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Posts posted by Lindacol

  1. Been traveling with celebrity for many years and it has always been so amazing. Always was clean, good food and good customer service.

    We planned a year ago our cruise to Alaska on the Soltice in the aqua class suite 1522 and it was so dirty . Really don't think it has had a good cleaning in a very long time. The ship needs a lot of work and the curtains were so dirty and look very old . Beware of mold in the staterooms. I ended up in the ships clinic needing medication. I do have photos of the mold so

    It most likely was partly from the room which the doctor stated , it is documented in the medical records. Also had to pay $200 to be cared for and medication. Friday after we returned to Seattle we



    decided it was so bad we will not be traveling with celebrity again. It is so sad because we sailed the Mediterranean last year and it was so great. Also watch your charges they make a lot of errors . Customer service was so bad ,except at public relations and excursions. The excursions and the nature we were blessed to see were so great . Alaska and Canada were beautiful.So sad because I have always recommended Celebrity to many friends and family as being the best cruise line out there. Always was clean , good customer service and always goes that extra. Hopefully

    it was just this ship.

  2. There are so many places in each port to see and not enough time to see them all . How do you know what is really the best excursion to pick. My head is spinning and I don't want to make a mistake .

  3. Cruising on Celebrity reflection October 2 Europe / Mediterranean . Have been getting different advise on booking excursions prior to boarding the ship . Also I am hoping to get tips on possibly booking tours with private local companies and if this is a good idea . One last issue I have been dealing with is if we do excursions not arranged by celebrity what is the best company or transportation to use . Have waited 40 years to make this trip . Want to make the most out of it. Friend recommended cruise critics :)

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