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Posts posted by Harden8806

  1. 45 minutes ago, GA Dave said:

    Not to sound harsh, but NCL is protecting the interests of their most important customers, the people who love to cruise.  Unfortunately for your friends, they are not in a group that NCL would care about, since they would most likely (based on your description) never cruise again.  It is similar to people that fly in the cheapest seats once or twice a year getting upset when the airlines board their Diamond/Platinum/Gold members first.  Those frequent flyers keep the airlines in business and making a nice profit.  The airlines are not going to concern themselves with customers that spend a few hundred dollars a year.

    Hey, I fly in some of the cheapest seats, but I do that so I can afford to fly up north to see my son, daughter in love, and my precious grandson.  With that being said,I don't ever complain about others being boarded ahead of me.  As long as the jet doesn't leave me behind, I'm good to go.  As far as NCL's offer, I'm happy with it.  My son is disappointed, b/c Cuba was his birthday/christmas present but he also knows things happen outta our control and we roll with the punches.  We still get to cruise, it will be his first cruise, at a discounted rate.  I'm ok with that.  June 17th can't get here quick enough!!


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  2. My son and I are on the Sky 5/17 sailing to Cuba-not Cuba.  I booked it as part of his Christmas/birthday present, b/c that is where he wanted to go.  Are we happy? No, but things happen and life goes on.  We still get to go on a cruise, from what I've read, we get a 50% refund, and 50% off of a future cruise.  I'm happy with that because I get to spend time with my 24 year old.  Yes, he's a little bummed about not going to Cuba, but it's his first cruise and he will be ok.  For those of us who could be complaining or who are complaining, think about what you're whining about?  We get to go on a cruise.  The Cuban people struggle everyday.  Others, struggle everyday to make ends meet, some parents can't travel b/c their babies are too sick to leave or they have medical cost to pay for their babies, and we want to complain about where we will or won't get to visit!  I totally get it, but I also get that sometimes, we need to rethink our priorities.  


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  3. I'm not a last minute type person, so making my list & checking it twice (well, truth be known, several times over). Can someone please tell me exactly how many carry on bags are allowed per passenger? I know the FAQ says 2, but I was just curious if they are sticklers to that rule? Also, any pointers that you would like to share that would greatly appreciated as well.

    Angie 😊
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