergen.  The cruise is the British Isles Explorer and we arrive and check in on September 2, 2024.  Leaving Boston on 1 September 2024. 


    Just seeing if there is anyone else coming onboard for this cruise who are also members of the Cruise Critic page.

  6. Hi,


    Wife and I have booked a Viking Ocean British Isles Explorer Cruise from Bergen to Tilbury in September, 2024. 


    Am wondering if anyone else maybe booked on this cruise.  Hope that if there is, hope we can all meet early on in the cruise for a Meet and Greet.


    Danny and Beth

  7. On 6/21/2022 at 10:10 AM, CDR Benson said:

    It's possible the Uniform Regs regarding the wearing of miniature devices and medals on civilian attire have changed in the sixteen years since I retired.  But, as I remember them, there was no provision for wearing rank devices with civilian attire.  But, guess what?  In this case, old stickler-for-the-rules Commander Benson doesn't care.


    You gents have earned it---making C.P.O. is a singular achievement---and I have no problem with you displaying it (albeit tastefully), even if only other old salts like me would know it for what it means.


    In the cooler months, I wear my leather flight jacket (I'm a S.W.O., but my first duty station was a carrier and I got it there; forty-two years later, it still fits) with civilian clothes.  In fact. I'm bringing it with me on our September cruise to Canada/New England.  So, I certainly understand the reverence one feels for his successful career of military service.


    Wear your C.P.O. pins with pride, shipmates.





  8. As much as I would like to wear the mess dress as a Legalman Chief Petty Officer, USN, I have not had the opportunity nor the inclination to purchase a new dress uniform for sailing occasions.  But what I do wear for formal nights, dining and formal gatherings is a dark jacket and pants.  On the lapel of my jacket would and will be mu CPO device, my Seabee Combat Warfare badge and my medals (all in miniture).  Works for recognition, and happy with it.


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  9. My wife and I missed this cruise early this year due because of so many hoops to jump through for COVID testing, but have rebooked for January 31, 2023 departing Bergen and ending in Tilbury, Enland.  Pre cruise packet in Bergen.  Hoping that all goes according to plans and that we do not have to bug our AAA travel agent too much between now and then.  Also pray that entry to Norway and US eases up a bit.

    Anyone else on this cruise that we might touch base with to see how they are progressing?  We will be leaving from Boston and have pre-cruise jitters but are excited about using the booked cruise before it was too late.


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  10. On 4/1/2022 at 12:26 PM, rbslos18 said:

    I would appreciate advice on whether to choose a port or starboard cabin for this cruise. Or does it not matter. We will be on the 1/31/23 cruise.


    You can always go along with the origin of the word POSH.  Traveling from England to India before the Suez Canal, those wealth enough would book cabins leaving England on the port side to avoid the hot sun during the day and allow them to see the shore line.  Then on the way back, book a cabin on the starboard side for the same reasons.  Hence, port out, starboard home (POSH), 


  11. On 2/18/2021 at 9:22 AM, pierces said:

    It's a small thing, but consider investing in a couple of extra batteries. Cold weather reduces the capacity of batteries in general. Also, keep your extras in an inner pocket where they will stay warm until used. 


    Consider taking along a gallon ZipLock to put your camera in when you return from the cold into a warm cabin or bus. Though to a lesser extent, the transition from cold to warm can cause a lot of condensation to form on the camera, lens and even the sensor much like it does when you go from A/C to steaming hell in the tropics.



    Just bought the smallest waterproof canoe/kayak bag for 9.99 and it is large enough for the D700 and the lens.  Also, a lot sturdier than a plastic zip lock bag.

     Hope it works, and I have a large ziplock as a back up.


  12. My wife and I are considering using Hurtagruten coastal working vessels for a cruise.  We are seasoned cruises with more than 20 plus under our belts. Have talked with my AAA travel agent and her comments were that they have been approved for booking by AAA and have upped their game concerning meals and such also.  We understand that there is no casinos, no floor shows or movies, and no stores or sales, which we both can do without.  We feel that 15 days might be a good cruise to try out and am pretty sure we can find things to do or take somethings along to keep us occupied.


    My big question is to all those who have been on the Hurtagruen vessels and done the Norwegian coastal trip, how did you like it?  Was it worth the cost?  Did you get some opportunities to get some shore time?  Would you do it again?


    Thanks and will say that anyone and everyone can comment, pro or con, likes and dislikes, best ships and/or worse ships, etc.


    Appreciate it.



  13. Although I am retired Navy Chief Petty Officer  and have been for a number of years, I still take pride in wearing somethings that makes it clear of to others that I was in the in the service.  On formal and semi formal evening, will wear one of my CPO devices, mini medals and my warfare badge.  I believe in being proud of my service.



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  14. Wife and I are on the Northern Lights Cruise in February, 2022 and wondering IF we do not bring warm enough outer wear, what might be available in the Venus's stores to purchase.  Any one have any suggestions or knowledge about what's there?



