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Posts posted by chop0919

  1. Hey guys, it looks like it's been quiet on here since the holidays. I did veer off my path a little bit, but to my surprise only gained 4 pounds (2 of which I had been fighting with for a while)! I re-started Atkins full throttle 2 weeks ago Monday, so I've been in the Induction stage and as of this morning's weigh-in am down 5 pounds. Slow to start this time, but I'm determined to loose before Aug.

    How is everyone else doing?

  2. Hi all,

    I'm in too! I have my very first cruise in 305 days as my MBA graduation present to myself and would like to lose some lbs before-hand. Have been horseback riding once a week, which is an amazing workout, but need to do more. Also am half doing Atkins. Lost about 25 lbs last year while on it, but gained about 5-10 back (am doing the gain/lose thing).

    I'll try to come in every Thursday after class for the weigh-in.

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