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Posts posted by Nicstar

  1. For peace of mind, and the most guaranteed option for safety of your belongings is yes, if you take valuables ashore, have someone sit with them. Having said that, I travelled solo, and took the chance and left my gear while I was in the watermelon. I just made sure my bag was nearby other people from the ship. I also only took what I needed - phone, gopro, and a small amount of cash, i.d. and sea pass.


    Some of the islands you will be able to either swim/snorkel in the morning and go back on board and get your camera, or vice versa.


    Sent from my SM-G920I using Forums mobile app

    Watermelon? Hahahahah Oh gosh autocorrect hijacks my life once again!


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  2. Packing now :)

    We're scared about our valuables on the islands. We're gonna have some expensive valuables, I recently got a new phone, my mate has an expensive camera that he wants to bring along to the ports and not to mention our other friends' phones and wallets. The main thing we're scared about it having to leave our backpacks unattended on the beaches and islands, say we're out in the water doing some snorkelling, our backpacks with our phones and cameras would be left unattended on the shore. What's your advice regarding this? Keep one person as a designated person who stays on the shore and rotates through the group?

    For peace of mind, and the most guaranteed option for safety of your belongings is yes, if you take valuables ashore, have someone sit with them. Having said that, I travelled solo, and took the chance and left my gear while I was in the watermelon. I just made sure my bag was nearby other people from the ship. I also only took what I needed - phone, gopro, and a small amount of cash, i.d. and sea pass.


    Some of the islands you will be able to either swim/snorkel in the morning and go back on board and get your camera, or vice versa.


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  3. Did one on Solstice Xmas/New Years cruise and I loved it. Can't remember what cost was as my dad booked it online before we went for both of us.


    My only disappointment was the lack of respect some of the other guests on the tour demonstrated given we were hanging out and gawking in people's workplace. "Stay to the right," We were instructed but nope people just did their own thing and got in people's way.


    But other than that I was fascinated by it!


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  4. I've got a mate in Bufallo NY, now he is a Yank, only other place he has been is Canada, across at Niagara Falls and back again.


    Now he thinks America is the greatest place on earth (and I'd think it was sad if he didn't). Thinks the tipping culture is a great way to get great service.


    He was complaining the other night that he had tipped 25% and was called a tightwad. Seems 27.5% is considered normal in his area now and he hadn't eaten out for a while.

    Oh gosh how on earth does one work out 27.5% on your bill after a few wines with dinner?? 20% is easy enough to work out quickly in your head but 27.5???




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  5. Only two cruises in my repertoire. One Carnival (first cruise) and one Celebrity. About same length of time and to pretty much same ports. Even with some of the annoying factors on first cruise it didn't put me off cruising. In fact made me want to do more.


    As others have stated both had good and bad points and I don't really prefer one over the other. In actual fact my next cruise will prob be Carnival because it will prob be solo travel again and I just cannot afford Celebrity with the single supplement on my wage. Having said that, if I happened upon a surprise windfall then I would book on Celebrity again- i loved their gym!!


    I do agree that each line attracts different clientele, and I did notice a calmer atmosphere on Celebrity, but I find it takes a lot to annoy me and make me avoid an annoying situation again. I am pretty good at tuning out to annoyances around me so prob have a bit of tolerance for stuff others don't want to deal with. The thing that would make me choose one cruise line over another would be the friendliness of the staff, and on Celebrity I encountered a couple of really rude people who just shouldn't have been in the jobs they were. And the friendliest MDR staff I would vote for Carnival.


    I don't think I want to try any other cruise line as i dont want to have to have more to compare and make choices over! 😂



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  6. I would only ever round up a cab fare if i didnt have correct change and it was an above excellent service. The only time we have ever left tips at restaurants has been when they have gone out of their way to manage a large group, adding chairs, suggesting off menu items they could do as starters that might be more appealing to the group, giving "on the house" extra chips or whatever. But only when it is clear we have been a bit of a hassle/nuisance to manage and the restaurant has been super gracious and welcoming of us.


    Oh we also tipped them once when 2 of our party arrived drunk and were loud and obnoxious. They could have easily kicked them out (and we were secretly hoping they would) but they very nice and accommodating and handled them well. We left a nice tip then.


    Otherwise never ever tip!


