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Posts posted by ltrsk8tr

  1. Here's a tragic story for everyone....and just to clarify I'm not insinuating this is the case here!

    I worked in the Cruise Line industry for many years in the casino as a pit boss during the 80's.

    I was on a ship that was doing the three and four day cruises out of Miami to the Bahamas. We had an early morning fire on board while just coming to the company private island. It was scary as hell, and thank goodness nobody was hurt. Once the ship got back to Miami the news stations were at the pier interviewing people that were getting on the following cruise asking them if they were scared to travel on the ship since we just had a fire. One of those interviewed was a young mother with an infant. Off we sail to the Bahamas then we hear that there was a stowaway on board with an infant. They put her in a cabin with a guard at the door as she was going to be taken off the ship in Nassau! Then the worst thing happens, there is panic as we see officers running around. Little bit later we find out the young mother had killed her young baby! It wasn't until we got back to Miami that everyone realized she was interviewed before sneaking on board. Horrible story.....still sits vivid in my mind 30 plus years later!!!! All the crew were thinking the ship was jinxed!



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