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Posts posted by MonArk23

  1. Well one of the main advantages is meeting some of the ships officers from various areas of management , they tend to remember you from the meeting and usually go out of their way to help you with anything that you may need ( actually personal experience)


    Agreed. Also on our recent Pearl cruise, our Meet and Mingle was invited to a private Bridge tour. We got to ask a lot of questions and take pictures--it was wonderful! They will also invite you to a wrap up meeting where you can comment and make suggestions directly to the officers/managers. It is well done and they really do appreciate that you are part of the Cruise Critic forum.

  2. We sailed on the Pearl 6/14-6/21/15. The Laundry Special was on Glacier Bay Day, Thursday the 18th. We were charged a flat $19.95 (no extra taxes or gratuity) for 1 bag. Sorry, I didn't keep the laundry price list. I want to say we stuffed around $150 worth in it.

  3. Me too!

    Do you recall what time they began allowing you to board in Seattle?

    I always buy flowers, too. Once I kept them in the ice bucket!


    We were scheduled for check-in between 11:30 am and noon. We got there about 11:40 am and basically just walked through customs, security and check-in. Then we were allowed on board about 12:30 pm. Shortly, after they announced that our rooms were ready. I was surprised how fast it all seemed.

  4. My family (8 in all) went on the 6/14/15 sailing of the Pearl out of Seattle. We booked two mini suites on deck 11 and one balcony on deck 10. It was the second cruise for most of us, but our first on Norwegian. We had a great time and everything went smoothly. I researched a lot on cruise critic before sailing and I appreciated all the info available. Here’s some basic info that I think could be helpful and, of course, I’m happy to answer questions.


    Join your Roll Call and attend the Meet & Greet.

    Our Roll Call wasn’t extremely active. A week before the cruise, I realized that no one was organizing a Meet & Greet. So I volunteered and sent an email to Norwegian. They got right back to me and set up a time (10:00 am on the first Sea Day, Monday). They did mix up the times, it was actually at 11:00 am (which is the normal time). But we all just chatted and waited around. The department heads showed up and the captain invited us up to the bridge for a private tour and pictures later that day. It was a great opportunity, I’m so glad that we didn’t miss it.


    Iconceirge App

    I definitely recommend downloading the free app. It was great to have access to the daily schedule and room charges all the time. You can also use it to make reservations at the restaurants. We did pay the extra $7.95 to use messaging and calling. The wifi connection is very inconsistent which can be annoying (and drain your battery). It was adequate for keeping in touch with the teenagers, but was pretty much lost on my parents who don’t text much on their phones already. The calling feature almost never worked.


    Adjoining Mini-Suites

    We had connecting mini-suites, 11550 and 11552, portside. I picked them specifically since they were supposed to be under a ‘quiet’ area and not under the Splash Academy. They were great, no noise problem at all from above. Plus, convenient to the stairs/elevators and the Garden Café on deck 12. The room steward opened the doors between the rooms at our request after we boarded. Each room had it’s own door that could be left open or closed, but they could not be locked. Sadly, the door on the balcony divider could not be unlocked or opened. I did ask nicely but was told it was against regulations (or whatever). I didn’t have much hope but it certainly would have been nice. We could still lean over the rail and see and talk to each other (quietly). Our mini-suites had the extra overhang on the balcony which worried me a bit. Thankfully, it didn’t block the “up” view much at all, or feel claustrophobic. It was fine for us, but I’m not much of a sun-worshiper. Portside did seem to be a slightly better choice for this cruise. At first, I thought it really didn’t seem an advantage but by the end, I decided that port did come out ahead.


    Thermal Spa Pass

    Cost $149 for the whole cruise. My husband, who enjoys hot tubs and saunas, absolutely loved it. They seemed to have plenty of passes left on the day we sailed.


    Ultimate Beverage Package

    We got this free as incentive when we booked the cruise. Although we are not big drinkers, we enjoyed having the freedom to go to the bar without worrying about the price. Be aware: while still in Washington State waters you will be charged an extra tax on all alcoholic drinks. The highest was 76 cents. Certainly not devastating, but annoying to see on your room charges when you expect it to be ‘free’. Also, on Glacier Bay Day, only some of the special drinks with alcohol are included. My husband was charged an extra $6.59 because his drink included coffee. My parents just got 3 hot chocolates and were charged $21.00. I got two Alaskan Snow Plows and wasn’t charged at all. It felt very random and the worker making the drinks assured us they were all free under the package (even after I expressed doubt, she said it was a ‘new’ change). Not so. I did argue the hot chocolates, and they did (finally) remove the charges.



    So glad I took extension cords for each room. It would have been difficult to keep everything charged without it. I also took extra hot chocolate but it wasn’t really necessary. Packets were available all day in the buffet if you wanted to grab one or two to keep in your room. Highlighters worked great on the dailies, of course. I also took along magnetic clips, as suggested, and hung them on the wall so they were easy to find/see.


