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Posts posted by NCcruiser3141

  1. Reading this thread brings back memories...I was hired as the Security Officer in 1987 and saile d continiously till 1989 leaving as 2nd Officer. I still see several crew and run into former passengers here in Alaska where I retired as Master in 2007. The pub singer if not Charlie D. Was Pat Horine formerly of Kingston Trio. The big "45 degree list" was more like 15 and it was exiting Tracy Arm caused by a New Pilot that tried to take the dog leg turn at full speed . I was off the week of the murder but remember all the hub bub when I returned. I remember the baby born on board to a woman fro Guam. She named him Hugh Admiral xxxxxxxxx. The bartender in Haines was Arny at Hotel Hosignland and he passed away about five years ago. Anyone remember the guy in the eagle suit that met the ship in Haines each week? I played cribbage with him years later he lives in a home in Wrangell now. I was one of the American officers the others are all doing well and still in the industry except Jeff Hanson passed away a few years back. I see the Irishman quite often and I heard Kjeld retired to Gotburg. Capt Thomas W. was in Juneau and we spent a morning together with my infant daughter.The very pretty nurse BB is married in the south and Dr T I hear is retired amd doing well. So many great memories. It was a great crew. Kjeld Thomas Ingvar Kathy Donal Jeff BB Kurt ....Charly Dawson was one of the best and also the young singer that went on to be the voice of Areiel fo Disney...Anyone remember Bob Fransis the singer who brought down the house with Delila? I was happy to read the post on how great the crew was as that is what I remember. Alaska has changed since then certainly the ships have too. I found this blog surfing the web trying to remember certain facts on her construction. I was on another ship in Portland Or when a barge went by with her new bow pn it. I believe it was fitted in LA. I also had a year on Azure. What a classic ship. Even nicer than the Independendence where I was a cadet. Sorry for typos .. Old now and my memoty and hands shake.


    Hey, Iwastheir, I know you! I went on cruises on the Stardancer many many times during those years when my father would book the ship for his Christian cruises. You stuck me in a survival suit and we swam in Tracy Arm. Afterwards, someone on the ship made me a rather fancy certificate commemorating the event. Didn't you used to have some golf clubs you made?


    I sure hope you see this.


    Your old friend, Shannon from North Carolina.

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