    Sent from my SM-G920I using Forums mobile app

  7. Thanks guys! Also, any advice regarding the weather this time of the year in the South Pacific Islands? We've worked hard and saved up for this cruise and would hate to have our experience on these exquisite islands ruined by bad weather. If it rains, does it usually rain the whole day on these islands? Really keen on snorkelling and getting out onto the beach on islands like Mystery Island and Isle of Pines :/

    I just did xmas/new year in South Pacific and it rained for our first three stops: Isle of Pines, Noumea and Mystery Island. I decided to not snorkel Noumea (was going to catch water taxi over to Duck island again) and Isle of Pines cos I really struggle with being in cool water and then warming up. I decided to go in at Mystery Island anyway and just get back on board quickly if i was struggling and hit up a beer and a hot shower!


    Many people still did their snorkelling trips on Noumea to Amedee etc and reported it was great even in overcast slightly rainy conditions. Isle of Pines everyone was still in the water - water was pretty calm and they saw heaps. Apparently lots of reef sharks. I was shivering walking along the beach so was no way i was going in the water. (note: it wasn't actually that cold I just feel it badly when there is a breeze etc, I like the heat. The recent 35+ degrees day in sydney have felt comfortable for me.)


    At Mystery Island it was windier and raining more and i was deliberating not getting off the ship. I was fairly disappointed as last time there the weather had been perfect. However I got chatting with a lady about it and decided give it a whirl. I ended up on the Island and paying for a hour and a bit boat trip to "Best Snorkel Spot". So glad i did it. Some of the best snorkeling I have ever done. The water was a little rough but they gave us vests to swim in (note: if you are a strong swimmer you won't need it. The local guy insisted upon looking at me i would need it, but the thing annoyed the heck out of me, and he said later, "ahh you a good swimmer. You didn't need it." But it made him as tour operator feel better that I wore it). If Mystery Island has wet and windy weather conditions like that I reccomend doing one of those tours. The snorkeling off the beach in those conditions is not good (in great weather snorkeling off the beach is good). The tour operators know which spots to go to and he jumped in the water to help show us some cool things, maximising our time. One of our party struggled with a cramp in the water and they were quick to help him and get him out of the water. Am so glad i did that in the end, And didn't let weather dictate.


    Was I cold after? Absolutely. But discovered the crew (Celebrity) had set up a bar on the island and after two vodkas (free pours too... eek!) I either warmed up or forgot I was cold.


    In two minds now if I should have just suffers the cold at Noumea and Isle of Pines as well. I don't know. I literally turn blue when others are feeling slightly cool but comfortable sitting in wet swimmers and towel.


    Don't let weather cancel your plans!


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  8. If that $300 is per person and you already have a drinks package and won't buy shore excursions or anything on board, I am sure it is more than enough.

    I worked out without alcohol and sodas I spent only $170. $100 was a gift for xmas for my parents for speciality dining. $30 was for a GoPro accessory. $30 was a gift for a friend. And $30 was a shore excursion. It would have been $200 but I won back my $30 I spent on duty free alcohol.


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  9. Had perfect weather last may/June. Sunshine every day. December just gone, it rained for 3 out of 5 stops. It changed my plans as i feel the cold in the water quite badly and need sunshine when I get out from snorkelling or I struggle to warm back up and need to be back on board for a warm shower and sooner than I would like. My main focus with South Pacific is snorkelling and the beach so was a little disappointed to miss some snorkelling. Just wasn't prepared to turn blue and be cold and shivering for rest of the day. Others said snorkelling was still good on those days.


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  10. I would not risk it. We got off Solstice yesterday at 830am. By the time we had negotiated getting bags and the taxi rank we did not get to my house until 10am. And I don't live as far away as the airport.


    Additionally, every experience I have had at Sydney airport has been different. Some days you will breeze through check in and immigration fairly quickly and painlessly. Sometimes complete opposite. One time we arrived at the airport 3 and a half hours before our flight departure time. Check in and immigration had queue after queue, and by the time we got through to the gate there was only half an hour until boarding. We had thought we might have time to get a pre flight meal but no.


    If you were flying domestic, it is a risk you could take if you can ensure you can get off the ship before 8am.