    The Great Outdoors

    Loved, loved the Great Outdoors. I can see why people rave about it. It is a wonderful space on the ship to grab a meal or a snack and sit outside. It is (mostly) protected from the sun, rain and wind, so don’t be afraid to step out there and check it out. After eating out there, I hated to go back to the Garden Café to sit when we ate at the buffet.


    Anniversary Package

    I pre-bought the anniversary package ($35) for my parents since the cruise was part of celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. They were completely surprised and the decorations looked really sweet. The cake was simple but tasted good. I’m glad that I purchased it. Funny: the room steward chose not to open the plastic bag of confetti, he just set it out on the bed. Guess he wasn’t interested in cleaning up all the bits of paper.



    Juneau, we booked the glacier/whale watching tour through Juneau Whale Watch. They were accommodating and changed our schedule up so we would have time to walk to Nugget Falls (young people thought the short hike was worth it, older folks weren’t as enthusiastic). Skagway, really enjoyed the well-organized helicopter glacier tour through TEMSCO. Then took a bus/Yukon train tour with Chilkoot. Really appreciated the flexibility of the bus part, a 3 hour train only ride would have seemed too long for us. Be aware: The Chilkoot train stopped outside of town, not back at the dock. We had to hitch a ride with another Chilkoot bus driver to avoid walking the extra mile and a half. Victoria, just take a cab to the Empress Hotel. It cost less than $10 for up to 4 people. Easier, cheaper, and more convenient then the $5 shuttle each way. Did enjoy taking the harbour water taxi for $5/person, though.


    Coupon Books

    If you love a bargain, make sure you look around for a coupon book (or two or three) in port at Juneau or Skagway or Ketchikan. I’d read a bit about them but didn’t realize they were specifically for the souvenir shops for souvenirs you actually might want to buy. My mom can’t resist a good deal and really enjoyed going through and getting bargains, like $2 Alaska baseball caps, $2 Alaska t-shirts, $4 whale tail necklaces. And on and on. The stores are close to port and easy to find.


    Seattle Market

    We arrived a day early so I herded everyone down to Pike Place Market. Enjoyed picking out $10 bouquets of flowers for our cabins (I brought along plastic dollar store vases that we left behind at the end of the cruise). Ok, carrying around 3 giant bouquets while boarding wasn’t easy, but it was so worth it. Everyone else seemed to get a kick out of it as well, so it turned out to be fun. The flowers were fresh and smelled so good in the cabin, they still looked great on the last day.


    Early Flights Home

    We booked two flights out of Seattle, one at 11:30 am and the other at 11:45 am. I worried and researched and worried a little bit more. Everything I read made me pretty confident we would be fine. I tried not to think about it too much. Honestly, for us, it was not a problem at all. We had more than enough time. I chose to do the walk off with our luggage. We got everyone together, had no problem with an elevator, and walked off the ship about 7:35 am then out through customs by about 7:50 am. I booked Shuttle Express for 8:00 am to take us to the airport together. We had to wait until almost 8:30 am for the shuttle which was frustrating. Think I would have been happier in 3 taxis, just hop in and go. Regardless, we were at the airport with plenty of time to spare. The security line was just getting backed up, though, so the sooner the better. I’d say we were checked in, through security, and at our gate by 10:00 am.



    Happy Sailing!

  5. So if you are paying the $7 to activate it for app to app texting (which with my 5-phone family will probably reduce a heck of a lot of stress for me!) does that mean that you have to keep the phone "active" as far as possibly receiving calls & texts from home? It's Alaska, so we can connect with home in port, but I'm envisioning my kids inadvertantly ringing up a ton of charges via the ship's tower when we're underway.



    Think I just answered your question on another board as well. Just to clarify, you put your iphone in Airplane Mode (ON) but keep WiFi enabled, connected to the Pearl internet (limited access only) while not in port to avoid any roaming charges. Sorry to say, the price has increased from ($7 to $8.95).

  6. 1) would you happen to have kids' club schedules?

    2) did you use the iConcierge app?




    Just got off the Pearl as well. My family (age range 70 to 14) used the iConcierge app. for each of our iphones, 8 of us in all. I recommend downloading it. It is great to keep track of your room charges and the daily schedule (free). The texting and calling (extra $8.95 per device) is hit-or-miss, though. You basically have to lower your expectations. Think of it as a newer app that still needs tweaking with an intermittent wifi connection. It constantly connected and disconnected--one day completely draining all of our phone batteries. We were able to somewhat communicate texting but calling another phone almost never went through. Traveling with teenagers, I was happy to struggle through with some way of keeping in touch. Definitely better than nothing....

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