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Posts posted by be.cool464

  1. The second night of our 4 day cruise on 9/22/15 my wife & I went to Karaoke and put in a song request which was a duet and I gave the Hostess our names. She was typing in the request and then asked," do you have names?" I told her I already gave them to you but it's Nancy & Steve. I thought maybe she was having a bad night and was a little cross. The next night we got there about 10 minutes early and I saw the binders where the song selections are kept. I reached for one of the binders and she said," I'll make an anouncement when the binders are available." I went back and sat at our table. 5 minutes later she comes by our table and slams down one of the binders on our table so forcebly other people in the venu noticed it and said something to us. We promptly walked out and immediately went to guest services to file a complaint. The rep. there seemed concerned and apologized for this persons behavior. I would have thought I would have received a letter or e-mail with a follow-up. I haven't received nothing. I hadn't been on Carnival in over 15 years abd this was my wifes first Carnival cruise. Add to that, they lost one of my wifes bags and it's not likely we will return to Carnival. BTW this was my 24 cruise, 4th on Carnival. :mad:



    Looking at this ship and not a lot of reviews, care to tell us about the 90% good? Would realy appreciate it . And sorry you had a bad experience at the activity you were wanting to do the most.


    Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

  2. I always like to do a little something for the group of people who join us on our cruise, but seem to be running out of things to do.


    I've done the bags of toiletries, door banners, koozies and tshirts. Does anyone have any suggestions of something I can do for our group? Or should I just resort back to something I've already done?

    On my first cruise, my sister's 3rd, she got double walled cups and decorated them with our names for everyone in the group so we could maximize free drinks. Best gift ever I did not spend any money on drinks!


    Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

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