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Vegas Vic

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Posts posted by Vegas Vic

  1. Our only "horror story" was post-cruise (Grandeur '98). Everyone's departure from the ship was delayed over 2 hours because a group of passengers were not reporting to customs as required and no one could leave until they did. Despite continual announcements over the ships P.A., these people were not responding and cooperating. The whole ship had to wait.


    Finally, clearance was given and the regular passenger departure schedule was put into motion. As a result, many of us had to rush to the airport to make flights. We were booked straight through to Detroit and we missed that flight by 20 minutes. I headed directly to our airline's desk to grab whatever was available. We got on a flight home with a layover in Chicago, and settled in for a wait until about 3:30.


    We were on the plane and sat there...and sat there. An announcement was made: "we cannot raise a rear set of steps as they are stuck in the soft tarmac (it was extremely hot in Miami). We need everyone to leave the plane. We hope that the lessened weight of the plane will allow the steps to come free."


    So, off we go to sit back in the airport. Shortly, they announced it didn't work, so the plan was to remove all the luggage too.


    We wait some more.


    Then, they tell us "that didn't work either, so we're gonna find another aircraft".


    Eventually, about 5:00, we're on our way to Chicago. We get in by about 8:30 and we've missed our connector to Detroit by now.


    Scramble again to get a flight to Detroit and there's one about 11 pm. Grab a bite to eat, drink a Starbucks or two, and wait some more.


    We board around 11. .. .... and we taxi away. Soon, I notice that the plane is taking all right-hand turns. I say to my favorite wife: "we're going back in, not out".


    The captain announces to our dismay: "we have a light on our board that indicates an electrical problem and we have decided that we won't fly this plane. Please exit back into the terminal and we will have another plane here immediately."


    (Where have we heard THAT before???)


    FINALLY, we get on the second Chicago plane...arrive in Detroit and retrieve our luggage about 2 a.m. (it was a miracle all our bags made it considering they had been on 4 different planes).


    So, instead of arriving home mid-afternoon on a Sunday with the usual post-cruise withdrawals, we're both worked up a little bit at that hour...we crash by 5 a.m., back up at 7 a.m. to phone our respective employers to tell them we won't be in.


    We just took a week long cruise and we're pooped!



    This wonderful tip is one that I ABSOLUTELY WILL USE. On our last cruise I practically begged a couple to wait for the next elevator but they had to pack ours to the max. They squeezed on, forcing those in the back to be pinned against the wall. Then guess what? The elevator wouldn't move. It stayed in position with the doors closed. When the doors finally opened, those two still refused to get off.


    If I'm already standing by the control panel when you get into the elevator, and your floor is already selected (which means you don't need to push any button at all), are you going to push me out of the way so you can be "Elevator Guy"?

  3. So, on a crowded ship, the elevators get a little crazy....


    Tip 1:

    When you want to travel several floors without picking up extra folk along the way, hold your floor selection button and the "door close" button at the same time until the doors close. Then you'll travel in "priority" mode.



    This is a selfish thing to do.


    Would you like to stand and wait for an elevator because someone is doing it to you?

  4. At first I had tunnel vision when reading this post. Then I started to think outside the box. Who would question a golfer for bringing his favorite clubs. A diver/snorkler for bringing his own gear. Even a avid fisherman for bringing his own pole. There are some great fishing piers in these exotic ports. A vacation is to enjoy what you like doing most. The reason financial, medical, familarity does not matter. Having a great vacation matters. So by all means, have no worry and bring that umbella.:) Some of the posters must have been the ones snickering at me in CoCo Cay. I was the one who blew up (4) dollar store air matresses with my battery air blower. Before you call me cheap, would it make a difference if my GD is allergic to the form mats. OK, you were right I am cheap. It felt great not paying $40.00 for a half hour use.:D


    Apples and oranges. Good golf clubs are personal and made to fit; snorkel gear is personally hygienic; fishing poles for deep sea fishing can be custom made....very little that's personal about an umbrella. OP is simply looking for "insurance" so they can be in the shade.

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