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Posts posted by bjbing

  1. Ok slight change to my post above. I noticed on my confirmation email that they charged me for basic soda instead of soda and more. When she credited me and redid the soda pkg it came out as a 10% exchange. So everything was at 10% EXCEPT the beer pkg which was at par.

  2. First time cruiser and am I ever glad I found this thread. I looked at my booking summary and it listed pre pay gratuities as $88.50 online. Listed beer pkg as $28.46, the soda and more pkg is listed as $8.05 per day. So on my personalizer it appears my prices are in Cdn with the 10% already added. I was ok with that and called Princess to prepay. Princess then said my beer pkg was $25.58 CDN and Soda Pkg and more was $5.70 CDN day. I put a couple hundered OBC on and that was charged at $110.00 CDN for $100. So basically I got my beer and soda at par and 10% for gratuities and OBC. I also paid my gratuities as gratuities, didn't have to hide it as OBC. The gratuities were charged as CDN also. She said my bill was $502 CDN and I instantly see it on my visa online as a pending authorized transaction for $502, exactly as she said. So boils down to paid at par for soda, beer and 10% exchange for gratuities and OBC

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