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Posts posted by BustedOut

  1. I did the deed on a cruise. My advice is not to over think it and make it too complicated. My other half had no idea it was coming and is also not a fan of big audiences so at dinner was completely out.


    I just kept it simple. First formal night, after lunch we took a stroll around the ship to settle our stomachs and whilst wandering I checked out the locations. We ended up on on of the upper forward decks. It was the one you can see down in to the bridge on the Voyager of the Seas. It was windy, you are not gonna get away from that outside at sea. There were a couple of people about but not enough to cause a scene. In fact I think one or two people around is quite nice. They come over and say congratulations and make a bit of a fuss of her, look at the ring etc but not too many to make it look like a crowd cheering etc.


    The fact it was windy took nothing away from it at all. I didn't want pictures, just me and her in formal attire doing our private thing.


    All in all I think it went absolutely perfectly and is a tale she loves to tell her friends. Quiet, intimate and a little bit posh....


    Don't over think it and make too many arrangements is my advice. She'll get wind of it if you are running around in secret and will spoil it if the plan doesn't come off. Simple can be elegant. What girl wouldn't want to be proposed to on a ship dressed to the nines.


    Good luck to you both!!!


    EDIT : Just talking to my other half about this and it's a funny thing that us men what to make it the best where the ladies just remember you on your knee and first glance at the ring so she also says simple.


    EDIT 2 If you are like me you'll be nervous as hell and twitching like I don't know what. Get a couple of sentences of speech ready in your head before hand. Get down on your knee when she's least expecting, give your prepared sentences (not too long) telling her what she means and pop that ring. You'll be the man for ever more.

  2. Loving this review..


    We were on the same ship at the same time. The Love and Marriage gameshow is always a fave of ours and this one was hilarious. I was crying laughing. The 57 years married couple made it. On the bigger smaller question and he said 'She will say bigger down there' I nearly wet myself.


    The acrobatic/aerial was great to watch and the diving was amazing. Couldn't help thinking that being a good diver doesn't make a good dancer though lol...


    Very brave of you to walk in to Falmouth though. We drove though there on a previous cruise and it's a very grim looking place.


    What was your impression of formal night BTW? I didn't think it was very formal and having a discussion about it on another thread. I was in a tux but not many were. (early sitting)

  3. WOW ship and date of this amazing event? :eek: or :rolleyes:


    Just checked back...


    24-Dec-2011 Voyager Of The Seas 7 Night W Carib - Holiday Cruise


    They had huge Christmas trees on the Promenade, Santas etc. First formal night was Christmas Day night. I guess everyone made more of an effort because it was Christmas.


    Went on the Liberty round Europe on July 2013 and the majority of people were in Tux/dresses. Was very surprised at the Oasis.


    EDIT : Just checked with the boss lady in case I have something wrong but she says the same. She did point out this was just the people formal dining. Plenty of others not dressed up that didn't formal dine. Sorry if that distinction cause confusion.

  4. One of the things I love most about the cruises are the formal nights. Went on a Cruise over Xmas 2 years ago and everyone, I mean everyone, was dressed up to the 9's. Not a single guy out of a tux and some of the most wondrous dresses. Gave the whole ship a great feel....


    Unfortunately we just came back off the Oasis last week and had a rather different experience. I must have been one of a very small handful of people in Tux's and very few elegant dresses. I would have said it looked more smart casual than formal. There were a wide range so you certainly wouldn't look out of place. I was just disappointed it wasn't more glam. We just dressed to the nines and enjoyed it because that's what we went to do and had a great night.


    I'd say don't fit in. Do what you want. You won't feel out of place with either really.

  5. I believe you can charge up your Seapass card in the arcades as well. We give the kids cash to do what with they want and they charge up the cash into the card. Worked last two cruises fine. Guess you don't want to be standing in front of a machine feeding it that many bills though lol.

  6. We had the same options from the Hyatt and decided just to get the taxi.. There were 4 of us so worked out cheaper anyway...


    As we ordered the cab the lady pointed out the shuttle was in waiting and doing nothing and taxi would be awhile. Thought bugger to it and got on shuttle. We were only ones on and left immediately so very luckly..


    If shuttle is in and waiting jump in, otherwise taxi it

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