    Don't forget the OPT is in the heart of downtime sydney, and you will be jumping into a cab at peak hour time. Granted most traffic will be going the other direction but it just takes one person trying to turn across wall to wall traffic to hold you up.


    I think your best bet is a later flight or get that flight the next day.


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  11. That is costly for water. Yikes.


    I won't buy water on board. Forgetting reasons relating to cost/taste/convenience etc, my main concern is the amount of discarded plastic bottles left for the environment to cope with. It worries me. I think it is great that they are available for the odd occasion where you get caught when your reusable water bottle runs out and there is no water fountains to refill with and you need a drink, but as a regular buy a bottle a day thing... yikes.


    I figure the cruise industry is not best for environment and i do contribute to that, but i like cruising. So i do whatever else i can to minimise my impact.


    And it saves me $$ to spend at ports. 😀

  12. A very large zip lock bag or strong plastic bag plus small bottle of quality front loading clothes washing detergent for washing clothes when there is no bath. (front loading because there are less suds and it is easier to rinse)




    Clean out an ice bucket (i usually carry washing up liquid to clean out my reusable drink bottle each day) and use it to handwash clothes....



  13. Woah, people get really worked up over decorated and non decorated doors.. i was so engrossed in this thread, "ooh what will happen next" i missed getting off at my stop on the train.


    I actually puy a picture of a duck on the message holder thing outside my cabin door.. just easier to see where my cabin was and to stay engaged in conversation as we walked through the hallway, not needing to break conversation to check numbers and count doors. Every few days i also put a funny meme up- more for my cabin mate so when she came back from somewhere there it was greeting her before she walked in and give her a laugh. It apparently amused others walking by too. None were rude or offensive so if others didn't like it, whatever.....

  14. We've been on Radiance recently and found 2 empty chairs in a corner next to the pool bar.

    We left the towels on the chairs and went swimming in the pool. When we returned, we found that our chairs have been moved into the shadow by 2 other passengers, that squeezed their chairs in the corner.

    As a solo pool goer this is what i fear about pool time. At least when I travel with someone, we take it in turns to go in the pool so the other can let others know "yes the second chair is in use, see there she is in the pool". On my own i don't dare dip my toe in the pool for fear of my chair being swiped up by others assuming i am a chair hog.


    The unthinking rude type ruin it for everyone. If it weren't for them people wouldn't assume straight up that a chair with a towel, sunnies and a book on it is being saved indefinitely, and us solo pool goers wouldn't be worrying they can't even make use of the pool!

  15. Rubber ducks :confused:, I must admit I have never thought to bring a rubber duck on a cruise.

    Ha! Me and a couple friends have a thing for ducks.. and so we take pics of ducks at various places we go. I have one particular duck that i take running and send photos to my coach. And now i am known amongst everyone for getting pics with ducks wherever i go... in fact i can guarantee you if i take a pic without the duck and one with, on fb the one with attracts more likes and comments than the one without!


    Hence, a duck or two is my thing i always bring from home...





  16. What is and just in case..


    I feel like i just arrived home! 😂


    I have never really travelled with anything but bandaids and headache tablets and super strong sinus relief. But that changed for first cruise. But I only take items for things i know that i have the possibility of experiencing.


    I cruise south pacific and reacting badly to mozzies i pack all the necessaries in case i get bitten. My friend who gets slight itch from a mozzie bite and thats it, didn't even pack insect repellant. She however packed meds for indigestion in case it occurred. I have never had it in my life so it didn't make it to the 'what if' bag.


    I think the best is to know the things that do affect you and only pack the what ifs for thosr situations. Like me always taking a cardi whenever we go out to dinner in summer when nobody else knows. I know i feel the cold and never know what air-conditioning will be like so pack that insurance, while my friends don't. Last cruise actually, I didn't pack enough cardis or ones warm enough for MDR so i will ammend that this time just in case on this ship the MDR is just as cool.


    Since i started running my what ifs has grown though. .. anti-inflammatories, heat pack, ice packs, massage balls, strapping tape... i know i am injury prone so take what i might need to ensure my holiday is comfortable for me and my travel companions should a running injury sneak up on me while away.


    - and oh to be one of those people who can get away with generic soaps/bodywashes/shampoo/conditioner/moisturisers in hotels and on ships. So much space to be saved for an extra pair of running shoes (just in case ....)

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