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Posts posted by amykneptune

  1. Hello,

    we have a large group traveling on our cruise. 12 of my family members signed up to do the dolphin swim on Blue Lagoon Island. I want to go watch as an observer and because I have a baby that can't participate. I have heard blue lagoon offers and observer pass for 30 dollars so I can go watch but I booked the tour through Royal Caribbean. I have called Royal Caribbean several times and have gotten so many different answers: (the observer tickets are sold out, wait until you get on the ship and arrange it with the activities desk, or one man just said I don't know what your talking about) Anyway does anyone have an prior experience they could help me figure out what to do. As a back up I booked the stingray tour so at the very least i can go on the island so i can watch my family. But I don't really want to pay the stingray cost if Im not going to do it. Thanks everyone!

  2. Hi there, I'm planning on taking my DD to the Dolphin Swim at Blue Lagoon but was wondering if they allowed visitors on the island who are not participating in the dolphin encounter? I have a few relatives who would like to come watch and it looks like the cheapest way to get on the island is pay around $30USD for an excursion.


    Also, I'm looking to buy pay for the dolphin swim once we get to Nassau. Not knowing the weather and how my DD will be feeling that day I don't want to book the excursion beforehand. Is there any risk in not being able to book on the day of the excursion?



    Hi! Have you been able to figure out the observer pass? Im trying to find out the same thing. We booked the dolphin package through RC but they don't offer an observer pass so I can go watch my kids and husband.

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