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Posts posted by 1of401

  1. I missed the Westerdam sailaway today because I was in the basement up to my neck in memories. Half the space down there is unfinished and so when parents passed it was prime storage space. Well that is about to change as it is being renovated starting Monday.


    I found photos from my parents on Dutch night on the Ryndam. Kept that memory. But I also found a newspaper article from November 1996 with cruise ship health ratings. I will upload the pictures in the first comment.



    Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk

  2. Nothing like Vict0riann of course as we had snow last week, but woke this morning to a bit of colour and a whole lot of gardening to do. [emoji221]




    DD and DS were good as gold yesterday during traveling. Very helpful.






    3 ships in port yesterday, Celebrity, Princess and us.




    I only saw you Kazu when you were on the gangway and we were still in the ship. Enjoy Vancouver.

  3. The Westerdam is a lovely ship and the crew are constantly cleaning her and doing regular upkeep. She is long and narrow so that presents some interesting layouts, IMHO. The ocean bar is split in two by the atrium, you have to walk through the shops on deck 3 to get to the Vista Lounge balcony and through the casino to get to the Vista Lounge on deck 2...but children are not allowed in the casino...this presents a bit of a logistical issue. The library and the coffee bar share the same space which is the starboard side of the crow's nest. If anyone wants a quiet library then they won't find it here. Don't mistake my comments as complaints -they are not. Just issues I identified over the last 18 days. We have very much enjoyed this cruise and would book the ship again.

  4. Well thanks HAL. We finally received an invitation to the Mariner's luncheon addressed to DH. Only thing is...he got off the ship yesterday and is flying home as I write this!


    Thanks but no thanks!


    Tried to take DS and DD to the movie "Into the Woods" at 12:30 today but the place was packed with people older than me. We tried to drag the Queens Lounge chairs over so they could see the screen but there was a couple cuddling and other stuff (yes you can use your imagination) in the semi circular sofa. She freaked and told me they couldn't sit there. I said everyone else had done it but she stated that they would Block their view. I was thinking that if they sat up instead of lying on the sofa they could easily see....eba3c2d444c69af17fd05c3907c85241.jpg

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