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Posts posted by bigb99

  1. This is a cut/paste from the Royal website re activity restrictions.


    Q: Are there weight/height/age restrictions? Is RipCord by iFLY complimentary?


    ...Those less than 6 feet tall must weigh less than 230 lbs, and those over 6 feet must weigh less than 250 lbs....


    Sorry to hijack this thread, but I had a question regarding the weight requirement. Do they actively weigh? I ask because I'm an amateur weight lifter. I'm 6'3" and weigh slightly north of 115 kgs, which is roughly 255 pounds. Would they still not let me use iFly over just a few pounds extra?

  2. Nice! Good to know that they give refunds after you've fully paid before final payment was due. Out of curiosity, why would you pay so far in advance (assuming here that we are talking about your March cruise in your signature).


    My March cruise is going to be the first cruise I've ever paid for myself, and with all my travel I always pay well in advance. I just carried that ideology forward to my cruise booking. I had no idea what the benefits of just making a deposit were vs. paying in full (I still fully don't, TBH :D).

  3. When I proposed to my (then) girlfriend, I did it at 11.59pm on New Years eve. I spent weeks practicing my timing perfectly so that I finished my spiel at the 10 second countdown. That way, I brought in the New Year with my fiancée. She loved it, and I wouldn't have done it any other way.


    Now granted, I didn't do this on a cruise but I'm sure you'd be able to have a talk with the cruise's Event Manager to discuss how to make it work.

  4. OP don't listen to the naysayers. I asked a very similar question a couple weeks ago about smoking on the balconies and I could almost hear the angry mob standing outside my house with a crucifix. But what little information I could gather from the useful posts while disregarding the keyboard warriors is that RCCL is very strict about the no smoking policy. If you're caught you will have to pay the USD250 fine. From reports it looks like you get 2 warnings, and the 3rd strike you're out. I feel it's best to play it safe and make the trek to the designated smoking areas.


    I too, however, want to know if anyone has done this and gotten away with it.

  5. Hi all.


    So I noticed that C&A members gold and higher get "reduced rate upgrades (when available)". My upcoming cruise being just my second with RCCL, I'm but a lowly gold. Does anyone have any indication on roughly how far out these reduced rate upgrades become available, if any? Will I get an email or will I have to keep checking the rate?



  6. Thanks everyone for your replies!


    One downside to paying in full is the inability to transfer the booking to a travel agent. You would normally have 60 days after booking to transfer, but if you pay in full, you can no longer transfer.


    For future reference, what benefits would I have in transferring the booking to a travel agent? Also I live in a country where the travel agents don't have any affiliations with cruise liners. Provided the benefits are significant, any idea if I would be able to transfer the booking to an international travel agency?

  7. Hi all.


    I'm taking my second cruise on RCCL in March but it's going to be the first one I pay for myself. In all my travels I believe in making payment in full so I don't have to worry about it later, and that's what I did when I booked my cruise. Then after some research I found out that if you just make a deposit and the price drops, you can pay the new price. Will I be able to have any money refunded if the price drops or is that it?


    Also what are the benefits of making a full payment vs. just a deposit and vice versa?



  8. There is also a great covered outside smoking area near 270 and opposite Vintages.


    You could get a coffee from the 270 cafe and take it to the smoking area.


    The casino is also part smoking when open.


    One side of the deck near the Windjammer is also a designated smokers area but it can get very cold and windy early morning and at night.


    Enjoy your cruise.




    Thanks a bunch!

  9. I love it that RCCL is "barbaric"!


    Original poster feels that smoking on his balcony does not hurt anyone. Well it does. I have been prevented from enjoying my balcony because of smokers next to me. The smoke does blow directly back into other's balcony. Thank you for going to the designated area to smoke.


    If you read my post (and subsequent replies), you'll notice that I specified that I appreciate the fact that some people don't like the smell of smoke and that I would ensure there is no one on the surrounding balconies before I proceed to light one up. However it's a moot point seeing how strict RCCL is with smoking.


    To everyone who has replied and are about to reply to this thread... I CONCEDE DEFEAT. I SHALL WALK THE WALK OF SHAME TO THE DESIGNATED SMOKING AREAS TO PARTAKE IN A SINFUL ACT WITH OTHER SINNERS LIKE ME. Thanks :rolleyes:

  10. This is how they will enforce it. First time caught (and you'd better believe your neighbors will turn you in in a heartbeat), $250 fine. Same thing the next time. After that, I hope you have a passport and funds to get yourself home from the next port. It's not only about safety- others hate being around smoke.


    If you are midship, just walk up one flight of stairs to deck 14.


    Thanks guys. That's gonna be one pretty expensive cigarette. I'm not gonna chance it.

  11. Bottom line they are pretty strict about it!


    I was a smoker for more years then I care to remember. You can think that because you are in the middle of the ocean the smell wont linger but trust me it does... So while I appreciate the fact that you are a responsible smoker, I hope you can appreciate non smokers don't want to inhale your smoke.


    I wouldn't want to find out the hard way just how strict they are!


    Fair enough. Guess I'm making that hike to the smoking zone. On the subject, does anyone know where the closest smoking area is to me? I'm going to be on deck 13 mid-ship on the starboard side.


    Thanks for your replies guys.

  12. I like how you completely support the decision not to allow smoking on the balconies, and then immediately ask if it is strictly enforced so you can smoke on your balcony.


    So do you really support the rule? Hahahha


    I do support the rule because I value my safety over my wanting to smoke. A vast majority of smokers don't take the time to properly dispose of their cigarettes which can cause a huge fire hazard. However I do properly dispose of mine, and can attest that my smoking on the balcony causes 0 risk to the people on the ship (apart from the smell, because of which I will make sure there is no one in the neighbouring balcony(s)).

  13. I hope they throw you off the ship at the next port!

    If you do not like the rules go elsewhere.

    Hopefully Australia's tough smoking regulations come fleet wide soon.


    Are you from across the pond? The way you spell neighbors is a giveaway. Have you been living in a bubble. What part of "no smoking" on the balcony don't you get???.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


    I'm guessing the majority demographic on this forum is strictly non-smoking. Got it.

  14. Hi all.


    I'm taking my first cruise on RCCL since 2008 and I was shocked to learn that they now no longer allow smoking on the balconies, although from a safety point of view I completely support them as people recklessly throw lit cigarettes overboard and they can fall back in someone else's balcony.


    However there are a few responsible smokers like me who make sure the cigarettes are completely stubbed out and are properly disposed of (I collect the butts in a plastic bag and dispose of the bag in the trash at the end of the day).


    My question is how strictly enforced is the "no smoking on balconies" policy? I find the idea of having to leave my stateroom and walk for 10 minutes to a designated smoking area just for a cigarette quite barbaric when smoking on my balcony is not hurting anybody. I'd obviously not smoke out there when any of my neighbours are enjoying the fresh air on their balconies.


    Thanks all

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