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Posts posted by Snadgy

  1. New email straight from P&O Senior vice president Paul Ludlow with update information stating Elavon is required to retain historic data for reference and Auditing purposes " if I did except this fact on keeping my details they used it to steal my money"

    Elavon investigation into their system fault? and they now understand and ensure the right corrective action is taken to prevent further occurrence "We (P&O I take it ) are now confident Elavon understand the cause and we (P&O I take it) have absolute assurance it could not happen again? And no personal information has been compromised or put at risk at any time.


    These handing companies must comply with PCI DSS compliance Requirement 3 on data protection. Elavon has not failed big stile not fit for purpose!


    P&O are now happy there 3rd party Elavon Merchant Services have sorted the cause of payment error out! Was it technical was it human error still no information on why? How etc. and reassuring P&O have excepted Elavon absolute assurance it could not happen again? "P&O Never say Never"


    But will all of P&O customers Now trust P&O with payment details in the future. Our

    Credit card payment has a charge added but Debit Card free! How many feel conferment leaving personal details now knowing 2nd unauthorised payment can be taken at anytime. Day 5 and still waiting for P&O to return money 1 minute to take up to 7 to return first email stated all payment where reversed same day Friday!









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  2. Unauthorised Money taken


    A further payment was taken on Friday 20/5/2017 from my bank taking my account into the red! This was done without pre warning and I was only contacted on Saturday 20/05/2017 at 12:46pm after the event. This warning gave me no reason why or how this had happened as no permission was given by me as my deposit was already paid over a direct P&O phone line call Centre. P&O's third party Elavon merchant services they blame for this should not have my details?


    This unauthorized Payment taken by P&O’s Elavon merchant services on there behalf have taken my account deep into overdraft on Friday night! And my debit card was declined as no funds were available on Saturday which was very embarrassing to my wife and I!


    So after phoning P&O direct number 08433740111 option 04 at 3p plus network access charge And giving up after 50min waiting to be put through on the phone I then decided to redial same number but this time option 01 New bookings but this time getting through in 2min? “No respect given to complaints or other questions lines” But I suppose new customer phone calls get priority - money comes first! And then to be given yet another apology for my inconvenience along with information that my money could take up to 7 days to be returned to my Bank Account and then informed not to worry as my details have not been compromised? Wrong! They just have by this very unauthorised payment being taken!


    Firstly, I have had money taken without authorization from my bank account! I informed the P&O representative I am now in a big money situation with an overdraft with no funds to live on until I get paid in 10 days time only to be told some P&O employees also had money taken from their accounts? This was no consolation or help to my situation?


    Secondly, both email sent and representative told me to contact my bank? on phoning Barclays they listened to the problem but could not help! As this was a pending payment and could take up to 6 days to resolve and informed me that P&O where investigating? I then offered Barclays Bank the P&O contact details to phone 0345 600 0292 Elavon merchant services due to the reasons just given only to be told it was not Barclays policy and that I would have to take this situation to P&O! To sort out and not of my banks doing, This is not what I expected from P&O so called professional company nor is just a sweeping apology in a email sent after the event!


    This experience and disregard for my and others private bank details with a hard to believe no security breach statement given has not taken place is not a minor inconvenience as they apologised for! But a disaster to my and many family's this weekend with what I regard as theft by this big company!


    I would like P&O to give me good reasons to stay a P&O customer An apology is not acceptable. Is this standard practice? or a massive mistake? To be covered up and blamed on others? I am left confused and angry. On a lost weekend on phone trying to find my money from debit cards account these things do not just happen! P&O are reliant on I.T. systems And with past history of big firms being hacked in past years NHS only weeks ago it is a concern to all public. And for P&O to blame others when it is your own internal security systems at fault is passed over as an inconvenience? to P&O yes maybe but not for me and others In this predicament between P&O and Bank.

    Dissatisfied Customer





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