  15. Afternoon,


    Wife and I are booked for a cruise on the Viking Venus in February 2022 entitled In Search of the Northern Lights.    So what I am wondering is if anyone has suggestions for:


    1) Packing suggestions for the winter time conditions in Norway during our ports of call up the coast to above the Arctic Circle and for just walking around the overnight ports of call.


    2) For the photographers of the Cruise Critic group, suggestions as to taking the best photos.  I have a remote shutter release for my three Nikons but looking for other suggestions as well as reference material that I might peruse or get off line to review.


    3) Any other suggestions for clothing to pack for onboard the cruise ship.


    Thanks and if anyone is also going on that cruise, let me know and maybe compare notes.


    The Chief or the GOAT

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  16. Have been looking at what to take lists, and have a pretty good handle on the interior clothes to take.  Dress casual collared shirts, couple pairs of dress pants, lounging wear for between meals,  and semi dress shoes or loafers.  Wife dress pants and blouses, lounging suits, etc.  But I am somewhat at a loss as to what to pack for shooting the Northern Lights and the shore excursions.


    Any suggestions or places to check?


    Hope this works out well as we have done a Viking River and this will be our first Viking Ocean, although we have in the past taken Princess,  Norwegian, Sitmar, World Explorer cruise lines.  Have over 25 trips, most with Princess, so wondering how this cruise will work out.  Fingers crossed.

  17. Have taken a Viking River Cruise from Basel to Amsterdam during Christmas Market time and had a great experience.  Now my lovely wife and I a looking forward to Chasing the Northern Lights with Viking Ocean.  We know that it is a little more expensive but the perks seem to make it worth it. 


    We do not use the casino or drink, so the drink package is not something we would use in either cruise. 


    We are seasoned cruisers having something like 20 or more cruises with various line (Sitmar, Princess, Norwegian, Celebrity to name a few), but have stayed mainly with Princess.  So we are wondering, is there really a comparison between Princess and Viking?


    General comments would be welcome or thoughts about keeping the reservations for Viking.



  18. Things are fine as of this point.  Princess cancelled a cruise we were to participate in but they allowed us to transfer our pre-cruise credit and we are scheduled for 2021 reverse Transatlantic from Florida, to Nova Scotia, Iceland, Orkney Islands, Ireland and Southampton, England for a return flight.  But with all that is going on here in New England, increases in the COVID in and around Europe and countries "shutting down", am wondering what is going to happen in May/June for this projected cruise.


    Know that there is "supposed to be" a vaccine soon, and all the cruise lines are taking precautions, but there is a couple of things that I am wondering from about and putting this out for general comments.  First, I am not too keen on getting the first vaccine to be offered.  Would be more attuned to Version 2.0 or even 3.0.  Just to ensure that it is working and doing what it is supposed to do.


    Second, when a country does shut down or not allow tourists, what is the cruise line going to do?  Just start from point A and drop you off at point B with nothing in between?  Or the ports of call you really wanted to visit are closed to us, what then?


    Just wondering if anyone else has any thoughts about this.



  19. My wife and I are considering taking a cruise along the coast of Noway. We have looked at Hurtigurten as one alternative, but have become somewhat confused by how the food and beverages work onboard.


    We have been on other cruises from Princess to NCL and Celebrity and others and know about package plans and meal plans, but when I try to understand Hurtigurten's setup, not sure.


    Might mention that my wife and I do not consume alcohol except for the occasional glass of wine or cocktail, so that does solve one of the problems concerning an alcohol packet.


    Anyone's advise would be helpful

  20. My wife and I had this problem on a cruise we took to Alaska. There were supposed to be three other couples, but one did not make it, one of the husbands had very strict dietary needs/eating at specific time, etc. They were all friends and did not speak to my wife and I during the initial meal. We approached our waiter and requested that we be moved to another table.


    They were good enough to do so, but directly across the aisle from our original table, so we kept a close eye on the table and explained to our new table mates the problem. Good thing was that they did not show up. And an even better thing to come out of the change, we had a great experience with our new table mates. One couple was from England (he was retired military officer) and the other couple were from the United States. Great people, great time and lots of laughs.


    But now with open dining and free style dining, you might sit with others, and you might not see them again.


    I go more to the free style dining.

  21. My wife and I (or at least I am) are planning a trip for 2016. She is interested in possibly using the Hurtgurten Norway Cruise in March. My questions are: (1) Does everyone feel that it is a good cruise line? (2) What are the meals like? Are they varied? My wife is not partial to fish, so I was just wondering? (3) How hard is it to get about the ship? i.e. Is there a lot of stairs and ramps?


    I have read that they charge for coffee, tea and water (?) so I am wondering about this water bottle at meals. Can you not just get regular tap water?


    Finally, someone mentioned buying a coffee cup at the beginning of the cruise and it is refillable at no additional cost during the cruise. What is that cost if anyone can tell me?


    Is March a good time for cruising or is October better?


    Thanks for the help. Oh, and I must mention that this is my first time on this page.

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